Chapter 155: One Card Changes the Situation!!

“The level 7 sprinting dark knight Gaia is stacked with the level 7 super value-added. Build a stacked network with two monsters and oversummon. APPEAR, CLASS 7, THE DOMINATOR WITH THE EYE OF ILLUSION, NO11 GIANT EYE. ”

When Takeuchihara summoned the second excess monster, the barrage and the audience in front of the TV knew that they were not mistaken, and once again boiled.

“Such a high-level monster, its effect must be very strong.”

“In front of the two excess monsters, You Ran can’t say the excess monster, together with the tuning monster can’t summon it, and now he can’t activate the monster effect, nor can he activate the effect of the trap card, he can’t turn over.”

At this moment, all of Youran’s black fans were happy, and finally You Ran’s failure that could be witnessed with their own eyes.

“No, will You Ran lose?”

Asuka, Momoe, Junko, and Ryo Maruto had a hard time believing that Yuran would lose so easily at the very beginning of the Duel King match.

All along, whether You Ran is a homological summoning or an over-summoning, he is walking in front of everyone, but at this moment, is the over-summoning being led by others?

“You actually have two NO card monsters.”

You Ran ~ really surprised.

“Hahahaha, of course, do you think I will expose all my hole cards in the previous duel with other people? God let me get this heaven-given treasure card, proving that you are destined to become my subordinate defeat, and it is time for Stardust Dragon to find the real owner of these cards. ”

“Is it? It’s hard to say. ”

You Ran directly interrupted Takeuchi Hara’s words.

“At this moment, I launched a quick attack magic card, the Book of the Moon. This card can make a monster represented on the table side of the field become an inside guard representation, and I choose your NO11 giant eye to become an inside guard representation. ”

“You kid…”

Takeuchihara’s smile suddenly disappeared.

“It’s a pity.”

“It just so happens that the card he covers is a quick attack magic card, and if it is a trap card, it will be completely impossible to fight back. This kid is tough. ”

Everyone else felt sorry for Takeuchihara.

Victory is at hand, and God gives face, so that Takeuchi Hara drew this God-given treasure card when he did not have a hand.

You can’t win You Ran by giving face like this, and it makes people’s heads big.


Takeuchihara knew he couldn’t win this round.

Originally, if it was a trap card, as long as the effect of the giant eye was activated and the control of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon was obtained, it would be able to make You Ran die very miserably.

“Okay, continue your turn, you still have a hand, let me see how you can work with your NO16 Dominator to defeat me.”

You Ran asked Takeuchi Hara with a grin, and Takeuchihara’s face sank.

In any case, Takeuchihara’s round cannot end like this.

“I activate the high-speed magic card in my hand, half capture, my own high-speed counter can be activated when there are more than three, choose the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon on your field, the attack power drops by half, and I can restore the value of this decreased attack power, so the attack power of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon becomes 1500 points, and my life changes from 3100 to 4600 points.”

“Fight, I use the NO16 Color Dominator to attack your galaxy-eyed photon dragon.”

This time, You Ran was defenseless at all, the 1500 Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon received 800 points of damage, and You Ran’s health became 3200 points

“Photon Zero effect, when the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is destroyed, this card can be sent to the graveyard instead of destruction, but when this card is sent to the cemetery, the attack power of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon will become zero.”

“Damn, he actually let his galaxy-eyed photon dragon stay on the field.”

Takeuchi Hara felt very depressed, and he never dreamed that You Ran’s quick attack magic card would make his perfect situation not so perfect.

“End this round.”

“Looks like you’re over here, my turn, draw cards.”

“Launch the magic card from the hand, photon hand. When there is a galactic monster on your field, pay 1000 health points to activate it against a monster on your field to gain control of that monster. ”

“You want to control my monster?”

Takeuchihara’s face changed suddenly.

“Of course, I choose the NO11 giant eye that you represent inside.”

Then, NO11 Giant Eye arrived at Youran’s venue.

“I reverse summon NO11 Giant Eyes.”

“Just now you want to activate the effect of NO11 giant eye, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful, let me use it this round, I will activate the effect of NO11 giant eye, one round at a time, remove the excess material of this card, and choose a monster on the opponent’s field to gain control.” This turn of the effect is launched, and the giant eye cannot attack. ”

“I’ll go to the giant eye to remove an excess material and control your NO16 color dominator.”

“Another monster is also controlled, and Takeuchi Hara is empty.”

Takeuchihara’s supporters were dizzy and depressed for Takeuchihara.

“Takeuchihara should have blocked the magic card first, the dueling strategy is too failed.”

Immediately someone complained that Takeuchi Hara was not powerful.

You Ran’s fans immediately opened their mouths to laugh at the gang of people who spit on Takeuchi Hara.

“You think he’s a prophet, he knows when to block what card?” To block the opponent’s card in your turn, it is definitely best to be a trap card, if you block the magic card, it is a brain problem. ”

“That is, normal people will choose trap cards, if he can really predict the prophet, he will already be the duel king.”

You Ran’s fans complained one after another, feeling that this gang of people was not interesting, but more excited, such a dangerous duel can turn over, it is too difficult.

But people will always be a little stubborn, and these people still do not admit defeat.

“Who wins and who loses is not known, the attack power of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is, the giant eye cannot attack, there is only one NO16 color dominator on Youran’s field now that can attack, Takeuchi has 4600 health points, one round can’t be over, next time and who knows what will happen.”

“It makes sense, the victory and defeat have not been scored, don’t be happy too early.”

“Don’t be disobedient, You Ran can’t save him for the next round.”

You Ran’s fans don’t believe that there are so many cards in You Ran’s hand that will give Takeuchi Hara another chance to draw cards.

You Ran certainly couldn’t do that.

When it’s time to win, of course, you can’t be polite.

“When there is a galactic monster on your field, the photon expeller is specially summoned, and then the leader is usually summoned. I use the four-star photon destroyer to tune the stars with the four-star leader. ”

“The shock of the king is now displayed here, look at the power of the roar of heaven and earth, and summon in unison. Come out, Red Lotus Demon Dragon. ”

“Sure enough, you can’t give him a second chance.”

When they saw You Ran summon the Red Lotus Demon Dragon, You Ran’s fans knew that You Ran wanted to feel that they had won.

“It’s really useless.”

These fans of Takeuchi Hara directly turned black from powder to black, and they were too lazy to watch hundreds of millions of live broadcasts.

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