
Chapter 080

As the body of the water dragon collapsed, three slightly smaller monsters split out of it.

Two of them are made entirely of yellow-brown airflow, land on all four paws, and are stocky, like two strong triceratops.

[Hydrogen Dragon]: Four Star / ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1000 / Water Attribute / Dinosaur Race.

The third one is surrounded by turquoise airflow, shaped like a pterosaur, and hovers in the air with its wings.

[Ox Dragon]: Four Star / ATK: 1800 / DEF: 800 / Wind Attribute / Dinosaur Family.

The number of effects launched by Misawa is the same as that of the dragon, with more than one:

“When [Water Dragon] or [Water Dragon-Cluster] is sent from the field to the cemetery, you can add the [Chemical Bond-D2O] in the cemetery to the hand!”

After processing these triggered effects, Misawa used another magic card:

“Activate [Dead Su Sheng] and summon a [Deuterium Su Dragon] special summoning to the field in the cemetery!”


A Tyrannosaurus rex, which was composed of dark blue air currents, stepped into the field and let out a thick roar.

[Deuterosaurus]: Five Star / ATK: 2000 / DEF: 1400 / Water Attribute / Dinosaur Family.

“The effect of [Deuterium Dragon] is that this card can only be activated on the occasion of successful summoning of one of the [Hydrogen Dragon], [Oxygen Dragon], and [Deuterium Dragon] in his graveyard, and that monster is specially summoned.

I choose another [Deuterium Dragon] in the special summoned graveyard! ”

The blue light flashed, and another [Deuterium Dragon] appeared on the field, filling the five monster areas of the land of Sanze.

However, he didn’t want to fight the dragon with so many monsters.

After scanning the field, Misawa activated the [Chemical Bond-D2D] that had just withdrawn his hand:

“You Long, you can crack many of my arrangements, but I can also use the power of chemistry to restore everything perfectly after that!”

Send the two [Deuterium Dragons] and one [Oxygen Dragon] on the field to the cemetery as sacrifices, and let them once again give birth to the heavy water dragon – [Water Dragon – Tuanxuan] in the chemical reaction! ”


The collision of the three monsters merged, creating an increasingly violent torrent, from which a larger water dragon emerged.

Its general shape is similar to the previous water dragon, but it has two heads, and its roar is like a huge wave crashing on the shore, which is extremely powerful.

[Water Dragon – Cluster]: Ten Stars/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2600/Water Attribute/Sea Dragon Clan!

However, when the [Dead Su Sheng] was launched, Sanze’s battle phase was already over and he could not attack.

So after completing this summoning, his round also came to an end:

“Cover a card, my round is over.”

The operation was transferred back into the hands of the dragon.

“Sanzawa, your chemistry deck is really changing, let me see how far it can be changed.

My turn, draw! ”

You Long first showed a monster card that had just been added to the hand in the previous round,

“Activate the effect of [Hui Bai Dragon – Tyrannosaur Pterodactyl], exclude the dark attribute monster [Dark Dragon – Collapse Star Serpent] in the graveyard from the game, and summon this monster to the field specially.”


With a sharp hiss, a two-winged flying dragon covered in blue and lustrous swept into the ground.

The body surface is intertwined with orange-red markings, and the chest position is cracked like a collapsed star snake, but what is bred is a dazzling ball of light that emits brilliant white light.

[Huibai Dragon – Tyrannosaurus]: Four Star / ATK: 1700 / DEF: 1800 / Light Attribute / Dragon Clan.

“Then activate the magic card [Planet Transformation], and add a field magic card from the deck to the hand.

The [Dark World – Shadow Enemy Topia] that I chose to join, I activated this field magic to make all the monsters represented on the side of the field become dark attributes! ”


Countless purple-black clouds appeared above, shrouding the entire venue.

Dead silence, darkness, fear, madness…

Countless negative energies abounded in between.

The white glow on the white dragon’s chest turned into a dark purple, and the water around the water dragon turned into a black and blue filthy stream.

They all became dark monsters!

After completing this step, the dragon performed a rare sacrifice summoning:

“I will offer the [Radiant White Dragon-Tyrannosaurus] transformed into a dark attribute as a sacrifice, and summon the [Light Pulsar Dragon] from my hand!”


At this moment, the Huibai Dragon split and disintegrated into countless points of light, and these points of light quickly condensed and reorganized, forming a magnificent dragon with a blue body, and its dreamy scale armor surface constantly jumped with light blue light beams, exuding extremely dangerous energy radiation!

However, under the effect of [Dark World], the glare around it soon turned into a dark glow.

[Light Pulsar Dragon]: Six Star / ATK: 2500 / DEF: 1500 / Dark Attribute / Dragon Clan.

This monster can be tricked from the hand by excluding one light and dark attribute monster in the graveyard.

The reason why the dragon chose to use the usual ritual summoning method is to trigger the effect of a monster.

“Because there are dark monsters on the field as sacrifices, I can activate the effect of [Dark Lord-Diablos] and summon it from the hand special!”

The two dragon monsters that You Long added to his hand with [Dragon Awakening Melody] in the last round were actually [Diablos]!


In the dark black mist of thunder flickering, another majestic evil dragon appeared and stood on the field of the dragon.

[Dark Demon – Diablos]: Eight Star / ATK: 3000 / DEF: 2000 / Dark Attribute / Dragon Clan!

After gathering two [Diaporos] on the field, the dragon gave an attack command to one of them:

“Destroy the [Water Dragon-Cluster] on the opponent’s field!”

At this moment, Sanze Daichi suddenly spoke:

“Activate the second effect of [Water Dragon-Cluster] that can also be used in the opponent’s turn, send this card to the graveyard as a sacrifice, and ignore the summoning conditions to show a special summoning of two [Water Dragons]!”


The rushing water splashed everywhere, and the two heads of the cluster each took away half of the body of the water flow, and actually split into two new monsters, entrenched in their respective monster areas, showing a garrison sign.

[Water Dragon]: Eight Star / ATK: 2800 / DEF: 2600 / Dark Attribute / Sea Dragon Clan.

Immediately afterwards, Misawa seamlessly turned over the cover card in the backcourt:

“Activate the trap card [chemical binding DHO]!

Return one [Deuterium Dragon], [Hydrogen Dragon], and [Oxygen Dragon] each from your own hand or graveyard to activate it, and choose a [Water Dragon-Cluster Cluster] special summon from your own hand or graveyard. ”


In the surging Hanhan turbid current, this two-headed water dragon reappeared on the field.

[Water Dragon – Cluster]: Ten Stars/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2600/Dark Attribute/Sea Dragon Clan!

Once again, Misawa’s monster area is filled with five monsters.

One [Water Dragon-Cluster], two [Water Dragon], and two [Hydrogen Dragon].

Because of the departure of the attacker, the dragon now needs to re-select the target of attack among these monsters.

Although there are many monsters in the Misawa field, none of them can resist the attack of [Diablos].

But Misawa was undaunted by this and smiled confidently:

“You Long, it’s not so easy to defeat me so quickly!

【Water Dragon – Cluster】This Katesh summon is successfully activated, and the effect monster on the opponent’s field cannot be activated until the attack power becomes 0 at the end of the round. ”

A strange mist gushed out from the mouth of the cluster, filling the entire venue, causing the three monsters on the dragon field to fall into a state of malaise.

Their high attack power has gradually decreased to 0.

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