
Chapter 169

You Long shook his head while rubbing the dragon statue, “I just want to wait here for dark.” ”

Ron’s eyes widened, and he was stunned, “What? You mean to stay here at night? ”

He originally thought that You Long was a rich boy from the East and had a certain relationship with Mr. Jonathan, and he came here just out of curiosity, and he should take a few photos and leave.

Who knew he was such a daring guy!

Ron also looked like a handsome riffraff, who was full of contempt for these ghosts and gods along the way, and looked like he didn’t care.

But that’s just talk, if he really wants to stay here until dark, he really has some longing.

Ron swallowed his spit, his scalp numb, “Ahem, Mr. Dragon, have you forgotten what I just said, this relic will be haunted after dark, and it is too dangerous for you to stay here.” ”

“I’ll be responsible for what goes wrong.” The dragon pointed to the kayak in the distance, “If you have something to do, you can leave on your own first.” ”

Of course, Ron couldn’t go, and he didn’t dare to go.

Jonathan had told him that he must do his best to assist the dragon and fulfill all his requests.

In Ron’s opinion, if something happens to the dragon, he will probably be poured into the cement pile of the resort!

In the end, he stuck to stay.

The sun soon set.

Tonight was a crescent moon, and there was no moonlight, and the lush trees of the forest obscured the only faint starlight, so that the entire ruins were completely plunged into secluded darkness, and almost no fingers could be seen.

Fortunately, he could vaguely see the few lights left on the construction site on the other side of the lake, and Ron was not too afraid.

However, the rejoicing in his heart did not last long.

“Whew… Whew…”

An eerie low howl suddenly echoed in the ruins, sometimes high and low, sometimes faint.

Ron was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

“Well, it seems that there are really ghosts!”

He was familiar with the local wildlife and was well aware that the sound was not made by animals.

More like some kind of distorted human voice!

Ron couldn’t help but want to run: “Mr. Yulong, we still have time to go back now, the lake is relatively empty, and we can barely discern the direction by the starlight.” ”

“Do you think it’s safe to row in the lake?”

You Long suppressed his throat and said conspiratorially,

“Aren’t there ghosts in the lake, what if the boat capsizes on the lake, a water ghost comes out, wraps his hair around your throat, and drags you to the bottom of the lake?”

As soon as these words came out, Ron’s face turned pale with fright.

He suddenly imagined a terrible picture.

At the bottom of the dark lake, a female ghost who did not resemble a human shape was about to move, rubbing her hook-like nails on several white Sensen’s spherical objects, making a piercing noise.

That’s a skull with empty eye sockets!

Thinking of this, Ron couldn’t help but feel weak in his legs, and suddenly lost the idea of escaping.

You Long looked at his embarrassed appearance and chuckled: “It’s not the ghost that scares you, it’s just your own imagination.” ”

What he said just now was not to tease the other party, but to stop Ron from running around.

Seeing that he had settled down, the dragon stopped scaring him and cautiously looked around the ruins.

With his true red eyes, he can see at night, and it doesn’t matter if there is light or not.

“Whew… Whew…”

The eerie howl sounded again after a moment of silence.

However, it is impossible to find where its sound source is, nor can it detect the other Miu ends in the ruins.

“What should I do about this…”

You Long’s brows furrowed slightly and he thought for a long time, and suddenly had a bold idea.

He imitated the appearance of the [Guardian Knight of the Dragon] in the Katu of the [Gospel of Resurrection] and came to the front of the dragon statue.

However, he did not kneel on one knee respectfully like a paladin, but only squatted down very casually.

The two poses were about the same height, and the dragon looked up, just enough to look at the dragon statue on the altar that kept its head down.

At the moment when the two finished looking at each other, the abnormality suddenly appeared!

The surrounding body of the dragon statue suddenly lit up with a layer of fluorescent blue mist.

Its two dragon eyes also shone with two dark red enchanting lights.

In an instant, You Long felt a violent vertigo that swirled in the sky, and everything in front of him suddenly blurred and distorted.


When his vision regained his clarity, he was surprised to find that the scene around him had changed drastically.

Directly in front of him still stood the dark golden dragon statue.

But the surrounding area is no longer dilapidated and barren ruins.

Huge stone bricks are piled up to form a huge wall more than 20 meters high, covered with exquisite reliefs, and simple and atmospheric stone pillars stand in between, supporting the magnificent dome depicting epic pictures.

The dome is also encrusted with pale gold gemstones, casting a warm and blazing light like the sun.

This is clearly the Dragon Temple before it collapsed!

“I should have broken into a different space that overlapped with the elven world, just like the underwater world of the tomb of the royal family and the hot spring hall.”

You Long secretly guessed.

At the same time, his gaze swept warily to a corner of the temple.

There stood a tall figure, staring at him deadly, like a hungry wolf secretly watching its prey.

The red shirt was draped over a black sleeveless jacket, a pair of sunglasses with cracked lenses pinned to the collar, the cuffs of the gray trousers were wrapped in a pair of boots, and a pair of dark silver metal bracers were worn on both wrists.

Although his unkempt yellow hair and beard had covered most of his face, Yulong guessed his identity through this outfit.

“Keith Howard?”

“Hey,boy! Finally someone came here, and actually recognized my identity at a glance, what a rarity, I thought that the current young people have long forgotten me, hehe! ”

Keith laughed a little nervously.

You Long knows that this person is the national duel champion many years ago, and he was once a strong man in the limelight, and after being defeated by Bekas, he stumbled on the road of depravity.

In the DM era, this guy was brainwashed and manipulated by Malik with the power of a thousand-year-old tin staff and joined his Gurus organization.

Later, under the intervention of the power of Tapira’s Millennium Wheel, Keith’s consciousness was accidentally awakened, and he fell into insanity, and finally escaped and disappeared.

“I didn’t expect to see this guy here, it seems that he still maintains a certain degree of sobriety.”

You Long looked at Keith carefully, and secretly said in his heart.

In fact, on the way to the ruins, he had already thought of this person.

Because one of his most distinctive features is a headscarf with a star and stripe pattern.

It turns out that Peregrine Dragon’s conjecture is correct!

At this time, Keith staggered towards him, still with a nervous smile on his face, his shoulders slightly shrugged, and he was extremely excited.

“Boy, you know what, I’m going crazy here! Hehe, with the arrival of a second person, I can finally leave this ghost place!

At that time, those bastards back then will have to pay the heaviest price in front of my [Shining Dragon] deck! ”

Saying that, he took an old-fashioned dueling disc from the DM era from behind his waist and wore it on his left arm.

“This is the rule of the Dragon Temple, anyone who can only leave here if he defeats another person here.”

Keith grinned with a twisted face, revealing a mouthful of blackened yellow teeth, crazy and evil,

“In ancient times, knights would fight to the death here, using their swords to fight for victory. But we can be a little more civilized and replace it with a card duel, but this duel will be more special, it will be a dark game!

Boy, do you know what a dark game is? ”

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