Chapter 123: The Power of the Seal!!

But this is not the end, the card that You Ran drew from the deck has not yet been activated.

“King of the Underworld, just now you launched an attack on me, and then it’s your turn to pay the price.”

Just now being attacked like this, You Ran was still holding his breath, printed a card, and couldn’t take revenge!

“I launch a quick attack magic card to upgrade the magic light wave sublimation. Stack light with the galactic vision of class eight. ”

“O galaxy shining in the dark, emits eternal and unchanging light, and becomes the goal of illuminating the future! Level Up Super Summon, come out, Level 9, Super Galaxy Eye Bolon. ”

“Summoned new monsters?”

The King of the Underworld was shocked in his heart.

“It’s coming, Lord of the Underworld, let you see the power of the Super Galaxy Eye Wave Dragon.”

“Activate the effect of Super Galaxy Eye Wave Dragon, remove all three excess materials, invalidate your little monster’s abilities as much as possible, and gain control.”

“Light wave super projection.”

In the next second, a colorful light was released on the body of the Super Galaxy Eye Bolong.

The colorful light completely enveloped all the monsters released by the King of the Underworld, including the King of the Underworld himself.

Of course, the king of the underworld can easily resist this force, but his little monsters cannot, so all these little monsters are controlled by the Super Galaxy Eye Wave Dragon at this moment, and turn to attack the king of the underworld.

“Impossible, how can there be such a thing.”

The kings of the underworld didn’t know how to attack.

He never imagined that You Ran could actually let all his little monsters attack him in turn.

Without these little monsters, how could he face so many elves alone?

And at this time, the monsters of the elven world are boiling.

“It’s so powerful, it’s really worthy of being a duelist who can come to our world, and he actually has such a strong power.”

“Controlling all the monsters on the other side, this power is too terrible, but this is too good for us, this time the crisis can be resolved.”

All the elf monsters were very excited.

You Ran also did not expect to print the Super Galaxy Eye Wave Dragon, and originally thought it was the Super Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.

But I have to say that in this case, Super Galaxy Eye Bolon is better than Super Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.

“Is this the power of Inca? No wonder the protagonist will never lose, the Inka magic skill is too strong. ”

You Ran sighed in his heart.

Printing a card can completely turn the tide of battle, and the protagonist has such a magical skill, it is impossible to lose.

The red dragon is also very happy at this moment, You Ran definitely exerted the power of fantasy to the extreme, in order to be able to create a new monster that even it has not imagined.

All his subordinates were anti-water at this moment, the blow was too big for the king of the underworld, the king of the underworld immediately retreated, and a wave of energy from the red dragon directly penetrated the body of the king of the underworld, causing the power of the king of the underworld to collapse a lot.

“Damn humans I won’t forgive you.”

The king of the underworld blamed all his grievances on You Ran’s body, and then turned around and fled back to his own world, and the door of the underworld was closed, and this time the idea of wanting to dominate the elven world could only disappear more.

After the king of the underworld left, these subordinates of his were all purified by the power of the red dragon, and this time the crisis in the elven world was lifted with the help of You Ran.

Super Galaxy Eye Wave Dragon’s mission was completed, and it was transformed back into the Shining Dragon Stardust and the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.

All the elf monsters gathered around You Ran, very grateful to You Ran.

Even the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon was very happy, but he didn’t expect that the You Ran he brought would have such a strong effect.

The red dragon thanked You Ran: “Human boy, thank you, without you, the crisis in the elven world will not be lifted this time.” ”

“Helping you is also helping myself, once they interfere with the elven world a lot, they will also have a great impact on the real world, so I should do it.”

“But Red Dragon, can you send me back to the real world?”

The red dragon can even travel through time, but it is certainly not a problem to take you back to the real world.

“After this engagement, my strength has lost a lot, let the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon take you back, he should be happy to be your new partner.”


The Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon promised very happily.

You Ran is very compatible with him, otherwise he would not have summoned such a strong monster just now.

“But human boy, there’s something else to trouble you. The King of the Underworld has seven of his henchmen in your real world who have not yet been disarmed, and it can constantly regain strength through those seven minions, and you need to defeat them. ”

“You Ran knows that the red dragon is talking about the god of earth binding.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of it.”

This is part of my strength, and I hope it can help you.

In the next second, four cards appeared in You Ran’s hand, the Black Rose Dragon, the Ancient Fairy Dragon, the Life Torrent Dragon, and the Black Feather Dragon.

These four cards You Ran originally did not have, this time the red dragon directly helped You Ran print them.

“You already have the power of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon and the Stardust Dragon, and the Stardust Dragon may have temporarily lost him, but I believe you can get it back. The power of these four cards is lent to you. ”

You Ran felt that as long as there was a galaxy-eyed photon dragon, the Earth Binding God was actually not afraid, but since the red dragon helped him print these four cards, You Ran was of course happy to accept it.

You Ran suddenly reacted, he seemed to have become the first generation of dragon moles, responsible for dueling with the Earth Binding God.

You Ran felt that if he was the first generation of dragon moles, it was a bit strong, and he had all the cards of dragon moles.

“Human boy, please.”

After that, the red dragon left directly, seemingly because of the battle injuries this time.

“Human boy, thank you!”

The other elves thanked and left, leaving Xia Ran and the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon responsible for sending You Ran back.

“Photon Dragon, please give more advice in the future.”

“Please advise more.”

Then, You Ran jumped on the back of the photon dragon, and the photon dragon released his special ability, and a ray of light enveloped him and You Ran and entered a spatial passage.

“Finally we can go back.”

You Ran’s mood became very good, and after staying in the elven world for more than four months, and not going back, You Ran felt crazy.

Sitting on the back of the photon dragon, looking at the surrounding space-time channels, You Ran seems to be sitting on a time machine.

Sitting on the back of the photon dragon, You Ran looked at the card in his hand, very happy, this time the gain was really great.

When You Ran was happy, suddenly, a powerful space storm directly blew the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon over, and the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon continuously flipped points in the space-time channel.

The photon dragon immediately released an energy shield to protect You Ran and prevent You Ran from falling.

You Ran was taken aback, and quickly asked, “Photon Dragon, what happened?” ”

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