Chapter 122: Red Dragon Card Printing Machine, Excessive Summoning!!

After the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon came over, he directly joined the battle.

A piece of Shining Dragon Stardust appeared in You Ran’s hand.

Although the Stardust Dragon is gone, You Ran feels that the Shining Dragon Stardust should be a monster with the same power as the Stardust Dragon, so if it can be summoned, it should be able to help the Red Dragon again.

“Red Dragon, lend me your power!”

You Ran shouted at the red dragon.

The red dragon found that there were humans coming, and he could feel that You Ran had the Red Lotus Demon Dragon in his deck, and there was a power similar to the Stardust Dragon, so he knew that You Ran could help them.

“Human boy, please.”

The red dragon nodded at You Ran.

In the next second, a complete red dragon pattern appeared behind You Ran.

You Ran immediately felt the power of the red dragon, and a dueling disk was transformed in his hand.

“Come out, Shining Dragon Stardust.”

The shining dragon stardust that bloomed with silver-white light flew out directly to help the red dragon to fight.

The Shining Dragon Stardust and the Stardust Dragon have the same power, so the Shining Dragon Stardust is a very good substitute for the position of the Stardust Dragon, so when joining the battle, the King of the Underworld is once again under pressure.

This pressure is not a pressure on strength, because now the king of the underworld has increased his strength, so there is still an advantage in strength, but with the addition of the Shining Dragon Stardust, the vacancy of the Stardust Dragon has been replaced, and the defense on the side of the red dragon is more perfect.

If the king of the underworld wants to break through quickly and cause stronger interference to the elven world, it becomes very troublesome.

“Human, you damn it.”

The King of the Underworld roared angrily, and the power on his body divided into more mobs, attacking You Ran, and an energy wave hit him.

“Divine Shield Mirror Power.”

In the next second, a protective shield appeared in front of You Ran, directly knocking this energy back, and then destroying all the mobs.

“How do I feel similar to the scene when the seahorse faced the dark god Zork?”

However, in this way, You Ran can be regarded as having the ability to protect himself, and it is impossible for these little monsters of the King of the Underworld to attack You Ran.

You Ran came to help, so this is definitely not enough.

You Ran summoned the Dark Resonator and the Mirror Resonator.

You Ran shouted at the Red Lotus Demon Dragon in the sky: “Red Lotus Demon Dragon, lend me your power.” ”

The Red Lotus Demon Dragon, as a monster used by You Ran, nodded at You Ran.

“King Demon, meet here now, surging violent souls, and let out the cry of creating heaven and earth! Summon in unison, appear, True Red Lotus Nova Dragon. ”

When the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon came out, the overwhelming power was displayed.

With the help of the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, he began to fight back, causing the King of the Underworld to begin to retreat.

“This human being is really extraordinary.”

The elves next to them were very happy, and the appearance of You Ran made them feel that there was hope for the crisis to be resolved this time.

“Abominable human, I won’t let you go.”

The king of the underworld was very angry, feeling like he was about to explode.

You Ran suddenly summoned such a powerful monster, making his plan to control the entire elven world more difficult.

The King of the Underworld felt the need to destroy You Ran as a human first, otherwise, You Ran could create too many powerful monsters.

This elven world supports a world by human imagination, so humans are the worst enemies.

The king of the underworld released more power, turned into a small monster, and attacked towards Youran.

Of course, the monsters of the other elven worlds knew that You Ran had come to help them, so how could they let the king of the underworld succeed so smoothly and came over to protect You Ran one after another.

“Don’t you want to hurt him.”

The Milky Way Eye Photon Dragon bore the brunt of protecting Youran.

“The power of the King of the Underworld actually hides so much.”

The red dragon looked very surprised, because the power released at this time seemed to hide a lot more than when the previous battle was fought.

You Ran activated the trap card to protect, but this is not a solution.

Facing the crazy onslaught of the monsters of the King of the Underworld, these elven monsters began to be unable to resist.

At this time, the voice of the red dragon sounded again: “Human teenager, the elven world is supported by your human imagination, use your imagination, you can definitely create stronger monsters.” ”

“Use your imagination?”

“That’s right, you can come to this world, prove that you have an inseparable relationship with the elves, concentrate your mind, you will definitely be able to communicate with the monster elves and create stronger monsters.”

“Isn’t this just printing cards?”

You Ran immediately understood the meaning of the red dragon and forcibly printed the card by his mind, and with the power of the red dragon at this moment, You Ran felt that maybe he could really do it.

You Ran closed his eyes and felt the cards in the deck with the power of the red dragon.

You Ran’s attention is all on the deck, and the outside things are ignored.

Knowing that You Ran might create new miracles, the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon struggled to protect You Ran, and other monsters desperately blocked in front of You Ran, not letting these doppelgangers of the king of the underworld hinder You Ran.

You Ran didn’t know how long time had passed, and gradually, You Ran seemed to hear a heartbeat in the deck, and the deck seemed to have vitality.

The card at the top of the deck gradually lights up.

When the light of this card became brighter and brighter and became extremely dazzling, You Ran’s eyes opened.

You Ran said to the milky eye, the photon dragon in front of him: “Photon dragon, lend me your power.” ”


The Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon immediately agreed.

“Shining Dragon, lend me your power too.”

Hearing You Ran’s shout, Shining Dragon Stardust returned to You Ran’s face.

“It’s coming, I will stack the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon and the Shining Dragon Stardust, and build a stacking network with two monsters.”

The King of the Underworld, who has always divided his energy to pay attention to You Ran, was slightly stunned when he heard You Ran say this: “Stacking? Isn’t it homological? ”

In the next second, the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon and the Shining Dragon Stardust turned into a ray of light converged, and then a vortex of rotating nebulae appeared, and golden light bloomed in the vortex.

“O galaxy shining in the darkness, host vengeful ghosts, become my servants. Excess Summon, Descend Level 8, Galaxy Eye Bolon. ”

“How is it possible, oversummoning, what kind of power is this?”

The King of the Underworld was completely stunned, and the excessive summoning was completely beyond his comprehension.

“I don’t know what kind of power it is, but it feels very powerful.”

“Human boy, well done.”

A lot of elves were delighted.

The power beyond their comprehension should be strong, right?

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