Now this power, itself is the only one, once after fighting with whom, it falls into the downside, then he does not allow this situation, he will return to a certain moment before and fight again.

To put it bluntly, it is rollback.

If you reopen, for yourself it is Erzhoume, and the enemy is still Zhoume.

Because she is the only nature.

It has always been herself~, it is the accumulation of time.

Superposition + state refresh.

In this way, you can make a difference in the present and the future!

Pull everything back to square one!

Kill the dangers before they happen!

It is absolute domineering, it is absolute-reason!

Only if she Luo Hao admits, that is right, that is the future that should be!


She directly denies it!

Luo Hao also spoke out towards Morgan.

“This power is only an unfinished product after all, the limit is still very large, the more time ago, the more terrifying the consumption and restrictions, on the contrary, in a short period of time, it can be rolled back many times.”

“You know what I mean, it’s best suited for researching and developing some very dangerous abilities.”

“When it’s time to play yourself to death, hurry up and get back! When you’re about to fail, hurry up! ”

“Awesome, I’m completely studying divine skills, super auxiliary divine skills. But there were also a few times when I was almost in danger that I didn’t even get the opportunity to use my powers, and it’s a miracle that you can see that I’m still alive. ”

“To be honest, I have palpitations myself.”


You’re really awesome too.

What a ruthless person.

“Therefore, you must use it carefully, especially for the world itself that is very important to the timeline, and it may even get you in trouble.”

“I’m even going to kill you.”

“There are even worlds where the timeline is locked and fixed, in which case it is completely unusable.”

For example, Luo Hao’s is not so exaggerated.

However, it is also the guardian of time and space and the corrective power.


She didn’t put it in her eyes.

But it won’t be too outrageous.

That is, the old man who was angry in time and space, who screamed and cried out dozens or hundreds of times.

It shouldn’t be a big problem.

Not dead!

Isn’t the world still there?

Feel relieved!

However, Luo Hao looks at it this way, it seems that his own power is very suitable for Morgan.

She is also a woman who cannot be moved for many weeks.

“Hmph, anyway, I will definitely perfect this power to the final version I want, that is, the cheating ability that will master the time of the world where I am located to read files infinitely, brush files, and start again!”

“I want to create my own unrivaled world!”

Then she showed a slightly aggrieved look.

“So you may think that I am aggressive and fierce, and think that I am a very excessive woman, yes, I am indeed a little angry with the group leader Su Bai.”

“But I finally came up with the hidden killer power after nine deaths, and all of a sudden he was synchronized, and it was already good that I didn’t vomit blood.” You know, in my ability, there is more than one that can be ranked with the power of this specification. ”

“So I said, if he can get me to recognize, I won’t say anything, it’s already super good.”

“After all, he is also Su Bai, if he is a good person, I definitely can’t be too fierce to him.”


What have you studied?

You monster.

What a super enhanced version of Luo Hao!

And Luo Hao also thought for a while.

“Although I don’t think I can extract any good abilities, let’s check in and try it, it’s a good way to add up to a lot.”

[Ding, group member Luo Hao signed in successfully, and obtained 80 points and Origin Power Grass! ] 】

Seeing this, Luo Hao was surprised.

“Hey, the power of grass, could it be one of the elemental powers of the group master, the grass in the seven elements of Tivat?”

“In that case, it should only be an extra grass power for me.”

“I have killed the god of Muxing, Tai Sui Xingjun, and other gods, with a lot of grass power, presumably you are also ordinary, talk is better than nothing.”

However, for a moment, Luo Hao’s face, who felt the changes in his body, changed.

Immediately engaged in a way of meditating.

Sit in the air.

I can feel that many grass powers in her body are constantly echoing and boiling, and the exaggerated life force is constantly emerging, with her as the center, representing the light of life and nature, and spreading out with a bang.


The goblins outside were dumbfounded and shocked.

“F, what’s going on?”

“It was triggered by the royal palace.”

“Hard, could it be that Queen Morgan did something?”

“Me, shall we go and take a look?”

Just as some of the guards wanted to come over, Morgan’s voice reached their ears.

“Don’t worry, some of my little experiments will disappear in a moment.”

Sure enough.

When the words fell, these flowers and plants began to dissipate into invisibility, as if it was just an illusory image.

But it also scares some goblins.

“Nope!!! That brutal queen, what terrible trick has been developed? ”


“It’s even harder to kill her like this!”

“Hateful, hateful! Just know that the guy who oppresses and exploits us is not a queen at all, just a veritable demon king! ”

In the palace, Luo Hao opened his eyes and stood on the ground again.

There was amazement and sophistication in her eyes.

“What an incredible law, it can unify all the powers related to plants, life, and nature, and integrate them to form the single strongest force, and this original power, just as soon as it appears, is much higher than those powers and essences of mine.”

“So absorbing it, it was easy, and it was completed at once.”

“I also got the strongest grass power, to fully transform one, can there be no upper limit of superposition, it’s terrible.”

You know, in order to get the [Eternal Tribulation Return], Luo Hao almost blew himself up many times.

It is either cut into blood by the power of time and space, or it is torn apart, and there is a piece missing here.

It’s painful.

Anyway, the past is hard to look back on.

Fortunately, she ran to a myth-free parallel world to do experiments.

Otherwise, his life would have been lost.

After all, he has sinned against so many people and God.

The demon king is the blackest one, attracting countless hatreds!!!

Have the enemies of the world ever seen it?

But this law turned out to be so secure and stable, the structure is very good, and it involves very interesting and complex things. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The power related to so many plants and trees adds up, but it is not the effect of one plus one equals two.

It’s far beyond that.

And Luo Hao’s face twitched, the power of the god killer is generally limited, but if it is fused like this, the restrictions are gradually lifted, and about this, it is really terrifying.

So she looked at Su Bai seriously.

“Your law, it’s best not to spread it easily, it will be very troublesome.”

Su Bai smiled lightly and nodded.

“Of course, I’ve taught Lisa and Estes for now.”

As for those four holy beasts in the Divine State Secret Realm?

This doesn’t teach them.

It’s just that if they have a fate in the future, they can condense normal power.

That’s all.

“But this kind of fusion, my current state is a little strange, is it both a goddess of grass and trees, and a god killer, it’s really strange.”

“But the power of grass and trees has been melting, and the upper limit does not seem to be very amazing. In other works, is there any grass and wood goddess who is very fierce, Tai Sui Xingjun? No, after all, I killed it. ”

“Well, the box court seems to have a more fierce Taisui Xingjun, and the virtual star is too old, interesting.”

“Su Bai, can I ask you. You have several of these elemental powers. ”


Luo Hao: …

That’s okay, bother.

She actually wanted to curse secretly.

You monster!

It’s too much.

What infinite superposition, infinite fusion, what a terrible existence will you become if you go on like this.

Is it veritable unlimited?



It’s not her kind of power mess that really unites all.

Your beans are also dumbfounded.

“I always feel that you have pulled the topic to a very deep point at once, I hope I can also draw one of Luo Hao and Su Bai’s abilities, so that it will be comfortable.”

“Me too.”


“This Eternal Tribulation Return, I want it too, woo-woo.”

“Power or something, it’s really great.”

Luo Hao: …

Almost got it.

All on my mind, right?

You guys!

I’m not a big fat sheep! One by one, they specifically wanted to grab me and stroke the wool.

All right.

Am I really !!!

Woo hoo.

Forget it, she also sighed.

Anyway, it’s all Su Bai, it’s up to you.


Why have I been being prostituted by you since I joined this group?

Again Su Bai, again Morgan’s.

Let her be a little mentally prepared.

And Tsuchima also looked at this suspiciously.

“In other words, our movement is so big, Morgan, your hidden one, can’t be doing something?”

After all.

Each of the seven Persona Belts has a [Hidden One] to cooperate with the king of the Persona Belt.

They will be in regular contact to inform them of the progress of the work.

Remember what it’s called.


Shellfish, shell chips.

A fur thing with a very bad personality.

The murderer with a happy purpose, with a twisted personality, remembers that he deliberately twisted and broke Matthew’s fingers in the past to admire the screams made by Matthew.

To get pleasure and call yourself this act.

For [love] corpses.

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