Chapter 150 Get the NO card, self-confidence is inflated!!

Suddenly gained strength, but Hasegawa and Takeuchihara did not cause any movement.

There was already the power of the earth binding god in the body itself, and the two people thought that these two forces would clash in the body, but it turned out that these two forces could be controlled by them.

Immediately after, the two of them noticed that the cards on their duel board were shining, and this light was only visible to the two of them.

The two people took out the cards from the top of the duel board and found that they were two cards with black edges ~ frames that they had never seen before.

“Could it be that this is an excess monster card?”

Two people have a hard time believing their eyes.

Because the excess card has only been used by You Ran so far, but no accident, this should be an excess card, because there are two words written below, and the summoning condition also needs to be stacked with monsters of the same level.

“We actually got excess cards. Hasegawa, it seems that we are destined to shine in this Duel King competition. ”

“Yes, I will actually get a super strong card, this power is much stronger than You Ran’s super monster card.”

The two people only felt ecstatic at this moment.

Just saw You Ran in the atmosphere of this tense competition, and leisurely brought his sister over to watch a movie, dating two people is a little unbearable.

But now everything is not a problem, because they also get super super cards, and the strength is much stronger than You Ran.

With the power of excess cards and the power of the Earth Binding God, it will not be a problem to challenge You Ran.

However, the two people were not in such a hurry to find You Ran, because when they got the new card, they had to find someone else to experiment a little.

The two of them excitedly finished eating the Coke in their cups and the burger in front of them, then got up and left the cinema, ready for a few after-dinner duels and run-in with the cards.

You Ran didn’t know that the two people took the NO card, and began to swell, and planned to send You Ran a ride.

Buying good things is almost the beginning of the movie, and You Ran and Asuka go to the movies.

However, it has to be said that the excess cards are now quite concerned, and when the two people go to the duel, the other duelists who continue to ride on the viaduct are very shocked when they see someone using a new excess card.

“What is the situation, the excess card actually has other people, and it feels stronger than You Ran’s excess card.”

“Say, the monster attack power of the two excess cards that You Ran is currently using is only two thousand points, and the effect of these two people’s excess monsters is outrageous.”

“Which company issued the excess card, why is there no news?”

How could there be someone else besides You Ran? ”

People who saw this duel were very incomprehensible.

If You Ran is like when he was in tune before, only You Ran alone in the world has an excess card, and everyone is accustomed to accepting this fact.

But now someone has come out with an excess card, and it is stronger than You Ran’s excess card, which is very unacceptable.

Now the International Illusion Society is basically the best company to issue game cards, and if other companies could issue excessive cards, they would have announced long ago.

International Illusion does not admit that it issued excessive cards, and other companies do not admit that they have cards, which company issued them.

Takeuchihara and Hasegawa mainly wanted to test the effect of the excess cards they got, so they did not use the power of the Earth Binding God, and the duelists who fought against them were not sucked away by the Earth Binding God.

Seeing that they easily defeated their opponents, Takeuchihara and Hasegawa were very happy that they had not actually engaged in a two-player duel just now, they had picked an opponent to duel and won easily, and the effect of the excess cards exceeded their expectations.

“With this card, You Ran is useless no matter what means he has.”

He will wait to die tomorrow, let him enjoy a relatively relaxed date at the end of the evening, and the two of them will soon have a decision to go to harvest Youran tomorrow.

The duel between the two people was quickly posted on the Internet for discussion, hoping that the company of the excess card would issue it quickly, otherwise, some people had excess cards, some people did not have excess cards, and this duel king game was unfair.

You Ran didn’t know the turmoil caused by the duel between Takeuchihara and Hasegawa tonight, and it was already ten o’clock when You Ran and Asuka finished watching the movie, and You Ran sent Asuka back to the hotel where he stayed.

As students of the Duel Academy, there is a special hotel charter, so they all live here.

“You Ran, I’m at the residence.”

“Well, I’ll send you here”

As You Ran was about to leave, Asuka said, “You Ran, then…”

Before Asuka could finish her words, she heard the voice of the ten generations: “Yuran, Asuka.” ”

Hearing the voice of the ten generations, You Ran and Asuka looked to the side and found that the ten generations of Maruto Ryo had returned.

“Ten generations this idiot.”

Junko and Baihui really want to complain, why bother with a sound, they are silently watching from the side, isn’t it?

Shidai ran over with a grin, and then asked the two people: “Yuran, Asuka, how is the harvest of the two of you today?” ”

“I didn’t have a good harvest with Asuka today, and no one duelled with us. Ten generations, seeing that you are so happy, you should have taken a lot of puzzle cards. ”

“Haha, it’s okay.”

Subsequently, Ryo Maruto and several others also came over.

“Liang, how was your harvest today?”

“It’s okay, I think the first day today went quite smoothly.”

When Asuka had just finished asking Ryo Maruto, Junko jokingly asked, “Asuka, how do you feel about going on a date with Yuran to watch a movie today?” ”

Hearing Junko ask how she felt about dating Yuran, Asuka blushed, “You… How do you know? ”

Baihui smiled: “Asuka, it seems that your attention is all on dating You Ran, so I don’t know that there is a forum for the Duel King Competition, and many duelists will communicate in this forum.” ”

“You Ran is now a duelist who is very much concerned, so You Ran’s movements will be paid attention to.”

“Someone met you guys at the mall, so someone just posted it.”

While speaking, Baihui looked at You Ran: “You Ran, there are many people on the forum who are not convinced of you, they say that you are too leisurely now, such an important game is still dating, and I am very jealous of you, I will show it to you.” ”

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