Chapter 140 Excess Cards Attract Attention!!

You Ran and John were leaving, John suddenly shouted: “Oops, I seem to be mistaken.” ”

“What’s wrong?”

You Ran asked rhetorically.

John smiled awkwardly: “You Ran, have you forgotten that I am a student of the Duel Academy, and I haven’t graduated yet.” I was just at the dock where I should have taken a boat back, now follow you to leave~, where am I going? ”

As soon as John said this, You Ran remembered.

You Ran has already graduated, so of course there is no need to go back to the academy, so You Ran just drove away naturally, but John is different, so the person who really got it wrong is You Ran.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter, you can stay with me first, anyway, the Duel King competition will start in a few days, you will definitely have to sign up.”

“But I still have to go back to the Duel Academy, because I still have to get my D wheel back. So Youran, I still went back to the dock to take a boat back to school. ”

Using someone else’s D wheel is definitely not as easy as your own D wheel.

“Okay then, I’ll send you.”

You Ran had nothing to do today anyway, so he turned around with John and went back to the dock, by the way, to prevent them from dealing with John.

When he returned to the dock, You Ran saw that Zone Jose had already left, John got on the boat, and waved at You Ran: “You Ran, you go back, we’ll see you in a few days, when the time comes, let me see your super summoning.” ”

John just didn’t ask You Ran what an oversummoning was, which was respect as a true duelist.

“Then see you at the game then.”

You Ran smiled and said goodbye to John, and then drove back in the D round.

It was already nine o’clock when You Ran drove back.

Becas happened to come to the company by car at this time, and there were already many news reporters at the door of the International Illusion Club building at this time, so when Becas got out of the car, the reporters surrounded him.

“President Bekas, may I ask you, do you know about the excess summoning that You Ran just used in the duel?”


Becas was a little dazed.

A reporter saw that Becas did not know, so he asked: “President Becas, don’t you know?” During the early morning duel, You Ran used an excess monster to defeat the duelist who had previously snatched his Stardust Dragon. ”

“You Ran is ashamed of himself with an excess of monsters?”

Becas immediately asked rhetorically.

“That’s right, so President Bekas, as the world’s No. 1 card issuing company, has any opinions on the excess of cards?”

Beccas knew he was missing something important while he slept.

Now Beccas wanted to figure out what was going on, so he wasn’t in the mood to entangle with these reporters.

“Sorry, journalist friends, I don’t know what you are talking about, if you interview, we will arrange it later.”

When Becas showed that he did not accept the interview, the bodyguards around him pushed the reporter away and entered the company.

After entering the company, Becas instructed the secretary beside him: “I want to know what happened in today’s duel with Youran, and send all the relevant news to my office in fifteen minutes.” ”

“Yes, President.”

When he returned to the office, Becas was annoyed: “Damn seahorse, actually researching new cards behind my back.” ”

Becas blamed the seahorse this time.

Becas called the seahorse directly.

Seahorse had just returned to the company at this time.

“Bekas, what’s the matter?”

“Seahorse, you are not kind, when our company issued the same tone card, I very readily agreed to cooperate with you, before you were rude to me, I didn’t care about you.” Now your company is secretly researching excess cards behind the back and retaliating against my company, do you say the past? ”

Becas doesn’t know the specifics yet, but it’s not important, he thinks with his toes that the excess card can cause such a big sensation, it must be a very powerful monster, so this is definitely a huge damage to the issuance of the homological card, so Becas feels that the seahorse is coming out now, too much.

Seahorse knows that the secret of the excess card still needs Bekas’ help, so Becas can’t be offended now.

“Bekas, you’re kidding, my Seahorse Group has not studied the issuance of any cards, my Seahorse Group’s final plan now is to build Seahorse Park, so this matter has nothing to do with me.” You Ran will have an excessive number of summoned monsters, which he obtained in the months that he disappeared. ”

“Is it the new power he himself has gained in these disappearing months?”

“Of course, if my Seahorse Group was studying the cards of excess monsters before, then when the homological cards came out before, why did I still look for you?”

Seahorse’s explanation made Becas feel particularly reasonable.

In this way, Becas has a headache again, and You Ran has an excess of monsters, so can the homological cards he issued still be sold?

Becas silently hung up.

At this time, the secretary found out the video of summoning excess cards during the duel, as well as some relevant materials on the Internet.

There are still some more intelligent people on the Internet, and after two over-summons of You Ran, many people find that You Ran’s over-summons must use monsters of the same level to be stacked for summoning.

“The homological cards have not yet relaxed, and now that all players are staring at the excess cards, it is really unsettling to play the boy.”

Becas grumbled.

When the homophony card came out before, the International Illusion Society was almost about to have a big event.

Finally solved the problem of homological cards, thinking that life could be easier, but as a result, you came to overdose cards, and life was unstable.

Becas had just hung up the phone, but Seahorse hadn’t finished speaking, so Seahorse called again.

“Seahorse, what’s going on?”

“Of course there is still something. Since You Ran used the same summoning before, we can make the same card through research, then the excess card should also be possible. ”

“This… Maybe. ”

Beccas’ answer was not particularly affirmative.

“What do you mean maybe? Yes must be possible. ”

Because the power of the blue-eyed white dragon’s related homological cards really disappointed the seahorse.

Since the homological card cannot exert the power of the blue-eyed white dragon, then the excess card may be.

So the seahorse can only hope for the excess card now.

“I know, I don’t need to say that I will also start to study excess cards, but this matter will need your help after all.” Come to my International Illusion Society now. ”

“Okay, you wait.”

The seahorse promised very cheerfully.

As long as the two of them are united, Becas believes that the secret of the excess card should be five that can be unearthed.

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