“I call it the sea buff, and its name means the god who rules over the seas, after all, the source of materials used in this sword is the existence that can control lightning and seawater.”

How does Ying feel that this sword is very unusual, it seems to have a great origin.

She was also shocked.

“Su Bai, what exactly did you use to build this equipment, why is it a god at every turn.”

“Well, that’s what I want to say next.”

Su Bai looked at her deeply.

“Ying, you’re going to Inazuma next, right, to try to meet the eternal Narugami.”


Although I don’t know why Su Bai asked this, Ying answered honestly.

“Then, although this sword is powerful, it is quite tyrannical, you need to spend time to run-in, first go to Liyue to run in for a while, and then go to Inazuma.”

“Remember, don’t use this in front of that Thor, it will cause a lot of trouble.”

“Because of this [Yagi Sword], I used the remains of a demon god who died in Inazuma in the past, the Great Serpent Demon God Orobas, mainly based on it, plus a lot of ores and alchemy, to create it.”

“You know what I mean, right?”


I suddenly felt that this sword was a little hot.

She was afraid.

Won’t be caught by that Thor?

After all, when Liyue was arrested such a time, she had a shadow in her heart.

What if Inazuma’s army was so strong?

And this turned out to be the remains of the Demon God?

It really scared her!

Why did the bones of the demon god who died in Inazuma fall into the hands of Su Bai 06?

It seems to understand what she means.

Su Bai didn’t care about spreading his hands.

“This snake god escaped from Liyue in the past, because he couldn’t defeat the rock god Morax in the Demon God War, so it has been a part of our Liyue since ancient times”

“Isn’t it normal to go back to your hometown now?”

“You see, I let it shine, and if it knows under the yellow spring, you have to thank me with tears as a great benefactor.”

“After all, we in Liyue have always been particular about falling leaves, alas. I was all moved. ”

Ying, Paimon: …

Crooked theory or something, or you are the strongest!

Anyway, when people die, you can say anything.

“In fact, you don’t have to panic so much, as long as you don’t use it in front of the Raiden General, after all, I have dealt with it, she can’t feel it from a distance, she will only detect a strong thunder elemental force.”

“You have to get close to discover the essence of the power of the serpent god.”

“Big deal, you’re really worried, just use another one, follow me.”

I saw that they came to another sword pool, and Ying also hung the Yagi sword on his body, since Su Bai said so, he believed him like this.

After all, I can feel that this sword is really strong.

Throw out the bladeless sword far away ten streets!

Mighty Mighty!

And as soon as her mind moved subconsciously, the Yagi sword automatically flew into her hand, which made her happy, wow, what a spiritual sword, feeling that kind of heart-to-heart connection.

I kind of love it.

It also automatically generates a scabbard with elemental force.

Ling Ying was impressed.

It is worthy of Su Bai.

The title of he, the first alchemy master, did not come for nothing.

In another place, Ying also saw another weapon that recognized her, it was a mysterious sword weapon with a white-gold brilliance, existing with many sword shadows and infinite transformations, sometimes it looked like a bunch of swords, sometimes it looked like just one.

The feeling of being sharp and piercing everything is amazing.

Obviously, this is alchemy equipment based on rock elements.

With a casual move, this sword automatically flew into his hand, and many phantom swords were divided at once, and in an instant, the sound of sword clanging continued to sound, and a large number of sword light flashed here!

“This is the Taiyi Split Lightsaber, a rock attribute immortal sword weapon, which can be swords like shooting stars, divided into thousands of thousands, and divide a lot of flying swords when attacking, and these flying swords themselves can form other weapons.”

For example, Ying saw that more than a dozen flying swords gathered together to form a sword wheel.

In an instant, it cut through the distant wall.

And Su Bai shook the sword weapon at will, and there were countless split swords around him, which could be attacked and defended, and a golden sword qi realm was directly formed.

“The ones you saw before who stepped on the flying sword paid more attention to using the sword to protect the body, but this weapon pays attention to the heart to protect the sword, which can be ever-changing, and the heart moves at will, highlighting the sharpness and cutting of the rock element!”

“Of course, the point is, very handsome and cool!”

“The sword weapon comes with a set of sword techniques, which is the cooperation of alchemy props + su martial arts, which is a little higher than ordinary props.”

“But remember, this sword is strong and indestructible, and it will be a bit of a loss when encountering an enemy with that elemental force method, but it is still super strong.”

“For you, no problem, you will fall in love with this weapon then.”

Su Bai directly threw out this fairy sword and was caught by Ying.

Her eyes are also shining.

Weapons, can it still be like this?

This is completely different from those I have come all the way along.

There are so many tricks.

Can just one sword divide so many sword lights?

And at this time.

She also got a set of information from the sword weapon itself, [Tai Yi Split Light Sword Technique]?

As the cultivation continues, will the power that he can exert become stronger and stronger?

It is suitable for those who have mastered the power of the rock element.

It’s just right for you.

She was quick and excited to thank her.

“Thank you Su Bai, didn’t you let me choose one, I took two directly, wouldn’t it be good?”

Su Bai waved his hand, not caring at all.

“It doesn’t matter, originally your [Yagi Sword] is an armor-type weapon, and it is very dangerous to use, so you can usually use this as the main means.”

“The Yuanlu Yu Clan God Armor will be your killer weapon, after all, it involves the remains of the Demon God.”

“Taiyi Split Lightsword, but I used thousands of years of jade plus chalcedony, as well as some rare ores to refine, and then with the assistance of thunder light quenching, after seven seven forty-nine days, it was completed.”

“Not to mention, in fact, your two swords can be used together.”

Ying was also shocked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Armor + Sword!

What a genius!

Su Bai, you are really powerful.

Once again, she was impressed by Su Bai.

Morgan looked surprised.

“This sword, it seems to be a type of pure physical cutting, when encountering elemental means, immortals and the like, it will fall into scorching, if it is rocky, if it cooperates with other elements.”

Feeling like this, is he too concerned about the handsomeness of the sword?

But thought about it.

Iwa, this orphan.

Morgan fell silent.


Never mind.

When I didn’t say.

That’s better to be a little more handsome, and then point down on the sharp and differentiated sword light, this is already quite an excellent and gorgeous weapon, not many people can restrain it.

As long as Ying doesn’t run into those few.

Su Bai is also a stall hand.

“In fact, it is already very strong, not the kind of gua sha you said, the rock element has a golden side, sharp and destructive power, highlighting this, plus the doppelganger sword, a proper group attack weapon.”

“Speaking of which, I kind of want to scratch the sand.”

Morgan gave him a charming look.

You Gua Sha, are you serious?

A wild place.

There was the girl’s coquettish voice.

“Splitting lightsaber!”

I saw a large number of swords clanging for a while, and the long sword in the yellow-haired girl’s hand divided into many golden flying swords, which suddenly ravaged the surroundings, sweeping more than a dozen monsters in.

In an instant.

Just kill it easily!

It can be described as overbearing.

Even Paimon on the side had little stars in his eyes.

“Wow, today’s Ying is super handsome! So many wiped out at once! ”

Then she seemed to see something and exclaimed.

“Be careful!”

“There is a rock dragon lizard in the distance, rolling towards you!”

This made Ying split the sword again, and I saw more than a dozen sword lights rotating and converging together, forming a golden sword wheel, directly killing the past!

Cut the rock dragon lizard in half at once.

Even she herself was stunned.

This silky, this light 280 loose feeling, my God, is much more powerful than the bladeless sword, right?

Replace it with before.

A sword without a blade can cut people at most.

Even sometimes, when it is cut to a place with strong defense, there is only a spark.

She really fell in love with this sword all of a sudden, and she also understood what Su Bai meant by group attack and sharpness.


This made her very grateful.

It was equivalent to giving yourself two such powerful weapons, which was really embarrassing.

Himself, did he look at him too badly?

As a matter of fact.

Mr. Su Bai is a very good talent.

Ying felt inexplicably guilty.


I shouldn’t have called him narcissistic, I’m sorry.

Paimon recalled that in the pile of sword weapons, there were two areas that seemed to be unformed, one purple and one blue.

Even if the body of the weapon was not revealed, the aura was already the strongest there.


This one in Ying’s hand is already so powerful.

I really don’t know what a terrifying and amazing situation it will be when those two take shape.

The 4th Division of the Family Registration Division of the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau.

Only two people in the room.

One of them is a young girl dressed in a standard majestic costume, who looks very young, she is a member of the group, named Anna, the Blue King of the K world.

The other was a cold and silent red-haired man.

At this time.

“Zhou Fangzun, right, your sword won’t be long before it falls, right?”

“Anna specially invited me to help you erase this problem, well, if the Blue King is in charge of the order, it will need a headache.”

“Then, when I swing this sword, what does not decay will also decay, and what will not shatter will also shatter, then what cannot be separated!”

“My power should be able to destroy the immortal kingdom and kill the immortal god, and this is the power to cut off fate!”

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