Chapter 153: The Duel Between Overpowers!!

After turning on the live broadcast, Takeuchi Hara stopped inking with Youran.

“Let’s start the duel, I can’t wait to get your four homological cards.”

Takeuchihara was already excited in his heart.

If you can get You Ran’s four homological cards, your strength is simply immeasurable.

You Ran knows that his four cards will make people blush, but before the duel, he will daydream first, is this okay?

“Hehe, you first pray that you can keep your NO card.”


“High-speed world two starts, enters duel mode.”

“There is a bend ahead, and whoever passes the bend first attacks first.”


“Listen to my slogan, and then you sprint together.”

Hasegawa acted as a referee next to him.

“3, 2, 1, start.”

At the beginning of Hasegawa’s speech, You Ran and Takeuchihara increased their speed and Takeuchihara desperately increased the horsepower of the D wheel.

Takeuchi had a reason why he had to take the first attack, because the first attack could set a trap, otherwise You Ran summoned that glow Palladios, then his ○ card would also be invalidated in front of the effect of that card, and this card must be prevented.

Therefore, it is very important for Takeuchihara to attack first, otherwise once he lets You Ran attack first, when it comes to his turn, he cannot miss the time of his own attack, so he can only attack at that time.

In this way, if there is any card that can make his NO card effect invalid, it is completely impossible to fight back with the cover card, which is too bad.

Let You Ran set a trap first, the risk is too high.

Of course, You Ran will not give in easily, so the two are now grabbing the corner

With a “bang”, Takeuchihara’s D wheel suddenly crashed into Youran.

“It’s playing so insidiously.”

You Ran’s D wheel immediately shifted and immediately lagged behind.

“In order to attack first, it’s so shameless.”

Asuka was a little unbearable when she saw it.

However, not only Asuka, but also Yuran’s fans are also unacceptable, so when they saw this scene, as long as they were in the Takeuchihara live broadcast room, they all sent barrages and complained.

“Such a despicable duelist actually has the support of so many people, and you guys are not dignified duelists, they are really a gathering of things.”

“The first attack itself is to see the driving skills of the respective D-wheels, and the result is that in this way, one is not good, what to do in case of a car accident.” It is better to play less with this kind of duelist in the future, and You Ran really shouldn’t duel with this kind of person. ”

You Ran’s fans are more worried about You Ran, what if the other party can’t afford to play, do things in the duel, and let You Ran have a car accident.

Of course, You Ran could not have a car accident, and the system immediately helped You Ran control the driving system of the D wheel and immediately stabilized.

You Ran immediately looked at Takeuchi Hara with disdain: “Forget it, since you want to attack first so much, let it be given to you.” ”

You Ran will not rob him, there is no need to compete with such vile and shameless people.

Takeuchi Hara didn’t care about You Ran’s contempt, as long as he won the victory and got You Ran’s card.

“I’ll unceremoniously take the first attack, my turn, draw cards.”

When the cards are drawn, Takeuchihara is full of momentum.

The high-speed counters on both sides became one.

“I summon the orange shaman, then activate the magic card, double summon, this card allows me to do the usual summon again, I summon the red shaman.”

“Then I activate the magic card, the shaman summons. When you have two magician monsters on your field, you can specially summon a shaman from the deck, and I can specially summon a green shaman. ”

“Actually summoned three four-star monsters, and those who were going to come at the beginning began to look forward to it, because as soon as they came up, they directly summoned excess monsters, and everyone who watched Takeuchihara’s previous duel knew the effect of the excess monsters that were about to be summoned, which meant that Yuran was on the stall.”

“Boy, see clearly, this is the power of the great NO card.”

“I will stack three 4-star shaman monsters, build a stacking network with three monsters, oversummon, come out, NO16, the ruler of color.”

“I activate the Color Dominator effect, removing an excess material, until two rounds after your closing turn, you cannot activate the effect of the type of card I declare. I chose to announce that I could not activate the monster effect. ”

The effect of this card is the same as in the anime.

When Takeuchihara announced this effect, most people who watched this duel who did not know the effect of the Dominator of Color before were shocked.

“No, directly blocked the Youran monster effect for two rounds, this card is too sharp, so, how can You Ran summon the same tone monster?”

“Even if You Ran summons a homological monster, if you can’t activate the effect, it’s very uncomfortable. Moreover, You Ran’s two excess monster cards can’t activate the effect, and in terms of attack power alone, it is not as high as his color dominator, and You Ran is really a problem. ”

“It turned out that the effect was so strong, no wonder he was so despicable just now to win the first attack round, it turned out that the first attack had such a big advantage on him. It is difficult to summon the Meteor Dragon or the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon. ”

Many people feel headaches for You Ran.

Because Youran’s Meteor Dragon and True Red Lotus Nova Dragon are not cards that can be summoned easily, many times they are specially summoned with monster effects.

Now it’s hard not to use the monster effect.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

When Takeuchi Hara finished the round, the corners of his mouth opened and a happy smile expressed his mood at the moment.

You Ran didn’t bother to pay attention to his proud look.

“My turn, draw cards.”

The high-speed counter became two.

“I activate the magic card, Photon Sanctuary. In the turn launched by this card, monsters that are not light attributes themselves cannot be summoned, reversed summons and special summons. ”

“After this card is activated, you can specially summon two photon derivatives with an attack power of 2000 to the field on your own field.”

“The Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is a monster that can make special summons when two monsters with an attack power of more than 2,000 as sacrifices, so I will use these two photon derivatives as sacrifices to specially summon the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.”

“I know that you can’t easily summon a homological monster, and you will use the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon as an ace, I’m waiting for you.” Activate the covered card, the Black Horned Flute of Ascension. A specially summoned monster summoned on the opponent’s field is invalid and destroyed. ”

In the next second, Youran’s galaxy-eyed photon dragon was destroyed by Shen.

“Nice job, You Ran can’t be in harmony, and then if you can’t even use the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon, you will be out of skill.”

“This kid was restrained so badly for the first time, and now he is going to cry.”

Seeing so many people mocking You Ran, You Ran’s fans couldn’t bear it, and the live broadcast room immediately replied.

“The Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is not unable to be resurrected with the card of awakening the dead, don’t be too happy too soon.”

“Then you must have the dead awaken in Youran’s hands.”

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