Chapter 156: The Dark Power Makes NO Cards Appear in Large Numbers!!

Takeuchi Hara didn’t care if these fans turned black or not, anyway, he was already panicked at this time: “Impossible, how can it be, I have two NO cards, how can I lose to this kid.” ”

Takeuchihara couldn’t accept this fact.

No matter how Takeuchihara did not accept it, this is also a fact.

The victory and defeat have been divided, and You Ran does not need to continue to waste time.

“Fight, I will launch a direct attack on you with the Red Lotus Demon Dragon and the NO16 Color Dominator.”

The direct attack of the two monsters, with a total attack power of 5300 points, made Takeuchihara 4600’s health instantly zero.


Before the rollover, Takeuchi Hara also cursed, Takeuchi Hara really did not expect that he could overturn like this.

“It’s so useless, thanks to me for supporting you so much.”

“It’s so disappointing to have such a little strength.”

There was a lot of cursing on the barrage.

You Ran’s fans are very happy, because this gang has always won with cards that You Ran does not have others, and attacked You Ran’s strength.

This time it seems to prove otherwise.

“See no, I used to say that You Ran won because the card was relatively strong, but this time did you use an excess of monsters, although in the end I still used the same summon, but the effect could not be launched, it was just equivalent to a monster with high attack power. Now you have nothing to say. ”

“It turns out that duelists still need to rely on the combination of decks to be able to exert their real power, and they will definitely win if they don’t have an excess of monster cards.”

In the face of these words, these black fans all fell into silence.

Although they knew that You Ran’s duel seemed to illustrate this problem, they just didn’t accept it.

By the time the duel was decided, You Ran already had 36 puzzle cards.

You Ran stopped the car and walked towards Takeuchihara.

You Ran took the NO card that had just been agreed upon from Takeuchi Hara, as well as the cards of the Earth Binding God and seven excess monsters.

“It’s a pity that these cards are useless.”

Even the NO card is of little use to You Ran, because the effect of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is stronger than them, and other cards are not comparable to You Ran’s homological monsters, so it has no effect at all.

The earth in it was directly torn to shreds.

“Just be glad that you didn’t use the power of the Earth Binding God, otherwise you will be finished.”

Although You Ran’s words were not heard, Takeuchi had to admit that this was indeed a fact.

If he had just used the Earth Binding God, he would have been gone.

Then, You Ran’s gaze looked at Hasegawa.

Takeuchi originally had two NO cards, so the meaning of Hasegawa should also have two NO cards is very clear, and after defeating Takeuchihara, I want to defeat Hasegawa as well.

Hasegawa didn’t want to duel with You Ran anymore at this time.

“Boy, I’ll come back to you another day?”

Leaving this sentence, Hasegawa drove away directly.

“This is gone?”

You Ran was stunned for a moment: “This doesn’t seem to be in line with the normal development process?” ”

You Ran felt that normally Hasegawa should not avenge Takeuchihara, how could he walk so easily?

Hasegawa really wanted to come to You Ran to duel and win, and take the precious cards from You Ran.

But Hasegawa is not a fool.

You Ran’s own strength is already very strong, they are bold because they have an excess of cards, and they dare to find You Ran to challenge.

And the NO card also has the advantage that other cards cannot combat damage it.

Now that You Ran also has a NO card, it means that Hasegawa does not have this advantage.

Takeuchihara’s two NO cards are not necessarily stronger than the NO cards he uses in his hand, but both cards are very headaches, especially the dominator of the number 16 in them.

So Hasegawa is not leaving now, is he waiting for You Ran to take away his card?

The duel of the NO card will bring some damage, but it will not pose a fatal danger, so Takeuchi Hara endured the injury of his body and rode away on the D wheel.

You Ran did not chase.

Get back on the D-wheel and go back to the apartment.

You Ran’s mood today is still good, although there is no one to duel with You Ran during the day, and someone will send him to the door at night. The harvest is not bad, so all of a sudden they overtook the moon that felt like a day today, but some people were happy, that is naturally someone worried You Ran won the live broadcast, and the harvest from Takeuchi Hara was not cheap, which made other duelists more headaches.

“You Ran already has an excess of cards, and now he has obtained two such strong NO cards. His strength has been further improved. How do you have to defeat him in a duel? ”

Many people begin to think about this question in their minds.

Since they all came to participate in the Duel King competition this time, then of course the goal is to come to the championship…

Each duel costs at least one rare card.

Taking such a big risk just to make green leaves for people is not what they want to see.

“If I can also get excess cards, I will definitely perform better than Takeuchihara, and I will definitely not lose to You Ran so easily.”

“Why can even such people get excess cards, and we can’t get them?”

This makes many people angrier the more they think about it.

When this event makes their hearts more and more angry, the dark power in their hearts will slowly emerge.

In a relatively simple hotel, a 2-year-old young man, a number suddenly appeared in his arm, and strength surged from his body.

Immediately after, he found a card shining at the top of the deck on the table.

The young man immediately walked over to the table and picked up a shining card on the table.

When the light dimmed, it became a card with a black background

“NO card, I actually got the NO card.”

The young man rubbed his eyes and made sure that he was really not mistaken, and immediately jumped up with joy.

“Great, I was selected by this magical excess card, I really have the talent of a duelist, so that in this duel king competition, I will not be easily eliminated.”

The youth’s confidence immediately came up.

Not only this young man, when many people were dissatisfied with You Ran because of jealousy, the power of jealousy caused a lot of dark power in their hearts, so NO card found them.

In addition to this youth, at least ten people received NO cards that night

“Although there are NO cards, You Ran has two NO cards, and there are other super monsters, so you can’t rush. You’ll have to harvest some other duelists to get their rare cards. ”

These people who get the excess card have a common idea, that is, first play steadily, don’t go to You Ran for a while and a half.

In addition to the excess cards, there are other cards in Youran’s deck, all of which are amazingly strong, and both of Takeuchihara’s overweight cards lost tonight, which is the best evidence, so they must get more cards to facilitate a duel with Youran.

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