
Chapter 081

A monster with an attack power of 0 is naturally unable to launch an attack, and after thinking for a few seconds, Yulong declared with a card:

“Ambush a card, my round is over.”

With the end of the round, the [Water Dragon-Cluster] effect failed, and the attack power of the monsters on his field returned to normal.

The two large Polos once again overshadowed all the monsters in Misawa Field.

But Misawa Daichi is not worried about this.

“My turn, draw!”

Misawa this round still started with a magic card,

“You Long, I know you like to summon powerful monsters that are high stars and high attacks, but those monsters are going to be greatly discounted in front of me!

Launch the perpetual magic card [The Pain of the Strong], and the opponent’s side of the table indicates all the monsters that exist, and the attack power drop level is multiplied by 100! ”

The effect of this card is not targeted, so every monster in the dragon field is not spared.

The attack power of the eight-star monster [Dark Demon King – Diablos] on his field suddenly dropped by 800 points, leaving only 2200 points.

The attack power of the six-star monster [Light Pulsar Star Dragon] dropped by 600 points, and only 1900 points remained.

“Then I changed the two [Water Dragons] and the two [Hydrogen Dragons] on the field from a defensive representation to an attack representation.”

After changing the representation, Misawa firmly grasped this once-in-a-lifetime fighter and excitedly issued an attack order,

“[Water Dragon-Cluster], attack the [Light Pulsar Dragon] on the opponent’s field!

[Water Dragons], attack the two [Diablos] on the opponent’s field!

[Hydrogen Dragons], directly attack the opposing player and solve this battle! ”

But at the moment when the Sanze attack declaration was issued, You Long turned over the cover like in the previous round:

“Launch the trap card [Bursting Dragon Breath], you can launch a dragon monster on the field as a sacrifice, and all the monsters on the field whose defensive power is lower than the attack power of this sacrificial monster will be destroyed!”

The dragon will launch trap cards, which is completely expected by Misawa Daichi.

What he fears the most is this trap card.

However, when he heard the card effect clearly, he immediately put down his heart and said happily:

“Destroy the audience regardless of enemy or me, it is really your style.

But you seem to have forgotten one thing, after I launched [Pain of the Strong], the strongest dragon monster in your field has an attack power of only 2200 points, and except for [Hydrogen Dragon], the defensive power of each monster in my field is 2600 points, and you can’t destroy my three strongest monsters! ”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Misawa’s eyelids jumped and he suddenly realized a problem.

With the rigorous character of Youlong, how can he make such a low-level mistake as negligence!

“I didn’t really say I was going to sacrifice the monsters on my field.”

The corner of You Long’s mouth raised and said with a smile,

“When you activate the effect of the field magic card [Dark World – Shadow Enemy Gang], and use the monster on your field as a sacrifice in order to make the effect of the card launch, you can let a dark attribute monster on the opponent’s field replace your own monster as a sacrifice!”

And under the first effect of [Dark World], all the monsters on your field are dark attribute monsters.

So I can choose to send the [Water Dragon-Cluster] on your field to the cemetery as a sacrifice and launch the [Bursting Dragon Breath]! ”

The attack power of [Water Dragon-Cluster] is as high as 2800 points, which is higher than the defensive power of every monster on the field!


The countless water molecules that make up the water dragon-cluster suddenly collapsed at this moment, splitting into countless hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules.

Hydrogen burned, oxygen fueled, and raging flames erupted from the mouths of the clusters, sweeping the entire site.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! Boom-”

Under the breath of this explosive dragon full of destructive power, all the monsters in the scene were destroyed and destroyed, and finally the cluster itself burned out, turning into a pool of stagnant water and slowly dissipating.

“The title D-KING is indeed not wrong, you are indeed the same as the Dragon Sovereign, you can control the power of every dragon as you like, even the dragons on my field!”

Misawa sighed with a shrunken pupil.

However, his venue is not so easily emptied.

“When the [Water Dragon] is destroyed and sent to the cemetery, it can be specially summoned by the two [Hydrogen Dragons] and one [Oxygen Dragon] that exist in the graveyard.”

There are not so many summoning objects in his graveyard to activate the effect of two [Water Dragons].

However, one of the water dragons burned the remaining stagnant water, but it still managed to split and reorganize into three monsters, and separated the three monster areas with a garrison sign.

The grounds of the dragon have not been emptied either.

“When the [Light Pulsar Dragon] is sent from the field to the graveyard, you can choose a special summon of a monster with a dragon dark attribute and more than five stars in your own graveyard.

I choose to summon [Dark Demon King – Diablos], come back, dominate the Demon Dragon of the Dark World! ”


In the clouds of the dark world, a huge pitch-black troll dragon slowly revealed its figure and descended on the dragon field again.

[Dark Demon – Diablos]: Eight Star / ATK: 3000 / DEF: 2000 / Dark Attribute / Dragon Clan!

Unfortunately, because of the effect of the Perpetual Magic Card [Pain of the Strong], as soon as it appeared, its attack power value was reduced to 2200 points in its unwilling roar.

But even so, its attack power is still ahead of the three monsters on the opponent’s field.

Sansawa Daichi was temporarily unable to fight back, and there were no cards available, so he could only helplessly announce:

“My round is over.”

The right to operate was transferred again at this moment.

“My turn, draw!”

There aren’t many cards available to the Dragon at the moment.

He doesn’t have a magic trap card in his hand, only a low-star monster and the monster card he added to his hand with the [Eclipse Pterodactyl] in the first turn.

That’s enough, though.

“From the hand to attack to summon the monster [Attack Wyvern]!”


In the penetrating roar, a dark blue two-winged flying dragon swept into the ground, and its scales were all angular blades, as if born for battle.

[Attack on the Flying Dragon]: Four Star / ATK: 1800 / DEF: 1000 / Dark Attribute / Dragon Clan.

This card and [Diablos] were both opened by the dragon from the same card pack.

At that time, the focus was on light and dark coordination and piling tombs, so both cards were set aside.

But in this revamped deck that favored the Grand Polo, he chose to join all.

“[Attack the Flying Dragon], attack the [Oxygen Dragon]!”

This monster’s attack power has been reduced to 1400 points due to [Pain of the Strong], but it is still higher than the 800 points of defense power of the oxygen dragon.


Under the rapid dive of the powerful wyvern, the body of the oxygen dragon was instantly cut in half by the wingblade of the former, and it was destroyed on the spot.

“Activate the effect of [Attack on the Flying Dragon], when this card fights to destroy the opponent’s monster, use this card as a sacrifice to activate. Choose a dragon monster from your own hand or graveyard other than [Attack Flying Dragon] to summon a special summon.

What I want to summon is [Dark Lord – Diaporos] in the graveyard!

Because it is now the occasion for the dark attribute monsters on my field as sacrifices, I can specially summon the [Dark Demon King – Diablos] in my hand! ”

This is the monster that the peregrine dragon added to the hand with [Eclipse Pterodactyl], the third [Diablos].

At this moment, the three Dark Lords gathered in this dark world!

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