Chapter 147 Cooperate with tacit understanding!!

After Howard finished, it was Youran’s turn.

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counters on both sides became four.

“When there are no monsters on your field, you can specially summon the photon slasher. Then I summoned the Waste Changer. ”

“Activate the effect of the Waste Changer to increase the level of the Waste Changer by one star. I use the four-star Scrap Changer and the four-star Photon Chopper to tune the stars. ”

“The gathered prayers will become new shining stars, become the path of light, call in harmony, fly, shining dragon stardust.”

Because it is a team, the permanent magic card on the Asuka field can be used by Yuran in the same tone.

“According to the effect of the homological chase, when I summon a monster with stardust in its name, I can use a card guard in the homological material to indicate a special summoning to the field, and I specially summon the scrap changer.”

“When there is a scrap monster on the side of the field to indicate its existence, you can specially summon this scrap follower from the hand. I use a three-star scrap changer and a four-star scrap changer. ”

“The cold flame will envelop everything in the world, and the dark flowers will bloom. Homology summoning. Appear, Black Rose Dragon. ”

“New monster again. There are so many new monsters in this kid! ”

The people watching the battle next to him were really jealous.

It is very difficult for them to buy a homological monster, and they can get one after another.

“Activate the effect of the Black Rose Dragon and destroy all the cards on the field when this card is summoned successfully.”

“What do you say? Destroy all cards. Isn’t that even your own and companion cards going to be destroyed? ”

“At this moment, I activated the effect of Shining Dragon Stardust, targeting Shining Dragon Stardust, and only once in this round can I not be destroyed by the battle and effect.”

“So it is, you boy.”

Bulls and Howard immediately understood You Ran’s thoughts.

Although You Ran’s use of this effect is said to be destroyed along with the Stardust Charge Battle on Asuka Field, they still have a Shining Dragon Stardust left on their field.

As long as there is a monster stuck, then there will be no problem on Asuka’s side, while both the gaika on their side and the card on the field will have to be destroyed.

You Ran’s hand came too suddenly, and they never thought that You Ran would have such a card in their strategy.

Then the wind of the Black Rose Dragon blew up, all the cards on the field were destroyed, and You Ran saw their gaika.

“It seems that using this card is really used correctly, premature resurrection, you can resurrect a monster that binds the gods in the cemetery.”

This is Bulls’s Gaika.

“Soul barrier, as long as there are monsters on the field, it can make your battle damage become zero, avoiding the negative effects of the Earth Binding God being unable to become the target of attack.

And there is also an ultimate roar. Monster damage with a lower attack power than the Earth Binding God gives half of the damage, and your combination is really perfect. ”

These two cards are Howard’s cards.

However, in front of the Black Rose Dragon, it was all useless and was directly destroyed.

“Fight, I attack Burs with Shining Dragon Stardust.”

The reason for attacking Bulls is that when Bulls’ health points to zero, it will not be Bulls’s turn, but will jump directly to Asuka’s turn.

“At this moment, I launched a quick attack magic card, concentrated the socket, and increased the attack power of the 2000 points of the defense power of the Shining Dragon Stardust, so the attack power of the Shining Dragon Stardust became 4500 points this round.”

“You kid is so despicable!”

Bulls cursed angrily, but he didn’t have any means of defense at all, and the 4500 Shining Dragon Stardust spewed out a ray of energy light, directly blowing up Bulls and flying out with the car.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

“You Ran, you solved Bulls, then I will also solve Howard this round, so that I can live up to the situation you created.”

Although You Ran destroyed Asuka’s Stardust Charged Warrior, it was definitely the best time to attack at this time, so Asuka would definitely not miss such an opportunity.

“Damn it!”

Howard’s expression was cold, and Bulls’ defeat meant that the round had changed to Asuka’s side, and he was very uncomfortable.

His field is empty, how can he defend?

“My turn, draw cards.”

At the time Asuka draws cards, the high-speed counter becomes five.

“I unleash magic cards from my hand, angel’s alms, draw three cards from the deck, and discard two.”

“Then I unleash the high-speed magic card from my hand, and the dead are in tune. There are more than five occasions to activate the high-speed counter on your own field, choose a homological monster in your extra deck, and apply the adjustments required when the monster is summoned in unison and the monsters other than the adjustment are removed from the graveyard, and specially summoned to the field. ”

“This calling is treated as a homological calling. Monsters summoned by this effect will be excluded from the game at the end of the turn. I will be the two-star scrap crusher who has just been sent to the graveyard, except for the three-star scrap striker and the six-star stardust-charged warrior, Homophony Summon, Star Dragon. ”

“Asuka actually has this card.”

You Ran felt quite surprised.

“Attack power 3200.”

Howard squeezed a cold sweat for himself, but fortunately, he could still leave 800 health points.

However, if Howard wants to leave health, it is impossible.

“I activate the effect of High Speed World Two, removing the four High Speed Counters. Each high-speed magic card in my hand gives the opponent 800 health points, and one of my hands has a high-speed magic card to rush, so it gives you 800 effect damage. ”

“How so?”

Howard couldn’t calm down in an instant, and 4,000 health points became 3,200 points.

“Fight, I use the Star Dragon to launch a direct attack on you.”

“I unleash the effect of a spherical chestnut ball in my hand, discard it from my hand, and make your monster a guard representation.”

“It’s useless, the star dragon will not be affected by the other party’s effect until the end of the damage when attacking, so the star dragon will not become a guard representation.”

“Not affected by the effect?”

Howard knew that he had no hope, the astral dragon directly let his health value go to zero, Howard overturned, and the whole person fell to the ground in embarrassment.

You Ran and Asuka stopped the D round.

For this time of cooperation tacit understanding, both people were very happy, and the two people gave a high-five to express the joy of victory: “Win.” ”

“Cut, a duel is a duel, you have such bells and whistles, you have a tacit understanding?”

The dozen or so duelists following behind gave a disdainful look at the police, and then drove away directly.

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