Chapter 138: Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon VS Machine Emperor!!

Pracido’s D wheel, like Paradox, was relatively large, so when the back caught up, it was very loud, and You Ran and John immediately noticed.

“You Ran, he’s here.”

“I know.”

You Ran glanced sideways at Pracido.

“Are you annoyed?”

“If you bother me, you will use your strength to drive me away.”

Placido directly forced La Yuran into a dueling state.

“Duel mode activated, High Speed World 2 launched.”

“It’s really annoying.”

You Ran really didn’t want to duel with Pracido, because Pracido’s strength was too weak.

“John, although it is very annoying, but you go to the side to rest, I will solve this person first.”


John nodded and pulled over.

Since it was time to duel, You Ran once again turned on the live broadcast function connected to Haima Group TV.

This time the duel could not have been live-streamed, but You Ran also had to broadcast live so that King Zhai and the users of the Earth Binding God could take a look, and in the face of absolute strength, they all gave You Ran a low profile.

You Ran had just used an excessive amount of summoning, which made many people very interested, and suddenly the duel ended, leaving many people unsatisfied.

When You Ran turned on the live broadcast again, people who were still watching TV came to be interested.

“You Ran started live again, great, I hope you can witness You Ran’s excessive summoning again in this duel.”

Seahorse did not work at this time, in a luxurious house, sitting on a high-end sofa, just been pondering the excessive summoning, and now You Ran is about to duel again, Seahorse is also in spirit: “Let me see the new power you have obtained.” ”

Several people from the yellow ten generations did not leave, so when they saw You Ran having a second duel, they also planned to enjoy it.


“Let’s start with the front…”

“Forget it, let you attack first. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll lose ugly. ”

“Good boy, I hope your dueling strength is as strong as your mouth.”

Pracido did not entangle with You Ran and directly attacked first.

“My turn, draw order.”

“I summon the core of wisdom from my hand.”

“Monsters with attack power actually attack to signify summoning, is this to attract people to attack?”

John didn’t understand Prasido’s operation.

Not only John, but everyone watching this duel did not understand the operation of Placido’s mystery.

Even if this monster has special effects, once the monster attacks, the damage will definitely be beared.

“I cover a card and end the round.”

“My turn, draw cards.”

You Ran glanced at Pracido.

“If I summon the Stardust Dragon this round, your Gaika should be of little use.” However, in order to make you understand that in the face of excess, the power you have is not worth mentioning, I will not summon the Stardust Dragon to embarrass you. ”

“This guy knows I’m going to destroy the core of wisdom?”

Pracido was a little puzzled

“I see you obviously can’t summon it.”

Pracido snorted disdainfully, feeling that what You Ran said sounded good, but in fact he couldn’t summon it, so it was very uncomfortable to say this kind of scene.

“Pracido you stupid.”

Antinomi couldn’t help but complain.

Antinomi caught what You Ran just said, if you summon the Stardust Dragon, it will be very difficult for Pracido, so can it be understood that You Ran knows that the card covered by Pracido is a card with destructive effects?

Having said that, it means that You Ran knows their details, why don’t you believe in evil?

“If you say that, I’m not happy.”

You Ran couldn’t agree.

“Let’s see if I can summon the Stardust Dragon.”

“When you don’t have a card on your field, this photon slasher can be specially summoned. Then I usually summon the Scrap Changer. The effect of the Scrap Changer, once a turn, allows the Scrap Monster to rise or fall by one star, and I choose to make the Scrap Changer four stars. ”

“So, tell me, can I summon the Stardust Dragon?”

You Ran glanced at Pracido.

Placido’s expression was gloomy, knowing that he was thinking wrong.

If this round really allows You Ran to summon the Stardust Dragon, then the card it covers cannot destroy his wisdom core, which will be a headache.

“Hmph, this situation embarrasses you, it seems that your degree is only that.”

You Ran dismissed it.

You Ran felt quite strange, because the protagonists in the animation didn’t seem to think of the good use of the Stardust Dragon.

These people obviously need to use cards to destroy the trump card of the summoner emperor, and the Stardust Dragon will not give them a chance?

However, the protagonist always has to lock the blood to play cards, do not let these people summon the machine emperor, how the protagonist locks the blood.

It’s a pity that Placido, they met Youran, who is very good at playing cards without locking blood

“But don’t worry, summoning the Stardust Dragon is too bullying you. I stack the four-star scrap changer with the four-star photon slasher, oversummon, come out, glow dragon photon blast dragon. ”

You Ran’s Waste Changer is not a light attribute monster, so he can only summon the glow dragon photon blast dragon that does not care about attributes.

“… Activate the effect of the glow dragon photon explosion dragon, when this card is successfully summoned in excess of time, a monster with a photon name can be specially summoned from the hand. ”

“Come out, Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.”

“Fight, I use the glow dragon photon blast dragon to attack your core of wisdom.”

“I launch the overlay card. Double vortex. This card destroys a monster on your own field and a monster on the opponent’s field when the opponent attacks. I choose the galactic eye photon dragon on your field. ”

However, the next second, Pracido found that he could not choose the effect of the milky eye photon dragon at all.

“The effect of the glow dragon, when the card of oversummoning exists on the field, the monsters with an attack power of more than 2000 on the field will not become the opponent’s effect object and will not be destroyed by the effect.”

“It turns out that you are really prepared, so destroy your glow dragon photon blast dragon.”

Youran’s glow dragon was destroyed.

“Activate the effect of the core of wisdom, when this card is destroyed by the effect and sent to the graveyard, destroy all your monsters, and then special summons the machine emperor Zhidi Infinity, Zhidi Top, Zhidi Attack Department, Zhidi Defense Department and Zhidi Bearing Department.”

“Let’s get together, Machine Emperor Zhidi.”

“Is this a 2500’s combined monster?”

“Duel with a combined monster with You Ran, crazy, right?”

This hand operation is very incomprehensible to everyone.

When the Fusion Monster defeated the Ten Thousand Eyes Divine Dragon Catapult Tiger in Youran, it was already confirmed that the Fusion Monster had no future.

Now that this person in front of him actually uses outdated monsters, can this monster challenge You Ran?

“The battle continues, I use the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon to attack your Zhidi Infinite.”

“Because of the effect of the Zhidi Defense Department, the target of the attack will be changed to it.”

The Zhidi Defense Department is a guard representation, and the others are attack representations, so after becoming the Zhidi Defense Department, Pracido can defend against damage.

The Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon destroyed the defense of Emperor Zhi.

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