Chapter 137: Pracido is not convinced!!

You Ran clearly recognized five people, but at this time, he still had to pretend not to know.

“Who are you. Is it that person’s accomplice? ”

As soon as You Ran finished speaking, Pracido, who was more impetuous, spoke: “If you want to say that, it can be regarded as such.” ”

“Who the hell are you and what are you going to do?”

You Ran really wanted to know.

Although You Ran knows that inside 5DS, they only appeared to destroy the harmony.

But now, not necessarily.

And the most surprising thing is that the current zone state is quite young, and the dress is similar to that of You Xing, that is, there is half a mask on the left side of the face, so that You Ran knows that he is zone, not You Xing.

In addition to the zone, Antinomi came with them, which means that Antinomi has not been erased of his memory at this time, and is completely on the united front with the zone.

However, of course, they would not directly tell You Ran the purpose of their coming here.

They are of course here for the call of destruction.

Because You Ran appeared in advance, let the Homophony Summons appear, changing the original historical trajectory, so the state of several of them is also different from what You Ran saw in the 5DS, quite young, and the zone is still alive.

And several people figured it out that instead of coming out one by one, it was better to come out one by one.

Their strength combined is definitely very strong, so come together and definitely realize their plan.

After a few people arrived, they saw the duel between Paradox and Youran.

Seeing that Paradox was beaten to pieces by You Ran, of course, they couldn’t let You Ran catch Paradox, so they let Paradox go.

Even if Paradox is now controlled by Yubel, they can go back and solve this problem.

For You Ran’s question, Placido smiled lightly: “We don’t need to answer your question, you just need to know that with us here, you don’t want to hunt down Paradox.” Take your companions with you in peace. ”

“Heh, I’ll leave if you let me go, I’m not very faceless? In addition, I didn’t ask you, you look like the younger brother among several people. ”

“What did you say?”

Pracido looked angry.

Although he really doesn’t have the final say among a few people, what does it mean to be a little brother at first glance?

Doesn’t he have the temperament to be the boss?

You Ran’s words made Pracido unbearable.

“It seems that I have been underestimated by you. Boy, then let me see how much skill you have. ”

“I’m not interested in dueling you.”

As he spoke, You Ran looked at the zone.

“You seem to be the most powerful person among them, and I advise you, go and find your companions, and then take them away, and return to your time, which is not the era of casual things for you.”

You Ran’s words made the expressions of several people change slightly, especially zone.

This time, Zone spoke: “It seems that Paradox has a big mouth.” ”

A few people didn’t think much, thinking that it might be Paradox with a lot of mouths, and then You Ran knew about it.

“Know a little. I just want to say that this era is very stable, and I don’t want you guys to cause sabotage. ”

“And presumably you all saw the duel just now, super summoning is a power beyond your cognition, with me, no matter what plans you have, it is impossible to succeed.”

“Oh, you want to be the savior of this world, don’t you?”

Zone had a mocking tone and scoffed at You Ran.

“I don’t want to be a savior, but you want to destroy the world, I definitely don’t agree.”

Since You Ran came to this world, You Ran hopes to live a safe and stable life now, You Ran still likes it, there is no shortage of money, you can do what you want to do, there is no reason for such a good life to be destroyed by them.

If they want to do things, then You Ran has to come forward, after all, with the power of harmony and superpower, it is relatively easy to win against them.

“I advise you to go back, otherwise you may not be able to go back.”

After that, You Ran drove the D wheel to John’s side.

“John, are you all right?”

John didn’t have any big problems at this time, so he smiled and thanked You Ran: “I’m okay, You Ran, thank you, otherwise I will always be controlled by Yubel.” ”

“You’re welcome, by the way, can you drive the D-wheel now?”

It is difficult to sit two people in Youran’s D wheel, so if you take John, it must be relatively difficult.

Fortunately, there is also Paradox’s D wheel next to it, so if John can drive it himself, it will definitely be fine.

“I can.”

John nodded, walked to the D wheel next to him and sat down, and You Ran drove the D wheel to prepare to leave together.

However, at this time, Pracido next to him could not stand it.

“Completely ignoring us, this kid is too arrogant. Let me educate him. ”

When Placido made this decision, Jose said: “Don’t be impulsive, Placido, this man is not an ordinary duelist, now we have just arrived in this era, and it is not clear his specific strength.” In addition, we haven’t figured out what an oversummon is. ”

José is more composed and does not have the same impulsiveness as Pracido.

They really just came, and they didn’t pay much attention to it when they saw You Ran using the same tone summoning, after all, they had the same tone killing mobile phone emperor.

But in the face of unknown super-monsters, their homological killers are useless.

Such a simple truth, of course Pracido knows.

“I know we don’t know what his excess summoning is, but it’s because we don’t know what it is, so we have to give it a try.”

Placido did not listen to Jose’s advice at all, and the next second, a D wheel came galloping, and Placido jumped up, jumped on the D wheel, and then chased You Ran.

“Pracido, don’t be impulsive.”

Jose shouted at Placido, but Placido didn’t listen.

“This guy…”

Just when Jose wanted to summon the D-wheel to catch up and persuade Placido, Antinomi spoke: “Forget it, Jose, we’ll wait and see.” This new method of summoning is completely different from the history we know, and it is impossible to test his strength without a considerable degree of duelist, so it doesn’t hurt to let Pracido give it a try, so we can also prepare for excess summoning. ”

“But so…”

Jose looked at the zone.

Zone nodded: “Jose, let Placido go, you know his personality very well, even if you stop Placido now, he can’t swallow this breath, and he will definitely find You Ran in private, so let’s witness his excessive summoning power together.” ”

“Okay then.”

Zone said so, and José stopped objecting.

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