Chapter 149: Earth Binding God User Gets NO Card!!

You Ran’s interpretation of the rules of the competition was obviously very deep, and Asuka immediately understood You Ran’s meaning.

The rules of this competition are strict enough, even if You Ran starts without anyone dueling with him and can’t get a puzzle card, there is definitely a chance later.

“It seems that I am too worried, so let’s go watch a movie.”

Asuka happily agreed.

“Let’s go.”

You Ran is more familiar with Shindo Shino City than Asuka, so Asuka just follows Youran.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, although dueling is the mainstream, more people are actually not dueling, at most, they prefer to watch duels, and they are not playing.

Therefore, like various places to play, Shindo Shino City is actually quite developed.

Just talking about movie theaters, there are no less than ten movie theaters in the entire Shindo Shino City, and You Ran and Asuka came to the nearest movie theater.

You Ran’s actions are still more concerned.

Many people thought that You Ran would be more anxious when no one was willing to duel with him all day, but they didn’t expect You Ran to take Asuka to the movie theater in the mall to watch a movie.

When choosing a movie, Asuka saw that several scary movies were being released.

“Will he choose horror movies, should I be scared then?”

Asuka couldn’t help but ponder in her heart.

Thinking of this, Asuka felt embarrassed to think so.

Girls are always easy to think more, but now horror movies are actually nothing to scare Asuka about, after all, after experiencing the duel of dark games, the content of this kind of movie is completely intimidating.

So if you want to show fear, you must only pretend to pretend.

But Youran is not so boring, it’s really just a simple matter of watching a movie to relax and relax.

“Asuka, how about we watch comedy movies?”

You Ran opened his mouth to ask what Asuka meant.

There are a lot of things experienced during this time, so watching some movies that can be more amusing, You Ran feels very good.


Asuka immediately said that there was no problem, and she felt that it was good that You Ran did not choose horror movies, but she was still a little lost in her heart.

After buying the movie tickets, You Ran took Asuka next to him to buy ice cream and some drink and fried chicken legs.

“You Ran, you bought too much, not long after eating, you can’t eat these things when you watch a movie, there is no need to buy so much.”

“It’s okay, it’s natural to want to eat when you watch a movie. Besides, if you don’t buy more now, what if you don’t eat it when you want to? ”

“So in your eyes, I’m the kind of girl who can eat very well.”

Asuka asked with a smile.

“Asuka, I don’t mean that, I mean to be prepared, besides, if you can’t finish eating, you can just go back and have a midnight snack.”

“I know you didn’t mean it, just kidding.”

When the two of them laughed and waited for fried chicken legs, many people who ate in the mall saw You Ran’s attitude, and they couldn’t accept it.

“This kid has a very relaxed mentality, and he is not nervous at all.”

“We had more than twenty duels today, and we thought of taking some time to come over for a meal, he only had one duel today, he can still be so leisurely, this kid who can.”

“Most of the duelists want to take more puzzle cards at the beginning, and they are busy looking for someone to duel, no one is dueling him, he is not panicked at all, but brings girls to date, which is really unreasonable, and does not pay attention to this duel king competition at all. He thought he could make the cut, didn’t he? ”

People who saw this scene thought it was unbearable.

These people really can’t stand it, and want to go up to educate You Ran for a while, so that You Ran can quickly eliminate it from this duel, and they feel obstructed when they see You Ran.

Doesn’t You Ran like dating?

If it is eliminated, then there is time for a date.

“I wish there was some hero and defeat this kid.”

These people are still very rational, knowing that if they go to You Ran to challenge, they may be eliminated, so they can only pray in their hearts that a hero will fall from the sky.

When You Ran was chatting with Asuka standing in front of the fried chicken leg stall, You Ran noticed that some customers eating in some restaurants next to him had been staring at him.

However, You Ran is used to it, because every time there are always many black fans who are envious and jealous of You Ran, You Ran does not have the ability to let this gang of black fans turn powder, so You Ran is too lazy to go anymore, but among so many black fans, there are people who hide their identities very well.

Two of them sat face to face drinking Coke and eating burgers, but their eyes would always stare at You Ran from time to time, with a hint of hatred in their eyes.

“This kid caused Bulls and Howard to sacrifice, and now he doesn’t feel any guilt, and it’s really unforgivable to bring beautiful girls to a date and watch a movie at this time.”

“Takeuchihara, I know you’re particularly receptive to Howard’s sacrifice, but now we have to find the right moment. This kid’s methods are endless, and we must patiently investigate enough intelligence to target the strategy of dueling against him. ”

Hasegawa, who was opposite, spoke to persuade Takeuchihara.

Hasegawa is actually very angry that You Ran caused them to lose their companions, but whether it is the Black Rose Dragon displayed by You Ran when he duels with their companions, or the monsters that are oversummoned, You Ran’s duel cards are confusing.

If You Ran is just a meteor dragon, or a true red-eyed dragon knight, or a true red lotus nova dragon, it is good to formulate a dueling strategy for it.

But there are new monsters in Youran, and the strategy and so on have to be re-investigated for information, so now you can only wait, after all, to a large extent, the intelligence information of a duelist is still very important.

Just when Takeuchihara was still about to speak, suddenly, he found a sharp pain in his hand, and when he looked down, he found that a figure like glowing appeared on his hand.

“What is it?”

Takeuchi Hara was taken aback, and instead of feeling uncomfortable because of the pain, he felt that a strong force seemed to begin to emerge from his body.

This feeling is even stronger than when I got the earth bondage god at that time.

When the number appeared in Takeuchihara’s hand, Hasegawa immediately found it

“Takeuchihara, how are you”

Hasegawa was just about to ask Takeuchihara how the situation was, and the next second, Hasegawa felt a force coming from his arm, and a number also appeared on his arm.

“What the hell is this, how can such a strong force emerge?”

Hasegawa was also very surprised by this sudden and unexplained force at this moment.

But anyway, it’s good to have power, which makes two people feel like they can do a lot.

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