It seems that this matter was also seen by the doctor, and the doctor beat him angrily.

Even so.

He also said that he loved Matthew, and that the way of love was to torture Matthew.

When you see this, you know who this person is.

Proper scumbag.

Even the soil buried speechlessly, Chaldea is not simple, very not simple, how can even this kind of person be included.

Hear this.

Morgan explained with a smile.

“Oh that, I killed me. After all, I am not his follower, I am a [Paradise Goblin] living in this Persona Zone. ”

“I’m not interested in putting such a thing around, garbage or something, I should have died early.”

When this [Berilgart] came to this British Persona.

He was stupid.

What we see and see in front of us is an endless wilderness, a world that has long died, nothing, nothing, desolate to a miserable point.

The only thing that still exists.

Only the lonely fantasy tree.

Lonely old tree.

It maintains this anecdotal belt.

But that’s all, it’s empty at all, directly broke the Berilgart mentality “five two seven”, your grandmother’s, originally wanted to engage in construction with great fanfare, and bring the anecdote to build more and more huge.

When the time comes, compete with others.

He was fantasizing about such a future, and it turned out to give him such bad news.

To be honest, he was also tired.

Simply casually came to a follower summoning, just unintentional move, as a result of summoning the follower [Morgan], as the type moon is mentioned at every turn Britain and the Dull Hair King, Morgan looks a little unfamous.

In fact, she was the sister of King Arthur and the daughter of King Arthur.

This is how history tells it.

So after summoning her out, [Berilgart] said, you can play casually, anyway, I will sleep first, and when I wake up, I plan to go to other Persona to play with it.

The result was something he never expected.

This slave Morgan is very powerful, possessing the talent of a genius magician in the Divine Domain, directly analyzing this slave summoning technique, and also studying the past spirit son transfer technology of Chaldea.

It can turn humans into intelligence bodies, and transfer spiritualization to [Special Points].

This method is because [Specificity] is not a normal world, not a normal time and space, so it is just possible to do and achieve.

A normal world doesn’t work.

And [Reiko Transfer] is not time travel, so it is impossible to tamper with the past, but Morgan modified it and directly transmitted a series of intelligence and information to the past of this anecdotal belt.

Here, there is another [Morgan], who grew up here as a paradise goblin.

If I can’t change it, just leave it to this Morgan.

Isn’t it reasonable for locals to change local affairs?

No problem!

So just like that, the slave Morgan hung up.

It was Morgan who got the information as the female Su Bai, she was speechless and surprised, she had known this for a long time, and then because she could not abandon the kind goblin.

She squeezed the fantasy tree directly dry, all the power was withdrawn, and the fantasy tree directly withered and died.

Then use this power to make the Goblin Kingdom reappear!

The story of her, Morgan, the king of the Persona belt, begins!

Even if there is no fantasy tree, as long as there is an existence that can maintain the world, it can change from [fantasy] to [reality].

That is, from [Persona Belt] to something similar to [Idiosyncratic].

That is, the “Persona World”.

So she, Morgan, began thousands of years of stories and journeys, long to terrible, long to despair, and finally the queen Morgan, who dominated all goblins, appeared.

But for [Berilgart], who slept a little, for him, I was just sleeping.

How do you wake up and the world has changed dramatically?!!

How did the dead world become such a brilliant and vibrant fairy country?

Ma Yay.

Morgan, what exactly did you do?

But he didn’t get an answer, so he took the bento.

“So I don’t care about the world of the hidden, even if the rest of them know that there is no connection here.”

“It’s a big deal to start a war, directly throw the holy gun Lengominjad towards other personas, the more chaotic the better.”

“Anyway, I am going to join the Chaldeans, but before these disputes have begun, you have come.”

Tian Tong Mu looked at Morgan more curiously.

“Well, Morgan, you are also Takeuchi face, so good-looking.”

“And I always feel that your appearance has an astringency that other dull hairs do not have.”


Where is it astringent?

Blowing snow can’t help but marvel.

“Silver-white long hair, vicissitudes and indifferent eyes, soft and firm body, the queen who stands alone above the world, or a mature big sister style.”

“It’s really fried chicken sticks.”

Su Bai thought deeply.

“It’s like this, even if it looks the same, but because of different experiences and different identities, women will have very different tastes.”

After saying this, everyone looked at him with disgust.

How well do you really understand women?


How many women have been killed by you, so that you can say such old driver words?

Su Bai: …


Morgan couldn’t help but laugh out loud, her beautiful and mature voice sounding here.

“It’s okay, honesty is also a beauty.”

That’s when everyone reacted.

Oh yes!

Morgan seems to be still in [Fairy Eye].

This kind of eye is unique to the leprechaun, able to see the most true feelings, understand what the true heart of the person in front of him is, not only that, but can even see more essential things.

Cebu karma, cause and effect. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is, lies are useless to leprechauns.

But it’s also cruel, being able to see other people’s lusts, ugliness, jealousy, madness, distortion, and so on.

However, leprechauns lose this eye by imitating human behavior.

Become a normal eye.

Luo Hao glanced up at Su Bai again, you guy, is it really a mistake?

You clearly know that there is no need to tell lies.

Anna Kushina also looked at the jade seat behind Morgan.

That is, the throne.

“It feels like it contains a very amazing energy, is this where Morgan will store the magic you will collect from the goblins, coordinating the magic power of a goblin country.”

“It has accumulated for countless years, and it is scary to think about.”

But the soil buried and complained.

“Relying on this jade throne, Sister Wang, you are equivalent to infinite magic, as well as doppelganger skills, but unfortunately, the original book has a bit of plot killing, and it will be troublesome to get out of the throne0…”

In this goblin country, Morgan will collect the magic of the goblins.

The beautiful name [existence tax].

At first, I was stunned, I heard about land tax, air tax, if you exist here, you have to pay tax.


Morgan is really a ruthless woman, a bad oil.

When the capitalists come, they have to cry when they see it.

Only later did I find out.

Hey, you should squeeze this group of goblins into death, they deserve it, they don’t deserve to be sympathized, no matter how miserable, then it is also a matter of course.

Not to mention.

The goblins were resurrected by Morgan, what’s wrong with taking a little magic from you?

Or else people will work for nothing?

Morgan chuckled.

She found herself laughing more today than she had laughed in a thousand years.

“Don’t worry, this jade seat is just a bait for me, I have another one that stores mana, even if I leave here, I don’t care.”

“Do you want to take a good look at the Goblin Country, I can show you around.”

So next.

The tour begins.

Originally, in the palace, there was exquisite food sent by the goblins below, but looking at this table of food, Luo Hao’s face turned black, and there were several of them that were poisoned.

Alcohol is also poisonous.

Look at how uncomfortable Morgan’s days here really were.

The creature of the goblin is really helpless.

Because there is no good or evil.

When to backstab you, when to always treat you well, I don’t know.

Luo Hao, who is not more than a person compared to others, directly launched a destiny power and killed all the goblins involved in this.

Morgan is used to it, saying that assassination, poisoning, assassination and the like are commonplace in this long time, but it was quite quiet before, it should be this time, and it floated again.

Anyway, she has long been used to it.

I can’t help her.

Then everyone also knew that those goblin knights were still there, Lancelot, Gawain, Tristan. 0.3

That is, demon lan, demon high, demon Cui.

Three leprechauns.

He was given the name by Morgan under the name of the Knights of the Round Table.

And this was all brought out by her own hands, and had nothing to do with other people, and she also specially got a doppelganger to teach them so that they could be normal personal guards.

This time, there is nothing about Aurora.

So everyone found strangely, the fairy Lancelot, doesn’t it look a little like Morgan’s shadow?

Did it imitate her appearance?

As for Aurora, she was locked up and executed by Morgan, and this scourge made her die a bargain.


Morgan tortured her for many years.

Tsuchima shouted in satisfaction, yes, that’s how she was tormented, this is pure slag, scum in the goblin, slag in slag, crumbs in crumbs, even after they came.

Luo Hao frowned again.

This [Aurora], that is, the bad goblin woman who would pit Morgan in the original book, after seeing them, jealousy arose in her heart, it turned out to be because many members of the group were more beautiful than her?

Want to kill everyone?

Come on.

Let’s see what you’re doing.

What a twisted nature.

I can’t see it more beautiful than myself.

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