Hearing this, Ying wanted to cry.

Don’t do that!

Seriously, I don’t know this man at all.

Who knew that he would suddenly jump out to help me, and it was such a dangerous identity, if I had known, I would definitely be far away from him, that is, I would not be close!

Suspected terrorists attacking the emperor!

Such a big pot, she can’t eat it, it will be finished!


Oh, my God.

She was suddenly stupid.

So Ying looked well-behaved, sad, and eye-catching, saying that he really didn’t know him, do you all believe it?

The Thousand Rock Army all shook their heads one after another.

“Then surely you don’t believe it, the executive of the fools, will suddenly save a stranger?”

“No matter how you think, it’s impossible!”

“There must be a problem, there is a big problem, please be sure to explain clearly at that time, confess leniently, resist strictly, after all, you know.”


Help me!!!

She felt that she was more wronged than Bishui River!

I’m going to cry.

Really aggrieved.

Who knows why this guy, who has nothing to eat, ran out and made his own wave of pits!

If only it was rescued.

All caught.

What else is this playing?

I already knew that you were so strong, then I wouldn’t run ah, “one seventeen zero”.

Yingdu is about to close herself.

Abominable fools.

You’ve killed me.

I’m just a traveler, so I didn’t think about attacking the emperor, and if you want to carry out this kind of thing, don’t pull me up.”

You’re going to die, you guys

What made Ying dumbfounded and desperate the most was that he had just come to Liyue, and he didn’t realize that there was any weighty person when he first arrived, and he didn’t have any relationship.

And no one can help themselves.

So what’s the matter.

Wait for them to let themselves confess, what do they confess?

Something that doesn’t exist.

Ying felt like her whole body was going to petrify.

And the doctor’s slice, which was observed somewhere, also fell silent.

He didn’t expect it either.

It will become like this.

Dadalia, beaten into a dead dog.

Let him liberate the evil eye, or the demon king armed, it still didn’t help, or was directly crushed by Liyue with an overwhelming ravage.

This guy has good potential.

Although the strength is indeed a little worse.

But the reason why he was brought into the sequence of executive officers was to value his potential, such as the [Rooster], and he felt that this young man would have a lot to do in the future and valued him very much.

And he cared for his family everywhere.

Dadalia also naively believed that the rooster was really so good to his family, sincerely, and did not expect anything in return.

It’s also quite funny.

But actually, anyone with a little brain can see it.

The means that your family is under my control, and you must honestly do things for me in the future, and do not allow any thoughts and behaviors that should not be there.

Know what?


As a result, Dadalia did not see it at all.

The doctors are shaking their heads, so stunned, it is also interesting, after all, he is a tool person who can be used casually.

The result is here, what does he see?

The peculiar alchemy props and all kinds of strange abilities were all from the hands of that Su Bai.

Let’s be honest.

The doctor was very interested in Su Bai.

If there is any reason, it is because they are all from the Meru Sect, but he was expelled, and Su Bai broke into the heavenly fame.

In this comparison, I really want the doctor to see how genius Su Bai really is.

How about comparing yourself to yourself?

This may be the persistent mentality of scholars, right?

But today was an eye-opener.

Can even his own experimental products of the Demon God Remnants be trapped with alchemy props?

Also defeated?

And if you want to succeed, you can only rely on luck and probability.

At least for now.

There is no way to stabilize mass production yet.

As a result, it lost so much at once.

It is more difficult to create on your own side, but it is the other party’s alchemy equipment, which should be relatively stable.

Is alchemy equipment and alchemy really so amazing?


The Doctor made a judgment.

It was because Su Bai was a special person, and he had embarked on a brand new path of alchemy.

Even the Demon King is not those strange armor opponents.

Maybe Dadalia felt that he was so badly injured that he forcibly mobilized his strength to fight, and suffered a loss in bad condition.

Will not be convinced, will not be willing.


However, this doctor’s slice can see that the technology and special of those armors are far above the demon king’s armament.

The gold content is much higher than that of the Demon King.

This Su Bai.

This talent is really shocking.

Even the Doctor was a little silent.

Himself, inferior to him.

The other party has surpassed his own research.

He is worthy of being a genius of the Decree Academy, leading the way!

Therefore, the doctor was really excited, and he really wanted to snatch away all those peculiar alchemy flags, as well as the disc alchemy device that conjured up armor, and the flying sword.

If you take it back and study it, you must have gained a lot, right?

Can help yourself tremendously.

Strengthening the crowd of fools is incidental.

After all, your own research is the first priority, and everything else is to rely on later.

Not to mention those amazing little girls.

What the heck?

Even the Doctor was shocked.

The combat power is so strong?

Dadalia was punched into the wall with one move?

Obviously, the strength of that little girl is very amazing, even if Dadalia liberates the Demon King’s armament, it is he who is finally hoisted and hammered.


Judging by that appearance.

The other party is about 10-12 years old.

That is, at the age of 10, you can be the executive of the fools. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s really silent.

Although the higher the executive officer, the greater the difference in strength, but that little girl is still too perverted, it is simply incredible!

The Doctor almost wanted to rush out!

I really want to catch it!

I really want to study!

Such an incredible child can become so powerful!

And not just one!

Oh, my God.

Liyue is really incredible, looking at the boots on the other party’s feet, it is obvious that it has a lot to do with Su Bai.

It’s him again!

It’s amazing!

In the doctor’s heart, he felt that there were 10,000 hills crawling, curious, too curious, what kind of mystery it was, and what were those elemental martial arts.

The country of Liyue is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

He also put up with it with difficulty, since he came to come, he took advantage of the fact that the Qianyan Army was distracted.

Then the main thing.

It is to explore the secrets hidden by Liyue, that is the key place 0…

As for these now, you can put it for later planning!

Qianyan Army and Liyue, there is a big problem!

So he headed towards the heavily fortified areas where resources were transported, trying to sneak into them to probe the secret, and there was nothing better than this time.

The rock god was attacked, Su Bai was not there, the Thousand Rock Army was scattered, and Dadalia attracted attention.

How wonderful.

As for the Heart of God?


He is not an executive like Dadalia, and naturally knows that Her Majesty the Empress and the rock god Morax have already concluded a certain contract, so the heart of God in this country is the best to take.

Any informed executive will do.

For example, the lady.

And Dadalia, the last seat is like this, knows far less than those above.

Who has a high status and who is low, that is simply obvious.

Actions are all about purpose.

Part of what Dadalia is responsible for is cracking the Hundred No Forbidden Basket, which is the item that the Rock King Emperor of this country gave to his subordinates during the Demon God War.

Can exert the divine power of this rock god.

It is something specially used to conduct battles.

Fools are like this in every country, studying and peeping at the power of the gods, cracking and mass production, which is simply normal.

The power of the wind god, the power of the rock god, or the power of the imitation grass god.


But the Doctor knew that the last one had failed.

It’s a pity that Dadalia was arrested and couldn’t use the taboo-free basket.

So the Doctor sneaked into a warehouse.

And knocked out some of the Thousand Rock Army guarding here.

Then he pushed open the inner door and walked in, but when he saw the appearance inside, his face changed in an instant.

Backhanded want to leave.

It’s just that the next moment, his body can’t move.

Beside him, a faint voice also sounded.

“Doctor, don’t you know, I’ve been observing your behavior.”

“As a result, I didn’t expect that you yourself obediently sent it to the door.”

“I thought you would attack the Thousand Rock Army and take away the alchemy equipment, 2.4, it seems that you are more greedy than I thought.”

“Since you are a scholar of research, let me remind you that too much exploration of things that should not be explored will only usher in disaster for yourself and cause it to fall into the endless abyss.”

The Doctor’s face was blackened with this slice.

The reason why he wanted to run.

It was because, as soon as he opened this door, Su Bai stood here waiting for him with a smile.

What cat catches mouse.

How did this bastard run so far at once?

Isn’t it still in Meru?

It’s not an instant to get here, it’s impossible!

He’s going to take a boat!

And the strength of his slice is far inferior to the one in Meru, but he has not yet reached the strength of the Demon God, not to mention that he was instantly fixed by Su Bai and couldn’t move, which really made his heart sink.

Su Bai is stronger than he thought.


This slice of my own, I’m afraid it’s less fierce.


You don’t have just one slice.

It’s just that Su Bai seems to be able to see through his heart, and playfully approaches him.

“Oh Doctor, are you thinking, you slice a lot, it’s okay to die one?”

“Don’t worry, I have a way to deal with all your slices.”


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