Chapter 121: Three Forces!!

You Ran knew that now was not the time to sigh, because You Ran remembered very well that when Muto Games met the black magic guide girl, the black magic guide girl said that the elf world is actually a world imagined by humans, a world supported by the source of fantasy.

The two worlds support each other, and if the elven world encounters danger, the real world will definitely encounter danger.

The most important thing is that if it is because You Ran lost the Stardust Dragon caused by the crisis, You Ran needs to help. And if this matter is not solved, it is impossible for You Ran to return to the real world.

“Brother Tyrannosaurus, maybe I can help.”

“Forget it, human teenager, it is already very difficult for you to come to this world, you better find a way to find a way back to the real world by yourself.” If the world is unfortunately destroyed and you can’t go back, you will suffer.”

“It’s okay, Tyrannosaurus brother, now I can’t find a way back, and in the real world, the Stardust Dragon is my partner, this time the Stardust Dragon suddenly disappeared, part of it is my responsibility, because I let him be snatched by the enemy”

“Although I have lost the Stardust Dragon now, I have other partners who can help, so if I can, you let me go to the photon dragon and let him take me to the battle scene.”

“You are a user of Stardust Dragon Lord?”

“That’s right.”

You Ran took out the card with the Stardust Dragon pattern that had disappeared from his pocket.

“It’s a pity that during the duel, one accidentally let the Stardust Dragon be snatched by the enemy, so now this card has lost its power.”

Seeing You Ran’s card, the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus knew that You Ran did not talk nonsense.

“Maybe you came to this world to help us, but now Brother Photon Dragon is being treated because of his injury, and now I can’t take you to see him”

“After his injuries heal, he should go to the battlefield again, and then let’s see if Brother Photon Dragon takes you, and now you can rest in my territory first.”


You Ran agreed.

As long as you find the Milky Way Eye Photon Dragon, You Ran has hope of going back.

You Ran doesn’t want to rush, just stay here.

After learning that You Ran was a user of the Stardust Dragon, the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus was very enthusiastic, You Ran was not like before in the territory of the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus, no need to sleep in the wind, the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus was relatively strong, and easily helped You Ran dig a house in a tree more than ten meters thick.

“Finally no need to get rained.”

You Ran thinks the tree house is also quite interesting.

You Ran leisurely lived in the territory of the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus for ten days, and You Ran found that in these ten days, the weather became worse and worse, and the rain became heavier and heavier.

Finally the rain stopped, and while eating, You Ran asked the Galaxy Tyrannosaurus: “By the way, Tyrannosaurus Brother, I remember that the weather was very good when I first came to this world, and now the weather changes so badly, is it because of the invasion of the king of the underworld?” ”

“Yes, originally our world will not be like your real world, there are cloudy days, there are rainy days, basically sunny, but now because of the invasion of the king of the underworld, this world has been eroded.”

“Hopefully it won’t affect the real world.”

When You Ran hoped that it would not affect the real world, it had already been affected.

In the real world, there have been several cases where a large number of people have disappeared due to duels.

If You Ran knew this news, he would definitely understand that this was done by the earth gods.

What the galactic tyrannosaurus didn’t know was that when someone in the real world used the earth binding god and absorbed the power of people, the power of the king of the underworld would be strengthened, which was an important reason why the king of the underworld had become more and more interfering with the power of the elven world over the past month.

At this moment, the real world has become extremely lively.

The Shattered Light and Paradox from the future united, originally thought that the power of the two of them plus now involved You Ran Design in other worlds, the plan was perfect, but unfortunately at this time there was a new third party in the world, the user of the Earth Binding God.

The appearance of the Earth Binding God user made both Paradox and the Shattered Light very confused, because the plan of the Earth Binding God user was different from the purpose of the two of them.

Shattered Light and Paradox one is to change the future of the tragedy of the harmonious world, the other is to destroy the world and reborn, both of them can change the future…

And the earth god user is to use the power of the earth god to increase the power of the king of the underworld, and then open the king of the underworld and let the king of the underworld dominate this world, which is contrary to the plan of the two of them, so this is absolutely not allowed.

Even if the King of Sai, possessed by the Light of Shatter, has the power to see through fate, and suddenly there is a user of the Earth Binding God who can match the Light of Shattered, and then you need to consider the changes that the appearance of the Astral Tripolar God user will bring, and the Light of Destruction is busy with King Sai and Paradox.

I knew earlier that I would not deal with You Ran’s kid first, and let that kid compete with these people with strange powers.

King Sai felt that he had miscalculated, because the power of Charity alone was simply not enough to compete with the users of these earth gods, so if You Ran was still there, it would be a very advantageous pawn for him.

And one of the things that makes Sai Wang very uncomfortable is that Ed, who was originally obedient to him, changed his attitude towards him after being defeated by the new elemental heroes of the tenth generation.

Originally, King Sai wanted to go to the Duel Academy himself to develop the plan of the Society of Light, but now the appearance of the Earth Binding God made King Sai unable to carry out this matter at all.

This is similar to what You Ran expected, the next stage is in Xintong Shino City When You Ran came to the elven world for four months, You Ran finally saw the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon, and the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon finally recovered.

The elven world is getting worse and worse now, so the galaxy-eyed photon dragon learned that You Ran was willing to help, so he took You Ran to the place where he fought the king of the underworld.

When You Ran arrived in the Milky Way Eye Photon Dragon, You Ran saw a huge red dragon with the Red Lotus Demon Dragon and the Black Rose Dragon. The five dragons of the Black Feather Dragon, the Life Torrent Dragon, and the Ancient Fairy Dragon are facing the huge king of the underworld.

Some of the monsters next to it are facing the subordinates of the King of the Underworld.

As the power transmitted by the king of the underworld obtained from the god of earth binding became stronger and stronger, the king of the underworld could divide more of his subordinates, so other monsters had more difficulty dealing with these subordinates of the king of the underworld, and the red dragon began to gradually retreat with these elves, and the elven world was slowly occupied by the king of the underworld.

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