Chapter 135: Excessive Summoning Debut!!

You Ran’s words were infuriating, but Paradox had to admit that the situation in front of him was very bad for him.

You Ran’s hand also has a card, basically when he draws the magic trap card, You Ran will use the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight to invalidate and destroy.

He only has one True Dragon, and he can’t attack the monsters of Youran at all, because the meteor dragon will be ineffective in his attacks, so from the current form, unless you can also draw monsters with high attack power, Paradox seems to really can’t win.

So many cards, can you draw them?

At this moment, Paradox regretted a little, he shouldn’t have accepted You Ran’s provocation just now, he shouldn’t have summoned the Stardust Dragon.

After being summoned, he went to the trap.

“Boy, if it weren’t for Uncle Ben’s carelessness, listening to your words and summoning the Stardust Dragon, you wouldn’t be qualified to say such a thing at all. If you are like a man, you have the same ability as Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben just listened to your words once, you have the ability not to activate the effect of the true red-eyed dragon knight in my turn, if I still lose, I accept my fate. ”

Paradox was forced to use the radical method in turn, hoping that You Ran could be fooled and not use the effect of a real red-eyed dragon knight, so that he still had a chance.

As long as you can destroy the true red-eyed dragon knight who can destroy Youran, you can breathe a sigh of relief to a large extent, then the dawn of victory can ~ be directed at him.

“It seems that you seem to think that as long as I don’t activate the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, you can win, if you are really so confident, I can’t give you a chance.” But this premise depends on whether your companion can trust you. ”

“What do you mean?”

Subsequently, You Ran connected the imaging system to Yubel’s side.

“Yubel, dare to bet your opportunity on your companions. In his turn, I will not activate the effect of the true red-eyed dragon knight, after doing so, if your companion still loses this duel, you will obediently leave John’s body, don’t waste my strength, what do you think? ”

This guy Yubel is still relatively despicable in doing things now, and You Ran does not dare to say that he will definitely agree to a duel himself.

In case You Ran wins Paradox and Yubel slips away, it will be difficult for You Ran to catch him.

You Ran has a good relationship with the tenth generation, so You Ran does not want the tenth generation to go through the process of printing hyper-fusion, which is full of negative emotions.

With the ability of ten generations to print cards, when he needs hyper-fusion, it will naturally be printed, and there is no need to engage in so many bells and whistles.

“Okay, an interesting request, I promise you.”

Yubel immediately said that there was no problem.

If Yubel wants to cooperate with the king of Sai, then it is necessary for him to see the true strength of the king of Sai.

Paradox’s biggest defeat in this duel was accepting Youran’s provocation, so Yubel felt that it was okay to help Paradox make up for it.

If you can witness Paradox’s true strength, you can also indirectly judge how much the current strength of King Zhai is.

“What’s going on, You Ran calls John Yubel?”

Several people in Asuka in the tenth generation were very confused when they saw it.

“Then it’s settled, I’ll end this round.”

You Ran announced the end of the round.

“Thanks, you can rest assured, I will win.”

Paradox thanked Yubel.

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counter for two people becomes 5.

When he saw the card, Paradox burst out laughing: “Hahahaha, boy, you have to keep your promise.” ”

“Really fake? Did he draw the reversed card? ”

The people in front of the TV are very curious about what kind of card it is.

Paradox will soon reveal the answer.

“Fight, I attack your true red-eyed dragon knight with a sinful true dragon.”

“I unleash the effect of the meteor dragon, except for this card, to invalidate your monster attacks.”

“Launch a quick attack magic card, a forbidden holy spear. Attack power increases by 400 points against your Meteor Dragon, but at the cost of your Meteor Dragon’s effect will be invalidated. ”

“Actually at the cost of improving the effect of the attack power of the You Ran monster, making You Ran’s attack ineffective, this guy really did it.”

“If You Ran really doesn’t activate the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight, the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight will really be destroyed.”

Since You Ran promised this sentence, then of course You Ran can only keep his promise at this time, the true red-eyed dragon knight was destroyed, You Ran received 2000 points of damage, and his health was the same as Paradox.

Paradox was pleased: “Unleash the effect of a sinful real dragon and destroy all your monsters when the battle destroys your monsters.” ”

“His sin true dragon actually has such a strong effect.”

“Youran’s meteor dragon is ineffective, and it can’t be done if you want to fight back.”

The people in front of the TV all pinched a cold sweat for You Ran, hoping that You Ran had a way, but You Ran had no way this round, the meteor dragon on the You Ran field, the trap devourer, and the two token monsters were all destroyed.

“Boy, I have to praise you, you are still quite trustworthy, but you regret your own arrogance.”

Paradox was overjoyed.

You Ran is now empty on the field, there is only one hand left, so can You Ran turn over the sky?

“Let’s wait until you win.”

“Victory will come soon, I finish the round.”

Paradox now has no hand and no gaika, only a 5,000 attack power Sin True Dragon, but You Ran wants to defeat this monster, just with a hand and the next round of draw, it is impossible to summon the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon.

“Your fluke will disappear in a moment. I’ll let you see the power beyond your vision. ”

“My turn, draw cards.”

At this time, the counters of You Ran and Paradox became six.

“When there are no monsters on your field, this photon slasher in your hand can be specially summoned.”

“When there is a photon monster on your field, this photon expeller in the hand can be specially summoned. When this card has a special summon, you can add a Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon to the hand from the deck. ”

“High-star monsters with an attack power of 3,000, but even so, they are not the opponents of my sinful real dragon.”

“You guy is not qualified to see the power of the galaxy-eyed photon dragon at all. I stacked the four-star photon slasher with the four-star photon destroyer. ”

“What do you say, stack?”

Paradox looked at You Ran in shock.

“I use these two monsters to build a stacking network, oversummon, appear, glow Palladios.”

“Impossible, how can there be such a thing? There is actually a summoning method that I don’t know! ”

Paradox simply could not accept it.

“Who the hell is this guy sacred.”

Yubel frowned.

“Oversummoning, what is this?”

“You Ran gave up the same tone and used this excess summoning, is this a new summoning method that goes beyond the same summoning?”

The audience in front of the TV was all boiling.

Even the seahorse who was watching this duel at this moment was shocked from his position: “Excessive summoning, is this the new power he has gained in the past few months of his disappearance?” ”

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