Chapter 136: 5DS villains are all here!!

Paradox was indeed very surprised that You Ran suddenly used a new summoning method.

But after the surprise, Paradox came to his senses.

“Although your summoning method is indeed unexpected, but in the end, it is just a monster with an attack power of 2000, what can you do?”

Paradox regained its composure.

With an attack power of 5,000, the Sin Town Stone Dragon is there, so he doesn’t need to worry too much.

Even if the wandering monster has the ability to destroy effectively, it doesn’t matter, anyway, when the sin real dragon is destroyed, as long as one of the sin series monsters in the cemetery is excluded, the destruction can be prevented.

You Ran saw Paradox using attack power to evaluate his monster, and replied with a smile: “Do you think that high attack power can protect your safety?” ”

“I activate the effect of the glow Palladios, one turn at a time, remove an excess material, select a monster on your field, until the end of the round, the attack power of the selected monster becomes zero, and the card indicated on the side of the table other than this card on the field is invalid.”

You Ran’s glow Palladios has the same effect as in the anime

“Attack power becomes 0 and the effect is invalid?”

Paradox couldn’t believe it.

In the next second, the effect of the glow Palladios was activated, and the sin real dragon became very small.

“Impossible, how can this be.”

Paradox had a hard time accepting this.

“Fight, I attack your sinful real dragon with Palladios, photon split.”

Paradox now has only 2000 health points, and the attack power of the glow Palladios is also 2000, which just makes Paradox’s health value return to 0.


Palladios’ attack shattered the Sin True Dragon, and a wave of energy fluctuations rushed directly to Paradox who was driving the D wheel, Paradox directly overturned, and the whole person flew out of the car, rolling on the ground more than a dozen times in a row before stopping and waiting for Paradox to stop, he was already covered in injuries.

“Great, You Ran won.”

The ten generations of Asuka in front of the TV are very happy for You Ran, and so are You Ran’s fans, and You Ran washed away his smudges in this duel.

Although You Ran’s fans are very happy for You Ran, they are very curious to know what the excess summoning is, many of them were notified by friends that there was a live duel broadcast of You Ran on Haima Group TV, they watched it through their mobile phones and discussed it directly on the barrage

“You Ran has a new way of summoning, where did You Ran’s excess summoning come from?”

“Could it be the International Illusion Society again?”

“It shouldn’t be the International Illusion Society, the International Illusion Society has just issued an excess number of cards for more than half a year and is about to hold the Duel King Competition, the Duel King’s competition champion prize is only the Astral Three Polar Gods, if the International Illusion Society has a new way of summoning, there is no reason to use it for You Ran at this time.”

“You Ran is now the spokesperson of Haima Group, and the International Illusion Society does not have an endorsement contract with You Ran, so there is no reason to give You Ran an excessive card.”

The Internet has once again paid attention to how You Ran has oversized cards, and there is a lot of discussion.

You Ran knew that if he summoned with an excessive amount, he would definitely attract attention, which was no way, and You Ran didn’t care.

You Ran stopped the D round, looked at Paradox’s embarrassed appearance, and said lightly: “Just thank you that today’s duel is not a life and death duel, otherwise you will be finished.” ”

Because it is a galloping duel, the venue magic card can only be High-Speed World 2, and it cannot be used to launch the crime world, which saved Paradox’s life.

Paradox raised his head with difficulty and looked at You Ran, very unwilling that his ace monster Sin True Dragon would actually lose in You Ran’s hands.

Subsequently, You Ran no longer paid attention to Paradox, who had failed, but turned to look at John next to him, because at this time, the position of You Ran and Paradox dueling just returned to the position where the previous dock began.

“Yubel, you should keep the agreement, right?”

Yubel’s face was very serious at the moment, without the cynical attitude he had in the Duel Academy before, and he didn’t feel that everything could be controlled by himself.

Yubel now only has the power of the ultimate treasure jade god and the three illusion demons, and after witnessing the power of You Ran’s glow son Palladios, Yubel knows that it may be difficult for him to win against You Ran.

Yubel did not speak, You Ran got down from the D wheel and walked in the direction of Yubel.

“Yubel, you won’t fail to keep your promises, will you?”

However, when You Ran came to Yoube, Yubel grinned: “Don’t worry, I will keep my promise.” ”

In the next second, You Ran saw a dazzling bright light from Yubel’s body You Ran subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he came back to his senses, You Ran saw that John was already lying weakly on the ground…

On the other hand, Paradox, who was originally seriously injured, acted unexpectedly flexibly at this time, re-sat on the large D wheel, and then drove the D wheel to escape directly.

“That’s so, that’s why he promised so cheerfully.”

You Ran knew that Uberel had planned it a long time ago.

If You Ran loses to Paradox, then Yubel does not need to keep his promise.

If Paradox loses, then Uber takes control of Paradox.

In a way, Paradox’s power is stronger than John’s, so there is nothing wrong with Yubel choosing to control the stronger person.

“If you want to run, it’s not so easy.”

You Ran immediately got on the D-wheel and chased after it.

You Ran did plan to let the ten generations solve Yubel, but You Ran let Yubel go is to let Yubel go directly, not to take Paradox.

Paradox is still a relatively difficult guy after all, so letting Yubel take it away like this is too much of a hidden danger.

You Ran’s D wheel is not as powerful as Paradox’s, but Yubel doesn’t play D round very well, so he is easily caught up by You Ran.

“Yubel, I let you go, I didn’t let you take Paradox.”

“Do I need your permission?”

The corners of Yubel’s mouth grinned, not taking You Ran’s words to heart at all.

Yubel’s skill in driving the D wheel is not good, but as long as he bends and turns away when he escapes, is it okay?

Yubel immediately turned, and when You Ran reacted, he had to slow down and catch up on the turn.

Soon, Yubel ran into the passage between the warehouses next to the dock.

Just when You Ran wanted to chase in, suddenly You Ran noticed a golden light falling in the sky, just about to land here, You Ran felt that there was danger, and could only brake urgently immediately, missing the opportunity of the nearest passage.

“Could it be the King of Fast?”

You Ran immediately parked.

After parking, seeing the five people who appeared in front of him, You Ran was surprised: “No, zone, Luciano, Placido, Jose, Antinomi, it’s actually the five of them, how can they appear in this era?” ”

For the appearance of five people, You Ran is very puzzling.

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