Chapter 148 Let’s go to the movies together!!

At the end of the duel, You Ran and Asuka’s D-round computer had five more puzzle cards on it, and the two now had six puzzle cards.

The two of them can also take a Leia card from Bulls and Howard, so of course there is no need for You Ran and Asuka to miss it.

When You Ran and Asuka came to Bulls and Howard to get the card, the two of them saw a card on their duel board suck the two of them in.

This card is the card of the god of earth.

Asuka came to You Ran with the card of the Earth Binding God, with a very serious expression: “You Ran, this card actually sucked people away, this card is a little ominous.” ”

“This card is very ominous, so tear it up.”

You Ran easily tore the Ground Binding God card in his hand.

Asuka also didn’t want the card to remain, so she wanted to tear the card, but Asuka found that she couldn’t tear the card.

“What’s going on, why can’t I tear it?”

“Give it to me, I’ll help you tear it.”

You Ran took the card from Asuka’s hand and tore it to shreds.

In this way, You Ran destroyed two cards of the Earth Binding God.

Without the card of the Earth Binding God, the next time the King of the Underworld wants to transmit his power to this real world, it is estimated that it will be a long, long time.

“It’s strange, why are you able to tear it, I can’t?”

Asuka couldn’t help but smile, feeling a little inexplicable, “I don’t have little strength.” ”

“Don’t dwell on this problem.”

You Ran has the power of the red dragon on his body, of course, he can easily tear the card of the god, so it is normal that Asuka can’t tear it.

At this time, Asuka thought of something and said, “By the way, I remember that the patterns of the two cards just now seem to be related to the huge stone paintings found abroad that broke out on the Internet before.” Later, those giant stone paintings disappeared, could it be said that they became cards? If that’s the case, you have to be careful. ”

Having already experienced a dark duel in the Duel Academy and another world, Asuka is not surprised that something strange has happened now.

It’s just that the stone paintings found abroad have been turned into cards, which is an easy thing to accept.

“If there are five more cards like this, then two of them are eyeing you, and the other five may be eyeing you too.”

Asuka didn’t know why You Ran was being targeted, but these people were definitely looking for trouble with You Ran.

Although Howard just now came to Asuka first to duel, but the addition of Bulls, it is necessary to have a duel in a duo, and there is no doubt that the main goal is Youran.

I thought that after the incident between Seven Stars and Yubel in the Duel Academy, Asuka thought that this world would be stable and there were many unexpectedly troubles in the dark.

“I’ll be careful, but you also have to be careful, maybe their gang will want to avenge their companions and will find you again.”

You Ran reminded Asuka


Asuka nodded, and the two of them rode away on the D-wheel, continuing to circle the viaduct to see if they could meet other duelists.

Unfortunately, after that, when the other duelists saw You Ran and Asuka, they chose to take the initiative to avoid it, and no one asked for two people to duel anymore.

In the evening, after eating, when Asuka still wanted to ride the D wheel to the viaduct to find a duel for a duelist, she was rejected by Yuran.

“Forget it, Asuka, don’t be in such a hurry, it’s only the first day of registration today, it stands to reason that the audition will start in three months, we signed up on the first day, which is equivalent to six months to collect puzzle cards, so there is no need to be in such a hurry, or I will invite you to watch a movie at night.”

“Watching a movie?”

Asuka didn’t expect Yuran to say that.

Doesn’t You Ran want to quickly collect enough puzzle cards?

“Yes, duels are not everything in life, just take it leisurely, watch the movie.”

“It can be, but You Ran, aren’t you in a hurry? Look at those duelists you met this afternoon, seeing that you don’t dare to duel with you, aren’t you worried that you won’t be able to collect enough puzzle cards? ”

Asuka couldn’t help but ask curiously, it was hard to imagine Yuran such a leisurely attitude.

If Asuka were to swim instead, most of the duelists would be frightened to run away, and in the end they would not be able to reach the final because they could not get enough puzzle cards, which would be too depressing.

Because they had just been contacted by phone, You Ran and Asuka knew that they had already obtained more than a dozen puzzle cards for the tenth generation today.

Showa Jiren got the fewest puzzle cards, but also won 12 puzzle cards.

Ten generations, John, and Ryo Maruto have the most cards, there are more than twenty, of which Ryo Maruto has the most, there are twenty-five, and their harvest can be said to be brilliant and Asuka If it weren’t for meeting Howard and Bulls, maybe neither of them would have a puzzle card today.

So in this case, Asuka can hardly imagine that Yuran will pull herself to watch a movie with her so leisurely.

Of course, watching a movie with Youran, Asuka is very happy.

You Ran explained with a smile: “Asuka, you still haven’t studied the rules thoroughly. In order to prevent some people who get puzzle cards from only finding weaker duelists to challenge, get a large number of puzzle cards, and then do not find powerful people to duel, do not fish in troubled waters to enter the final, the competition stipulates that duelists must have a duel within 72 hours. ”

“In order to prevent duels between good friends, those who have dueled must wait twenty duels before they can duel again.”

“In each duel, we bet on Léa cards in addition to puzzle cards, and it is stipulated that once a player wins, at least one Léa card must be taken from the other party”

“The duelist’s deck data will not be disclosed, but when the value of the card taken by the winner from the opponent’s deck is obviously low, it will be judged to be tricky, and the system will prompt the referee, and there will be a referee to check it at that time”

“yes, what does this have to do with the fact that we can watch movies so leisurely?”

“Of course it matters, you think, if a person keeps winning, his fame will definitely be known by other duelists, then he will encounter the same situation as me, and others will not easily duel with him.”

“Even if good friends cheat, the person who loses the duel will be taken away from the best Leiacard, and the duelist who has dueled will have to fight twenty duels before it can be played again, what if in the twenty duels, this card is taken by someone else?”

“Even if the person who took the card doesn’t use it, it can be prevented from being taken by other duelists, but can a person really rest assured of putting the best card on his friend?” And lose the best card, what if you are defeated by other duelists? ”

“So once this group of stronger people has no one to duel with them, in order to complete the rules of the competition, even if I challenge them, they can only agree, so there is no need to worry too much about us not getting the card.”

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