Chapter 141 Duel King Registration Begins!!

Uber controlled Paradox to leave, and before he could reach the king’s residence, several people blocked Uber in an alley.

“That’s the end of it.”

The way before and after the alley was blocked, but Yubel was not in a hurry at all, but said with a relaxed expression: “In that case, let’s talk.” ”

Hearing Yubel say this, several people wanted to laugh a little.

“There doesn’t seem to be much to talk about between us. You occupy the body of our companion, and from this point of view, you should be considered our enemy, so obediently leave. ”

Zone gives orders directly to Yubel.

Zone words naturally don’t work for Yubel.

If Yubel had been such a talkative person, he wouldn’t have done it.

Just don’t watch Yubel go early, he watched the duel between You Ran and Pracido through live broadcast.

The duel just now made him think that there was nothing remarkable about Pracido.

Placido may only be a subordinate, but his subordinates are so, so the boss is not much stronger, so Yubel is not afraid of a few people.

“I think there should be something to talk about between us, and we can work together. I don’t know how you relate to the person I’m controlling right now, but I guess it’s not very good. ”

“It’s not a good thing that the people under my command don’t listen to the command much, if it is for me to control, then wouldn’t it be more beneficial for us to cooperate happily?”

I have to say that Yubel’s words made several people in the zone still a little moved, because Paradox is indeed not very obedient, otherwise, he would not have come to this world with good ideas, and it is different from their plan.

They just want to destroy the homonic summoning, and don’t want to make too many senseless sacrifices, but as long as Paradox can achieve this goal, the means can be used everywhere, even if it causes more sacrifices, which is somewhat different from their philosophy.

“It’s just that we can’t let you control our companions all the time.”

Antinomi spoke.

“Don’t worry, I’m not that interested, I’ve been controlling your companions, just for the time being. When I achieve my goal, I will leave automatically, and then you can take your companions back. ”

“So we can work together until then, you say?”

“Then what is your purpose?”

Zone straight to the point.

Since I think that it is a good thing for Yubel to control Paradox cooperation, there is no need to say anything twisted and turned.

“Very happy, I like people like you, my purpose is simple, is to get the person I love and live with him.”

“That’s it?”

Several people in Zone were stunned for a moment, shocked by Yubel’s answer.

“That’s it, I don’t have much ambition. So there is absolutely nothing to lose for you to work with me, on the contrary, this so-called companion of yours has found another person to work with, and that person is ambitious and wants to destroy the world. ”

Because he controls Paradox, Uber can know all the memories related to Paradox.

Therefore, just when he left, Yubel hesitated in his heart whether to go to the king of fast to cooperate.

Now these few people in front of him, Yubel feels that they are a better partner.

If he went to King Sai, then it could hurt the ten generations, which was not something he wanted to see.

Even if Yubel’s own actions will hurt ten generations, but only he can hurt ten generations in the world. At least Yubel wouldn’t allow anyone else to do that.

“Well, in that case, let’s reach a cooperation.”

“Wait a minute, don’t worry, I’ll have to hear what your purpose is.” Although the purpose of this companion of yours is to destroy the homonic calling, what is your purpose, not necessarily the same? So I have to listen to you first. ”

“Our purpose is similar, to destroy the Harmony Summon, but now there is another purpose, which is to destroy the Excess Summon.”

Zone directly stated his purpose.

Originally, their purpose was only to destroy the readjustment summon, but this time, since they saw the excess summon, they thought it was better to destroy it together.

Homological summoning will bring danger because of the wandering star particles, so who knows if there will be any new dangers for excessive summoning?

It’s good that the world has returned to the previous era of only superior summons, fusion summons, and ritual summons…

“In that case, it’s no problem.”

At this moment, the two sides reached a reconciliation and really reached cooperation, and as for the side of the king of Sai, Yubel was too lazy to go over, because unlike the way of the king of Sai, they did not conspire with each other.

When several people reached a cooperation, King Sai knew the result.

King Sai just divined that Yubel would not come over to cooperate with him again, and as for who he was working with, King Sai did not know.

But he could also guess that it was these people who had just come out today to duel with You Ran.

“Who is the sacredness of another one that I can’t do divination?”

King Zhai said to himself in his heart, because Zone has the power of immobile stars, it is normal that King Zhai cannot divinate things related to Zone’s body.

Yubel, their plan is simple, then participate in this duel king competition.

In this match, Yubel will help them solve their difficult opponents.

Solve the difficult opponent, the rest of the things are very easy to handle, and then as long as Becas is solved, so that the homological card cannot be issued, there is no problem, the reason why you Ran should first give priority to solving the troublesome guy You Ran, naturally because if you can not solve a troublesome person like You Ran, then once You Ran wins the final championship in this duel king competition, the popularity will definitely reach its peak, and there will be many fans competing to imitate and use the same tone summoning again, so You Ran is the source of trouble.

To some extent, You Ran is more annoying than Bekas, not to mention that You Ran also brings excessive summoning, so You Ran is the source of danger.

You Ran did not know that he would be regarded as the source of the crisis.

Fast forward to five days, and this is the time to really register for the Duel King Tournament, and duelists from all over the world will come and sign up.

At ten o’clock this morning, You Ran drove the D round to the professional duelist registration hall, which is where all the duelists registered this time.

You Ran didn’t come here to sign up, because the Haima Group had already signed up for You Ran, and You Ran definitely wanted to participate, so You Ran came here to find Asuka ten generations of several people, and everyone said that they would go to dinner after signing up together.

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