
Chapter 168

These cards taken out by Youlong are the seven-star decks captured in the past few months.

There is Camura’s [Vampire], Tanya’s [Amazon], and [Insect Queen] of Insect Feather Moth.

The last set was actually captured by Asuka, but in order to repay some of the kindness of the dragon, she did not hesitate to give these cards, as well as the two dark items of Daekness Death Mask and Darkness Dark Magic.

As for the [True Red Eye] of Blowing Snow, the [Black Scorpion Thieves] of Magure, the [Soul of the Pharaoh] of Abidas III, and the [Dimensional Alchemy] of Daitokuji Temple, they all still belong to the original owner.

But Rao is three sets, which has already shocked Muto Shuangliu.

There are many rare cards in his shop, but most of them are single cards, and not many can form a series.

And they are basically classic old cards from many years ago.

“The single card of [Vampire Lord] used by Kaibase back then was already very effective, but I didn’t expect that there was a whole set of [Vampire] card sets that could work with it!”

Muto Shuangliu carefully held these cards, sat down behind the counter, put on his glasses and looked at them carefully,

“The lord can even be used to summon this ace monster called [Vampire Creator], as well as various vampire monsters of different status, such as dependents, wizards, and dukes.

In the end, the name of this venue magic card is good, and it can indeed be called [Vampire Empire]!

It’s just that the temper is too heavy, and the average person may not be able to control this deck. ”

“[Amazon]? I remember that the girl in Peacock Dance used cards with this prefix, and it turned out that the series had expanded so large that it could support a whole set of well-coordinated cards.

Scouts, archers, swordsmen, holy warriors, queens… It even formed a world that advocates force! ”

Both sets of cards build a complete clan force, and the magic trap card map also contains a huge amount of information, which completes the clan background.

Such a deck is very cherished and rare.

The third [Queen of Insects] deck contains slightly less background information, but one of the monster cards still surprises Muto Double Six again.

“[Queen of Insects] is the trump card used by the national champion insect feather moth that year, and it is a well-known rare card, but this [Ultimate Mutant Insect Queen] is the first time I have seen it in my life!”

Muto Shuangliu looked at these cards back and forth several times with blazing eyes, before he raised his head and asked incredulously at Youlong:

“Young man, do you want to sell all these cards?”

If the dragon was like the Kaiba Seto back then, holding a suitcase of rare cards in front of him, he would not be so surprised.

Although that box of cards is more valuable, after all, they are all loose cards, as long as you have strong financial resources, you can buy almost the same.

And these taken out by You Long are priceless and undesirable.

However, You Long still replied without hesitation: “Sell them all!” ”

These cards were useless to him, he had no interest in collecting, and there were no people around who needed them.

The best choice is naturally to sell it to Muto Double Six, which is better than eating ash in a drawer.

“Then I will accept them all, just like last time, I will give you a satisfactory price.”

Muto Shuangliu decided happily.

The atmosphere of this little old man made You Long quite satisfied.

“When Muto was young, he loved all kinds of games, as well as archaeological adventures, pursued excitement, and used to be a ruthless character.

At that time, there were no monster card duels, and a large part of the games played by this old man were gambling in nature, and the so-called top players could also be regarded as a generation of gamblers. ”

You Long secretly said in his heart.

Half an hour later, he left the Turtle Game House and returned to the airport, just in time for his scheduled flight to the east coast of the Americas.


After you got off the plane, you took a day of rest in the local area and waited for an entourage.

This is a middle-aged man who is nearly forty years old, the bridge of his nose is as high as a knife cut, and in the deep eye sockets are a pair of sharp blue eyes, although he is bald, but still retains a bit of the handsomeness of youth.

His name was Ron, and he was the guide that the academy director had arranged for Youlong.

Ron didn’t know the specific identity of the dragon, but he didn’t dare to snub, and he knew everything about the dragon along the way.

At this time, he was driving an off-road vehicle carrying a dragon on a bumpy dirt road.

“Mr. Jonathan wants to develop a resort in the forest near here, and this road has just been built, it is not paved yet, and it is not easy to open.”

You Long sat in the passenger seat and asked curiously, “Why did you choose to develop here?” Just because of that ruin? ”

“Yes, a lot of rich people like this mysterious place, and there’s a small lake with lots of trout to catch, and you know how beautiful it is when you get there.”

Ron held the steering wheel with one hand and muttered with bubble gum,

“But there has been some accident at the site recently, and there are often strange noises in the middle of the night, as if it is haunted, and the workers have asked a priest to look at it, but they can’t see a reason.”

When You Long heard this, he nodded clearly.

The director had already explained the situation to him about the new anomaly in the ruins, but he insisted on coming and seeing.

“Did the ruins have any other accidents before they were haunted?” You Long thought for a moment and continued to ask, “For example, what vision did you see, or is there a suspicious intruder?” ”

“Not really.”

Ron scratched his head and recalled,

“If I have to say, more than a month ago, when a worker was cleaning up the weeds of the ruins, he found a headscarf with a star and stripe pattern, which was dirty and I don’t know how long it had been abandoned.”

“Star-striped turban?”

You Long raised his eyebrows, and couldn’t help but think of a person.

A duelist active during the DM period.

“Yes, it may have been left by campers or fishermen, this kind of broken thing can be seen everywhere.”

Ron casually spit out the bubble gum out the window,

“If I want to say ah, just blow up and bulldoze the entire ruins, and build a new one, all the strange things can be solved, anyway, those fools with pockets full of banknotes can’t tell the real from the fake…”

You Long did not answer his words again, fell silent, and fell into thought.

After more than half an hour, the two finally arrived at their destination.

The view from the site is indeed good, as the development of the resort is still in its infancy, there are not many workers and construction machinery on site, and most of the area remains intact.

Among the lush and towering greenery lies a lake with an area of several hectares, the water of which is sparkling and clear blue, like a sapphire set in a jade plate.

However, the tranquility and tranquility deep in the forest also gives people a sneaky feeling.

The ruins were just across the lake, and at Ron’s suggestion, the two did not go around through the forest path, but took the kayak trail until they arrived.

“This road is enough to toss, and the means of transportation are used by land, water and air.”

You Long couldn’t help but tease himself.

But fortunately, not long after landing on the shore, he finally saw the destination of this trip – the ruins of the [Giant God Dragon]!

The sleeping ruins here are basically the same, only the ruins remain, but judging from the outline of the stone bricks on the ground and the broken stone pillars around it, this place should have been a large and magnificent temple a long time ago.

On the ruined altar in the center of the temple, squatted a dark yellow stone statue of a mighty dragon.

The same as the photo Bekas showed that day, it is indeed exactly the same as the image of Kathu in [Shining Dragon]!

The stone tiles around the dragon statue are relatively ornate and carved with many patterns, but they do not belong to the style of Indian or Mayan civilization, which is quite mysterious.

Ron looked at the sky and urged tactfully: “It’s almost dark, if you want to visit, please hurry, when it gets dark, no one knows what will happen.” ”

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