
Chapter 099

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “You have completed the mission [Defeat the Tomb Guard] and receive the following rewards: 1. The [Green Eye] deck is unlocked to 80%. 2. Dragon effect monster card pack*2. 3. Any fifty magic trap cards.

You have completed the hidden mission [Summon the Sky Dragon of Osiris] and get a reward: [Helios Wing Dragon] unlocked by 10%.

Since you can still defeat your opponents without using the God Card in this duel, you will receive a hidden reward: Awaken the [Half-Dragon Maid – Dormitory Dragon Girl] Duel Elf.

Whether to open the card pack in Reward 2 and whether to awaken the Duel Elves. ”

You Long: “Let’s open the card bag first.” ”

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “The No. 1 card pack is open, and after opening, you have unlocked the following cards: [Dragon Paladin], [Dragon Guardian Knight], [Turtle Bad Beast – Gamezier], [Lightning Strike Bad Beast – Thunder Dragon King], [Great Star Yi Initial Dragon]. ”

You Long was a little stunned: “The cards in this entire card pack are not regular dragons, right?” ”

The first two are warrior monsters.

The two, like [Giant God Dragon – Shine], belong to the [Shine] series.

The first of them is the warrior kneeling in front of the dragon statue in the Katu of the Gospel of Resurrection.

Paladin can choose a 7-8 star dragon monster from the hand or deck to equip this card, so that it is not affected by the monster effect.

[Guardian Knight] can choose dragon monster equipment from the hand or graveyard, and the offensive and defensive values increase by half of the value of that monster.

The two also have the effect of using themselves and another monster on their own field as sacrifices, and summoning a 7-8 star dragon monster from the graveyard.

At first glance, it seems to work with the [True Red Eye] deck.

As a warrior monster, it can also be used as a fusion material for summoning the [True Red-Eyed Black Bladed Dragon].

However, the disadvantage is that it consumes summoning opportunities and does not have high attack power.

The attack power of the [Guardian Knight] is only 500 points, and equipping a [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] can only rise to 1700 points.

The combined effect of the two is not superior in the eyes of the dragon.

“Most of the 7-8 star monsters in the main deck are normal and double monsters, and it is really not cost-effective to sacrifice two monsters to recruit a mortal bone from the graveyard.

I might as well bring more [Gospel of Resurrection], which can be used for Su Sheng and as a tomb.

However, the monsters of the [Shine] series can be combined with the [Green Eyes] deck, and may be used in the future. ”

You Long thought for a moment, then turned to look at the cards behind him.

The last two are the [Bad Beast] series monsters that he once unlocked.

[Turtle Bad Beast – Kamesielle] is a monster that resembles both a turtle and a plesiosaur.

But what it says on the face of the card is neither a dragon, nor a dinosaur or a sea dragon, but a water attribute aquatic.

[Lightning Strike Bad Beast – Thunder Dragon King] is a three-headed evil dragon based on the king Ghidorah, but unfortunately, this guy belongs to the Thunder Clan like the monsters of the [Thunder Dragon] series.

Like the previous [Angry Beast-Togolan], it is temporarily useless to the Peregrine Dragon.

But [Turtle Bad Beast] can come in handy.

It has the consistent effect of the [Bad Beast] series of monsters, using a monster on the opponent’s field as a sacrifice, and summoning this card from the hand to the opponent’s field.

It seems to be a loss, but it is a weapon to solve the field.

Unlike other [Bad Beasts] with an attack power of 2800 or even 3000 points, [Turtle Bad Beast] has only 2200 attack power, and it has no resistance without the cooperation of [Bad Beast] cards.

You can use it to replace the high-attack and high-resistance monsters on the opponent’s field, or the garrison monsters.

You can then invoke your own high-attack monster or the appropriate effect card to destroy it.

If the timing is right, you can even use it to empty the opponent’s health!

The last [Great Star Yi Initial Dragon] is a phantom dragon monster, and You Long once drew the opposite [Great Star Yi Ending Dragon].

The latter can only be summoned from the cemetery of three races, and the dragon cannot be used.

However, except for the [Initial Dragon] summoned by the three attributes, there is a chance to use it.

“The [Half-Dragon Maid] deck has four basic attributes and light and dark attributes, and it is very easy to make up the three attributes.

However, this deck relies heavily on the back and forth cycle of hands, fields, and graveyard monsters, and it is very dangerous to rush to exclude three monsters. ”

The dragon put the card aside for the time being and opened another pack.

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “Pack 2 is open, and after opening, you have unlocked the following cards: [Destruction Dragon Gandora-Flaming Light], [Genesis Dragon], [Genesis Dragon], [Hell Imperial Dragon], [Synthetic Dragon]. ”

“This card pack is full of regular dragon monsters.”

The first card can be kept to form the [Gandora] deck.

The second [Genesis Dragon] is not related to [All Things Genesis Dragon], but the effect is good.

Each turn, you can throw a dragon card in your hand into the graveyard, and add a dragon card from the graveyard to your hand, and when this monster is destroyed, it can return all the dragons in the graveyard to the deck.

The [Creation Dragon Knight] is also not related to the first two, but has a similar effect to the existence of the [Shining] Double Knight just opened.

But this card is not a warrior clan, but a dragon clan of the Eight Classics.

When destroying the opposing monster in battle, send a 7-8 star monster from the deck to the graveyard.

Drop a hand card and send it to the graveyard, where a 7-8 star dragon monster is summoned.

The conditions for this effect are obviously much more relaxed than those of the [Shining] Knight.

“The [Hell Emperor Dragon] of the fourth is also good, after the double summoning, it can attack twice, and as a six-star dragon clan, it can also be used as a fusion material for the [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon].

There are still many double monsters in the [True Red Eye] deck, such as the commonly used [True Red Eye Black Flame Dragon], as well as the [True Red Eye Fierce Thunder Emperor] and [True Red Eye Fierce Star Dragon] that were not added before.

Instead, you can combine it with some booster cards for Duo Monsters and Normal Monsters to transform a [True Red Eye] deck that is biased towards Dual Summoning. ”

However, compared to the double [True Red Eye], the dragon is more interested in the last [Synthetic Dragon].

Because he just prefers this multi-headed dragon.

The effect of this three-headed dragon is to send three monster cards from the hand to the graveyard and summon it from the hand.

The attack power of this card becomes the total number of stars of the monster sent to the graveyard multiplied by 300.

Throw three four-star monsters, the attack power of [Synthetic Dragon] will become 3600 points, and lose three eight-star cards, that is 7200 points!

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid I can’t control this kind of monster, and it’s almost the same to give it to Maruto Ryo to use.”

You Long said on a whim,

“With his starting divine drawing ability, the starting hand must be a [Synthetic Dragon], three eight-star dragon race monsters, one [Dragon Spirit Temple], and one [Dragon Mirror].

Then summon a 7,200-attack [Synthetic Dragon] in one round, plus a [Five Emperor Dragon], heck, the opponent can’t hold it even if he has 8,000 health points, but he is likely to pit himself…”

You Long did not indulge in crankiness for too long, and after opening the card pack, he ordered the system again:

“Awaken the unlocked Duel Elves!”

Dragon Cancer Duel System: “The four-star duel elf [Half-Dragon Maid – Bedroom Dragon Girl] is awakening, and after awakening, you can summon your elf at any time with your mind.”

And within the confines of your personal dormitory, this duel elf can have a physical entity. ”

You Long’s mind moved, and a silhouette quickly appeared in front of him.

As perfect as in the card, she wears a black maid outfit, and under her long snow-white hair is a delicate and flawless little face, which still retains dragon characteristics such as horns and tails.

Facing Youlong, her cheeks were slightly red, and she respectfully bowed: “Respected master, I will clean up your room in the future.” ”

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