So the soil is buried all sighing.

“Obviously, Aurora and Europa, the names are so similar, why is there such a big difference?”

Tian Tong Mu shook his head even more.

“Then I also said that lucky e and lucky ex are very similar.”

“Is this the same thing?”

Buried in the soil: grass!

Bengbu lived

What you said is so reasonable, I am speechless.

And they also meet another paradise fairy – Artoria!


Another dull!

[Paradise Goblin], refers to the goblin sent from the Star Sea, mission to destroy Britain, Morgan is so, this is the case with Artoria.

But luckily, she was found by the Morgan doppelganger.

Brought it back.

So he didn’t live such a miserable life.

This made Tsuchima embarrassed.

“This is wonderful, after all, according to the original development, Artoria will be picked up by a village, and as a result, the goblins do not see her as a companion at all.”

How did they raise Artoria?

It is said that humans would raise their children in the stables, so they really put Artoria in the stables as her home.

It’s amazing.

Humans are not so strange. Finger.

It’s really broken.

Even the village felt that Artoria could grow up.

Simply a miracle!

It’s like a weed, it grows up.

What a tenacity of vitality.

At that time, Al 06 Toria was drifting to the village on a boat, and there were many treasures left for her by other goblins, all of which were taken and spent by this village.

Not a single point left for Artoria!

And they also said that the treasure was gone.

Artoria is worthless.

Or sell it, right?

Even a man who called himself Merlin secretly taught her magic, but when some villagers saw that she was happy, they confiscated her staff.

Just because.

Ah, how can you laugh so happily as a goblin who has lived such a miserable life?

Why can you laugh?

Isn’t it disgusting?

Cheap or not?

Is it a brain disease?

Isn’t it an idiot?

Such a scene will make the goblins irritated and will make them can’t help but interrupt.

It’s like being unable to stand the blooming of flowers.

Then step on the flower to death.

So Artoria, who was originally amused by everyone and shouted, was very embarrassed and angry, suddenly turned pale, and she heard these words buried by Tsuchima, as she also had fairy eyes.

It was found that what the other party said was not a lie.

Actually, is it true!!!

Wait a minute.

What is the original development?

What does it mean that I will be taken in by a village?

Her heart was full of doubts and puzzlement.

Originally, her mission was to destroy Britain, and Morgan said it was fine, but you have to wait a while, I need to protect some goblins.

She agreed.

So right here, the two dumbfounded faces live together.

And just as she wanted to ask, the only male came out.

“It’s time to destroy this place, Morgan, if you agree, we can be left here.”

“Let’s go back to their respective worlds first.”

“When it’s done, I’ll send a message to the group.”

Morgan agreed, and the others left.

So when Artoria was completely overwhelmed, she saw a dazzling white light blooming from the man’s body, which made her subconsciously close her eyes with a scream.

It’s like it is.

Everything is gone, there is just that white light.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that everything around her had really turned into a white world, and apart from that, there was nothing, and the buildings and goblins in the distance were constantly evaporating.

And, it seems, for the leprechauns.

It’s painful.

They wailed and died.

This is quite normal.


Su Bai is covering this world with his power and crushing all the goblins to death! Unrelenting, cruel!

Because for him, these goblins do not deserve sympathy at all.

He could clearly feel how distorted most demons were.


It was disgusting to him!

And even the good goblins, Su Bai did not let go, still crushed normally, but not as brutal as the former, it is to let them disappear without pain.


They will be reshaped in a new world.

Even those goblin knights, too.

And Aurora in the cell under the palace was also brutally crushed to death by Su Bai, and she let out a terrifying scream.

So in Artoria’s eyes.

This world is being destroyed?

She panicked.

Or Morgan hugged her and whispered in her ear about this time, telling her not to worry.

She settled down.

But there is still surprise in his eyes.

What kind of existence is this man, could it be that he is the creation god?

In the glow of a trance.

Artoria seemed to have seen the original and ancient divine costume appear on him, and even a crown-like thing slowly appeared on his head, but she really did not dare to continue looking.

It’s as if it was.

Not visible, not visible.

You must not look at such an existence.

And Su Bai was indifferent to eliminate this strange world, and the Celtic beast god who originally died also crawled out of the hole at this time, and the height of the outside alone was more than two kilometers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The actual height is probably 10,000 meters.

In a sense.

This dead god is the present Celtic creation god, the beginning of the creation of Britain!

It is because of its corpse that there is earth!

It’s just the beginning.

After 14,000 years of resentment and curses, it has accumulated to an extremely terrifying level, and once it is released, the outer planets will usher in an end.

But Su Bai just whispered.

“Kornunos, the goblin has atoned for his sins by dying, and from now on it will cease to exist, and you should also disappear.”

It was clear that the soul had long died, and only the body was left to curse the god of the world, and it seemed that he also noticed this situation at this time, so Su Bai heard a gentle thank you.

Then it is also in the white light, ushering in the melting and purification of ice and snow.

into the purest power.

Yes, this horned god is such a gentle god, in such a situation, it will not fight with Su Bai, although even if he fights, Su Bai can crush it to death.

But in the end.

It can also rest in peace.

And after this god disappeared, under it, a huge fly appeared, oh no. It is the embodiment of the British land, which can also be regarded as a self-destruct device.

Anyway, to put it bluntly.

The land of Britain is all accumulated by the original sin and corpse of the goblins, and even the land itself cannot look at what the goblins do!

Want to self-destruct!

Want the leprechaun to die.


It was suppressed by the dead horned god corpse above.

So Su Bai spoke up again.

“The worm of Naraku, the worm of concepts, the infinite cave that destroys Britain and subverts the world, you are the same, dissipate.”

“The mission has been accomplished.”

Without a struggle, the huge creature was also crushed.

So much for this Persona!

On the surface, it is Morgan, the king of the Persona belt, but in fact, there is a [Horned God] who has died for more than 10,000 years under the land, and there is a giant insect under the Horned God who wants to destroy here.

Perhaps, he should be called [Voltigeng].

In the story of British legend, the White Dragon King Voltigon, one of Artoria’s great enemies.

Once, Artoria’s father, King Uther, was defeated by King Uther.

But after that, Merlin released the prophecy.

The next king will lead the knights of the Round Table to defeat the White Dragon King Votigen.

The story of the sword in the stone and the girl King Arthur begins that magnificent corner.

And in this anecdotal zone, [Voltigen] is the embodiment of the will of the British islands!

Exists to destroy here!

It really can’t stand this place.

Morgan has to face both the capricious goblins, the calamity of the ancient gods, and the threat of preventing this thing, and there are visitors in the alien world, so many messy things.

She has been able to rule here for thousands of years.

490 Morgan, simply a god-like existence, is worthy of such a wonderful queen.

Slander Morgan, understand Morgan, fall in love with Morgan.

That’s it.

So this strange world was constantly being sucked away from its power, and it no longer had the existence to maintain it, and began to fall back into the anoma belt, and it was constantly disappearing, but the ball of light in Su Bai’s hand was getting brighter and brighter.

Is that.

After being crushed, it is the most primitive, pure, and fundamental power.

The origin of the world.

So this anomaly band became smaller and smaller until it became a point of light and disappeared.

Seven Persona Bands.

Just like that, one disappeared out of thin air.

Such an astonishing movement, it didn’t take long to alarm the few hidden people, and they immediately began to gather and contact.

“What’s the situation?”

“The sixth anoma, how did it disappear?”

“Has the fantasy tree inside been destroyed? What is that guy from Berylgart doing? ”

“That said, he really hasn’t been contacting us much lately.”

“You have to try to find him, I’m afraid, only from this guy’s mouth can you find out what happened.”

And outside the Crimson Pupil World, Su Bai, Morgan, and Artoria appeared here.

This is the void, the dark realm.

There is a world standing next to it.

It is the [Crimson Pupil World].

Morgan was a little confused.

“Why don’t you build the New World next to the world of Tivat, isn’t that close?”

Su Bai shook his head.

“No, it’s dirty outside, it’s all dark things, it’s not a good environment there, you know, I’m all teleporting to other group member worlds, but not much outside the world of Tivat.”

“Outside, it’s not a good place.”

“It’s the abyss.”

“Then, here it begins, my first creation as the original.”

“This is the trace of the First Throne that I have studied, and the world of Riveria, the world of the gods, the many world principles that I have stolen from me, the mysteries of the world.”

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