Chapter 119: Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon!!

While Asuka Ten Generations and several people were discussing Yuran’s current situation, Sho, who had just returned from going to the bathroom, hurriedly rushed into the classroom.

“Big brother, you have become very famous now.”

In response to Xiang’s words, Shidai immediately expressed his incomprehension: “Xiang, what are you talking about?” ”

“Really, big brother, Ed came over and said that he heard that there is a person in the Duel Academy who also uses the hero deck. So he came to you and wanted to duel with you. ”

When Sho said Ed’s name, Junko and Momoe immediately cheered up?

“Xiang, you said Ed came over.”

“Yes, now Ed is surrounded by a lot of people asking for autographs. Ed should have specifically asked the big brother to duel you, big brother, do you want to agree? ”

“If it’s such a powerful duelist, of course it’s going to be an interesting duel.”

Ten generations immediately perked up.

I was also envious that You Ran could have the opportunity to duel with such a powerful duelist as Ed after graduation.

Now it is his turn to have the opportunity, and of course the ten generations do not want to miss it.

Although You Ran’s matter makes people feel quite sad, but the tenth generation still believes in his own opinion, You Ran will definitely not appear again because of such a thing.

After Todairo left with Sho, Junko and Momoe also left.

Jiren said to Asuka: “Asuka, don’t think about Youran’s matter, I believe that Youran will have no problem, so don’t worry, let’s go and see it first, if Ed really wants to duel with the tenth generation, it will be a duel that cannot be missed.” ”


Asuka felt that there was no point in continuing to stay in the classroom, and Asuka believed that Yuran could not be overcome, and You Ran said that as long as she went to Shindo Shino City, Yuran would appear wherever she was.

Now that You Ran doesn’t contact her, there must be a last resort, and there is no way to reply to the message.

At this moment, if I want to say that I believe that You Ran will have no problems, of course, it belongs to the seahorse.

For the Haima Group to withdraw rescue personnel now, Keipei said he did not understand.

“Brother, why do we give up now, You Ran is the spokesperson we signed after spending a lot of money.” If we give up now, won’t we Haima Group have to find another spokesperson? ”

For Guiping’s words, Haima replied very calmly: “Don’t worry, after more than two days of searching by rescue personnel, I am sure that there is no problem with Youran now”

“Brother, what do you mean by this?”

“It’s very simple, I didn’t believe that You Ran would have an accident because of such a thing. The fact that the searchers did not find You Ran in the past two days confirmed my guess that a duelist like him would not die because of such a small matter. ”

“Brother, why are you so sure?”

“Quite simply, true duelists can live their own lives and forge out the future. Keipei, don’t you forget that when we were dueling with Ameroda, the plane was about to crash, didn’t we finally turn the corner? You Ran is the same, how could a duelist who can defeat me die so easily. ”

Seahorse said this, and Guiping understood: “Brother, you are right, then we will continue with You Ran’s endorsement.” ”

“Of course.”

The seahorse rightfully spoke.

In this life, the only thing that defeated him was the game and You Ran, and the seahorse did not allow You Ran to die like this before he was defeated.

Although it is true that no one has been found in You Ran now, and I don’t know where You Ran is now, Seahorse believes that You Ran must be safe and will wait for him to return

“By the way, Keipei, how is Moment’s research?”

“It has gone very smoothly, and it is expected that before the Duel King match, it will be able to be studied according to our agreement with Bekas, and then all the D wheels can use moment energy to operate.”

“Brother, I’ll continue to go to the experimental department.”

“Go, if you encounter any problems, remember to tell me in time.”

“Okay, brother.”

With that, Keipei left.

After Keipei left, Seahorse stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the viaduct in the distance, and said to himself: “Although I don’t know why you don’t appear again now, but you must appear before you think the king competition begins, if the astral tripolar god is worth letting me participate, then this duel king competition will lose a lot of fun without you.” ”

For Seahorse, once he participates in this duel, then he must be on a par with Youran.

Defeat You Ran to get the Astral Tripolar God and become a new generation of Duel Kings, and he can challenge the game.

Therefore, if he participates in this duel and You Ran cannot return, he will lack the most important object of trial, then it is meaningless for this duel king to take it.

You Ran is quite happy here, because you can get a blank card with only 1 point, and in one afternoon, You Ran printed three cards, although there are not many of them, but they are all particularly useful monsters.

Another month passed quickly in the elven world, and a lot of changes took place outside this month.

After the defeat of the duel between the ten generations and Ed, they lost sight of the cards and left the academy.

The departure of the tenth generation is quite worrying, but Sho, the people of Asuka they don’t know where the tenth generation went, there is no way to find the tenth generation, so they can only hope that the tenth generation will not give up on himself, and don’t be so lost because of such a duel.

At this time, there is already a galloping duel training course in the academy, and there is also a D-round driver’s license practice, so as long as you finish the galloping duel course in the academy, you can get a D-round driver’s license.

For many students, this is a great new perk.

It has been two months in the elven world, and You Ran has become accustomed to finding out the mouth slowly, and it is useless to be anxious.

You Ran was lying on the grass, and a group of little monsters next to him had known You Ran for more than a month, playing in the surrounding grass.

“I really envy them for their carefree nature.”

Just when You Ran sighed, a mournful sound suddenly flashed in the sky, and when You Ran looked up, he saw a huge figure.

“This is… Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon. ”

You Ran immediately sat up from the grass.

“Luck came, I actually saw the milky eye photon dragon at this time, hey, photon dragon.”

You Ran shouted at the Milky Way-Eyed Photon Dragon in the sky.

However, the position of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon was relatively high, and without hearing Youran’s voice at all, the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon flew out directly through the air, flying over the mountain where You Ran was in a second and crossing another mountain.

In less than ten seconds, You Ran couldn’t see the Milky Way Eye Photon Dragon.

“Too fast, isn’t it?”

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