Chapter 152 is a little greedy!!

I heard two people say that they were for the sake of pet fans at the request of fans, and they reluctantly came to find You Ran to duel. You Ran, I think the two people are really quite interesting.

When did the users of the earth bind the gods become so spoiled?

But this is of course, because Takeuchihara Hasegawa felt that strength was indeed very important before, but after today’s Youran’s trouble, they feel that Youran’s life is very right.

Duels are not all in life, there should be some life of your own.

You Ran now sees very thoroughly, through the duel to improve his life, the material conditions of life are completely worry-free, then of course you have to enjoy life.

They can’t be too stupid, they can’t dedicate their lives to the king of the underworld, so they also hope to spoil fans, and then get some fans, and there will be endorsements after becoming famous, so don’t you come over to find You Ran tonight?

As long as they defeat You Ran, they will be able to step on You Ran’s fame.

And now they have the power of the earth binding god and the power of the NO card, and they may not be able to get the title of duel king, so by that time, life will go to the peak.

“Okay, boy, don’t talk nonsense, you can’t escape this duel at night.”

Takeuchi Hara stopped inkblotting with Youran.

While Yuran and Asuka were watching a movie, they had already had several duels, and they had already used the power of the NO card handily.

“Of the two of us, you can pick one as an opponent.”

Hasegawa opened his mouth to let You Ran make a choice.

Because both of them want to defeat You Ran and want to step on You Ran’s fame, but there is only one person who can succeed, so instead of making their own choices and hurting the harmony between their peers, it is better to let You Ran make the choice.

After You Ran made a choice, another person who was not selected could only lament that he was unlucky.

You Ran doesn’t know these two people, so how to choose, of course, depends on which person is more valuable to him.

“By the way, let me ask first, how many puzzle cards do you have, who has a little more puzzle cards?”

As soon as You Ran’s words came out, the two people knew that You Ran was eyeing their puzzle card.

Takeuchi Hara smiled at Hasegawa: “Hasegawa, it seems that I am very embarrassed, this time the duel has come to me.” ”

“Well, only you can come.”

Hasegawa could only lament that his puzzle card was one less than Takeuchihara.

“After today’s day duel, I have about 30 puzzle cards.

But boy, you only have six puzzle cards, so the comparison must be a little unfair, so if I win, in addition to taking away your two excess cards, I also have to take away your meteor dragon and stardust dragon, as well as the true red lotus new star dragon and the red lotus demon dragon, how about it? ”

“It’s a bit greedy for you to hold my six rare cards, but if you want these six cards, it seems that such a little puzzle card alone is not enough.”

“I know, so I’ll pay for all my overweight cards and the Hellbound God, as well as the other homological cards I get.”

“Okay, although I have suffered a little loss, but so it is decided.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

After the confirmation of both parties, Takeuchihara certainly did not forget another thing, that is, to turn on the live broadcast.

He and Hasegawa are fans today, of course, let his fans see him duel with Youran.

Before, when Takeuchihara Hasegawa said that he wanted to come to You Ran for a challenge, he had already told those who wanted them to defeat You Ran on the forum that they would definitely come to find You Ran, so this time they opened the live broadcast of their personal account directly on the forum.

The two people now have a lot of attention to them on the forum, and when the live broadcast is turned on, in just ten seconds, more than two hundred people who have not fallen asleep pour into the live broadcast room.

And these people also rushed to tell their friends, so that those who did not sleep came to the live broadcast room to witness the moment of failure.

“Still live broadcast, aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to explain if you lose?”

You Ran smiled and spoke.

“That’s not your trouble.”

The duel between the super-monsters is still very gimmicky, so in this live broadcast, even some TV stations began to broadcast it.

Now the Duel King’s match is very much watched all over the world, so the broadcast of the duel worth watching can increase the ratings, so now the major TV stations have no good content at 11 o’clock at night, so they directly broadcast the live content of the Takeuchihara live broadcast room.

People who were watching TV were surprised to see the picture of suddenly switching to a duel.

“There are actually people dueling at such a late hour.”

“Isn’t this Youran? Isn’t the other one Takeuchi Hara who got the excess card? The two of them dueled. No wonder the TV station switched the content directly without saying anything. Okay, what is the duel between excess cards? ”

Many viewers who were preparing for a TV break have changed their minds, and now they must watch this duel to the end.

Asuka, Momoe, and Junko returned to their rooms after returning to the hotel.

Because the school helped order and encouraged students to participate in this Duel King competition, they were not alone, but three people lived together.

After Baihui and Junko returned to the room, she asked Asuka, “Asuka, how are you doing with Yuran?” ”

“What progress, it’s that I feel that no one is dueling with us today, You Ran just invited me to watch a movie, don’t think too much.”


Junko immediately expressed disbelief.

“Inviting you to watch a movie is obviously a date, so he didn’t take the initiative to express it a little.”

Baihui has a look that you understand.

“You two don’t gossip like this, can’t you. Some things just go with the flow. ”

Asuka feels that although she and You Ran have a very good relationship now, after all, they have not yet understood each other more. When they were in the Duel Academy before, the two of them didn’t get along for a long time, so Asuka felt that the two of them were now acting together every day, so it was good to get along slowly.

And Asuka felt that she had to cheer up, otherwise the gap with You Ran would be too big, and she would feel that she would drag her feet.

“That said, but…”

When Momoe and Junko wanted to ask for more content, all of a sudden, the TV in the room was relayed to the duel between Yuran and Takeuchihara.

“Eh, You Ran actually wants to have a galloping duel with people, can it be that you really met those people when you go back.”

Momoe and Junko were very surprised, and their attention was immediately on the TV, no longer teasing Asuka.

Asuka also focused on TV.

Because someone in the previous forum post coaxed Takeuchihara and Hasegawa to find Youran, Asuka did not expect to find Yuran so quickly.

“Hopefully, this duel will reveal more secrets about excess cards.”

John 10th Maruto Ryo and the others immediately sat in front of the TV to watch the duel between You Ran and Takeuchi Hara, and even stopped washing first.

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