
Chapter 100

The duel elves of the [Dormitory Dragon Girl] are indeed manifested in physical form, and they are in the same state as the duel elves of the tomb guards that the dragon has seen in the other world.

She can be touched.

You can feel that her skin type is similar to that of humans, but it is more delicate and hydrated than ordinary people.

The clothes on the body are made of silk-like material, and the hair is exceptionally soft and can naturally slide from the fingers, like a liquid.

The horns are not completely hard, and they have a certain elasticity when pinched.

The scale armor on the dragon’s tail is as tough and cold as expected, and the dragon feels that it can be used as a “bamboo lady” when the weather is hot, and it must be cool to sleep in the hold.

The dormitory dragon girl can also touch any substance in this world.

Because under the instruction of Yulong, she quickly picked up tools such as brooms and dustpans with ease and began to concentrate on cleaning the room.

But as soon as she steps out of the confines of this dormitory, she will lose her body and become translucent like the duel elves such as [Winged Chestnut Ball].

When you come into contact with the matter of this world, you will also penetrate the past in the same way as you have a wall piercing technique.

And only a few people such as the Ten Generations of Youcheng and Manzhangmu can see the elves in this regular state.

“However, there are also ways for duel elves to obtain permanent entities.”

You Long thought of the ritual held when the [Artificial Human-Mind Shocker] was summoned.

This ritual uses the principles of dark alchemy, which is achieved at the cost of killing and life.

For that six-star elf entity to truly come, three human souls need to be sacrificed!

“If the four-star duel elf is concerned, one person also needs to be sacrificed, and you can imagine what price Kagemaru spent in order to bring down the five elves of the [Black Scorpion Thief Group].

For people like him, this price is actually nothing, and the real difficulty is to get together the [Black Scorpion] card containing these five duel elves. ”

You Long didn’t continue to think about it, rubbed his eyebrows and went to lie down and sleep.

A full day of activity is physically and energetic, and it is necessary to rest well.

Before going to bed, You Long also instructed the maid in the bedroom:

“After cleaning the room, pack up all the garbage and throw it at the door, and then go to the trouble of washing your clothes and drying them on the balcony.”

Among the low-star monsters in the [Half-Dragon Maid] deck, [Bedroom Dragon Girl] is the only four-star monster, and the other [Laundry Dragon Girl], [Living Room Dragon Girl], etc., are only two or three stars.

For the servants who can enter the master’s room to serve have a higher status than other servants who do chores.

However, those half-dragon maids with lower star numbers have not yet been awakened, and at present, these chores can only be left to the dormitory dragon maids.

“Master rest assured, I will do my best to complete the task entrusted by you.”

The dormitory dragon girl responded vigorously.

Doing more housework that matches their attributes is beneficial to the half-dragon maids, helping them master the ability to transform into the form of a high-star dragon as soon as possible.


A few days later, late at night, on the south side of the Duel Academy.

Asuka and Ryo Maruto meet here again to exchange the results of the recent investigation.

Maruto Ryo regretted: “These days, my friends and I have re-explored the sleeping ruins, and carefully searched the surrounding area, but could not find any clues related to blowing snow. ”

Asuka’s expression was a little solemn: “I secretly sneaked into the academy’s file room to re-retrieve the leave records of students in previous years, and one of Brother Fuyuki’s leave occurred shortly before the date of his disappearance.

However, the original leave slip could not be found, and there was no other person’s leave record on that day. ”

When Maruto Liang heard this, his eyes suddenly froze: “Most of the time he went to the sleeping ruins that day and accidentally entered the tomb of the royal family!” ”

This is undoubtedly an important clue.

But with just one signature record, it was still too difficult to figure out the cause and effect of the snow blowing in the heavenly courtyard to the sleeping ruins more than a year ago.

The two were helpless and lost in thought.

“Boom rumble…”

At this time, several muffled thunders sounded in the dark clouds in the sky, and raindrops began to fall sporadically.

“It’s raining, let’s go back first.”

Asuka broke the silence and prepared to turn away.

At this moment, a white lightning bolt tore through the clouds with a stab, suddenly illuminating half of the sky.

Both she and Maruto Ryo subconsciously looked into the air, and unexpectedly found that a black shadow swept high in the sky and flew towards the north side of the island.

Asuka wondered, “What is that?” ”

“It must be some kind of bird.”

Maruto’s tone was a little unsure.

The silhouette of that black shadow really resembles a bird, but in the sea area where the Duel Academy is located, there should not be such a large bird.


At the same time, in the bedroom where You Long was, a golden divine light suddenly flashed.

The dormitory dragon girl hurriedly reminded: “Master, master, the hanging ornament on your chest is glowing!” ”

“I know.”

Although You Long was lying on the bed, he was not asleep at this point, just immersed in various thoughts.

The first time the chest hanging was hot and glowing, he noticed it.

Peregrine Dragon knows what that means.

“The person who holds the other half of the props is finally here!”


After the second day of class, You Long and more than a dozen other people involved in the incident of the tomb of the Wang family were summoned to the dean’s office.

Dean Sajima basically repeated what Daitokuji Sensei had said before, warned everyone not to spread the story of what happened that day, and promised some compensation.

After that, he let some of the people leave first.

Youryu, Asuka, Maruto Ryo, Manjome, Misawa Daichi, Daitokuji and others were left behind by him, and he called in Kuronos, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

“Leave you guys, there is something more important to tell everyone, a secret related to the safety of the world.”

Dean Sajima’s tone was much more serious than before,

“On this island, the legendary [Three Phantom Devils] card is sealed, which is a card handed down from very distant antiquity.

And our Duel Academy was built on the site where the three cards were sealed.

According to the legends left in the ruins of the island, the card of [Three Illusionary Demons] hides the terrifying power of annihilation.

When they reappear in the world, the world will be surrounded by monsters, chaos will cover everything, the darkness that erodes people will be liberated, and soon the whole world will be destroyed and everything will return to nothingness! ”

In the past, everyone would probably think that Dean Sajima was alarmist, or even babbling.

But everyone has already been to the other world where the tomb of the royal family is located, and knows the existence and power of the duel elves.

They even saw the [Sky Dragon of Osiris] summoned by the dragon with their own eyes, and were deeply shocked by his divine power.

Almost everyone’s worldview has been shattered and reshaped as a result.

The appearance of [Three Phantom Demons] with the power to destroy the world is not unimaginable for them.

Seeing that everyone did not say anything to question, Dean Sajima continued to say in a deep voice:

“In the underground of our academy, the [Three Illusions] card is sealed by seven stone gates called the Seven Star Gate, which require seven keys to open.

Now, the person who tried to snatch the key to lift the seal appeared.

It was an organization called SevenStar, which I call Seven Star, made up of seven powerful duelists, and as far as I know, one member has already descended on this island! ”

Dean Sajima said, taking out a quaint box from the safe.

After opening it, you can see that what is inside the box is a dark gold metal plate inscribed with obscure runes.

It is not one, like a puzzle, and when gently dialed, it splits into seven pieces of different shapes.

“This is the key to the seven-star gate that opened the [Three Illusion Demons] seal!”

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