At this moment, the doctor was located in other parts of the slice, some panicked, some shocked, some dumbfounded, and some disdainful.

“Don’t panic, maybe he is deliberately intimidating us.”

“I want to set up something useful.”

“Don’t let him get away with it!”

“Anyway, I don’t want to die, that slice that was caught, you quickly commit suicide, this is the best solution!”

“Indeed, don’t splash blood on us, don’t pit us.”

These sounds are so distinct, there are children’s voices, there are shotai voices, juvenile voices, youth voices, middle-aged, old age, almost all age stages of the slice.

Only this slice in front of Su Bai wanted to scold.

I’m all fixed.

The other party only left a mouth for me, do you think people will think of preventing this?

What we are facing is also a scientific monster!

His slice technique can actually communicate and discuss together, and the sound of other slices can also be transmitted.

But now, you can’t save him at all.

Not to mention.

There is more than one, let him hurry to kill himself.


There are also several selfish slices, which is very his own.

That is true.

In this way, only self-help!

This doctor sliced quickly spoke up.

The result was only a smile from the other party.

“Is it? Do you believe it? ”

The Doctor knows that in general, it is useless for this guy.

“In the Fools of Liyue, the experiment has been successful in researching 06 about the unforbidden basket with Morax’s divine power, and copying and mass-producing it.”

“Although it can’t reach the level of the original, it can win with quantity!”

“And at the beginning, the rock god Morax suppressed the defeated demon god under the Lone Cloud Pavilion, which has ushered in a peaceful era for Liyue and continues to this day.”

“Oh? What do you mean? ”

“If I don’t go back here, the fools will liberate that seal and release the demon god below, Su Bai, even if you have the strength comparable to the demon god, I’m afraid it’s not enough to face the ancient old demon god, right?”

“After all, you’re the only one now.”

“Even, most of Liyue will be destroyed under your battle!”

“On the contrary, if you let me go back, you will get my friendship and have a series of cooperation with me, isn’t it?”

“You will get unprecedented information and new heaven and earth, and get connections between the fools and Her Majesty the Empress.”

“The message of the abyss, the ancient wisdom, the truth of the heavenly reason, the actions of the ancient kingdom, hidden in the darkness, the secret of the demon heaven. These are waiting for you! ”

The doctor felt that his statement was still very convincing.

After all.

Which is lighter and which is important, Su Bai can tell the difference.

Killing oneself and letting go of oneself, two different actions, will bring very different results for him.

It’s clear.

The latter is the biggest benefit.

Everyone is a smart person, so naturally they know which one to choose.

It’s just that Su Bai showed a sarcastic expression.

“Doctor, are you standing here with that mindless young man from Dadalia?”

Dadalia is kind of dumb, he will think that the rock god Morax is really dead.

But what about the Ph.D.?

Do you know what kind of movement a demon god died?

What do you need to think about?

The doctor knew at a glance that this was nothing at all, the rock god was not dead, it was fine.

It’s just frying fish.

“You’ve lived a long time, how can you say it, it’s so boring, Doctor.”

“Who to bluff, let it go, and I don’t care about the suppressed demon god.”

“As for your connections, you don’t need it, fools, this name is clearly the gathering place of clowns, or you can play slowly by yourself.”

“Oh yes, guess why I’m telling you this, why is it time-consuming?”


“I’m pinpointing the location of all your slices, so I want to take the whole pot out, I scanned it several times with extra care, well, make sure nothing was missing, goodbye, Doctor.”

All the doctors’ faces changed at the same time.

Originally, some slices were still angrily scolding and complaining.

Su Bai, what nonsense are you!

Not like Dadalia that little young?

Speaking as if you are very old, we PhDs have lived for hundreds of years, but you are a young man!

As a result, when Su Bai’s words fell, no matter where he was, which country he was in, and what he was doing, all of them let out a frightened and unwilling wail.


“What a joke!”

“You can actually find us!”

“This force, ah, this is the power of wisdom.”

“Grass! It’s really grass! ”

“This Su Bai is definitely related to the Great Compassion Tree King!”

“Absurd, how absurd, because of this kind of thing, ushered in total destruction!”

“Damn it!”

Then after a few moments, everything quieted down.

Only Su Bai, who was standing here, had a green brilliance flowing in his eyes, which was the power of power, and he looked at the Doctor slice that had turned into ashes, and slowly whispered.

“Wisdom, let you have nothing to hide. Connect, let the distance be infinitely closer. ”

“Well, killed an executive, but I didn’t feel anything, it was ordinary, very ordinary.”

It’s like killing a chicken.

Nothing touched.

Perhaps, just like what Su Bai said just now, clown.


This is naturally very familiar.

In previous lives, each of them was very high.

Not long after it came out, he directly became a clown.

Forced only before the debut.


Finally, in front of Raiden General, wailing and unwilling clowns.


The group that was deceived by others turned around, and was deceived by Zhong Li, and was deceived by the lady.

Where did the dullness come from.

I remember that there was a rumor before, Gongzi went to chase and kill skirmishers, what to fight with skirmishers, fell into the dark sea, and the sky was falling.


Go to the Inazuma grove and help people find youkai.

The main thing is a contrast, right?


In [Winter Night Fool’s Play], he coldly dangled the test tube, telling [God’s gnosis], as if everything was in the plan.

And then.

This slice was destroyed by the one from Meru.

But if you think about it this way, is it too early to kill the doctor?

Su Bai suddenly thought of a picture.

The slice that was eating at the winter feast suddenly died violently, and at that time it was still commemorating the lady.

The executives were stunned for a moment.

Rooster: This? Want to take half a day off?

Rich man: Too cold-blooded! The Doctor is our partner! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Queen: Plus two and a half days of dinner holidays, everyone eats to their heart’s content.

Girl: It’s time to eat again, hi.

Others: 6.

After all, this kind of person will definitely be curious about his creation, and he may want to do something when he wants to do it and bring it back for research.

And so it goes.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves!

So he will die.


Originally, the girl was still chatting with the doctor.

“Doctor, how is your recent research, do you need me to tell you the location of the next ruins?”

“Maybe there’s something more interesting there.”


Suddenly, the Doctor came with such a sentence, and he looked alarmed.

The girl was puzzled for a moment.

And then.

The doctor exploded in an instant!

This made the girl immediately swing a barrier, blocking these blood flowers and body parts, and then watched these tissues all turn into ashes.

She watched faintly.

“Almost splashed on me, what happened?”

And other places are almost in a similar situation, some are alone in the laboratory, some are handing over tasks with the fools, and some are eating, and they blow up the opposite side.



The fools were in chaos, because something happened to Dr. 2 Executive Officer!

Others blew up!

The other executives were taken aback.

What a situation.

What happened to Dortore?

Hasn’t he been doing well lately.


The prison of the Thousand Rock Army.

“No, I really don’t know anything, and I have nothing to do with that executive officer of the foolish 833 crowd! You guys, believe me! ”

“I am simply a passerby who has been caught up in the conspiracy.”

“It’s innocent!”

“Yes, anyone who is caught in will say that they are innocent. In fact, they all committed crimes. ”

A certain yellow-haired girl: …


As a matter of fact.

It’s just that a female Qianyan Army is tickling her with dogtail grass, and the girl who was caught here is none other than Traveler Ying, and at this time she is bound by iron chains, and her hands are tied by chains in each place.

The same is naturally true under the feet.

Four chains bound her firmly, trapping her here and making it difficult to move.

As a suspect, Ying, who is still a very serious suspect, was escorted to this prison for interrogation because he did not successfully escape.

She looked at the young lady of Qian Yanjun, who looked to be in her early 20s, and was tickling her with dogtail grass in the black belly, causing her to be bitter and unable to speak.

“No, young sister, let me go.”

Because her clothing is the type that shows her arms, once she raises her hand, she exposes her arm socket.

Here it goes.

Itch to death!


The female Qianyanjun stopped her movements, placed the dogtail grass on the table, and then took two steps and sat here.

She winked and smiled.

“Don’t worry, as an area of female interrogation, I will be gentler than those smelly men.”

“But my sister’s patience is also limited.”

“Maybe it’s a red-hot soldering iron later, that’s sour!”

The face is green.

Be an individual!

Don’t be like this, it’s too cruel!

But if you put it in prison, it seems that this kind of behavior is also normal?

After all, it is to force the prisoner.

No, a normal fart!

Because she is innocent!

After appreciating Ying’s expression, the female Qianyanjun laughed, and then turned into a calm smile.

“Just kidding, there’s a big guy who wants to see you alone.”

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