“With this, you will usher in freedom from the king’s destiny!”

I saw that Su Bai conjured a white and silver short sword in his hand, and then suddenly swung down towards the air in front of him, as if cutting off something, what he just said was the spirit of this power.

Therefore, Zhou Fangzun’s face suddenly changed.

He looked at his hands stunned.

He felt relaxed, no longer had the feeling of burning and self-destruction before, and the source of strength that needed to be suppressed seemed to be cut off from himself.

The King of Red is originally a symbol of “violence” and “blood”.

But he feels now.

He is not king anymore.

There is no Sword of Damocles anymore.

This really made his face complicated.

But it also means being able to live.

Anna Kushina also made a guarantee, saying that the seven kings will become a thing of the past, or it is better to restore daily life and peace.

After Zhou Fangzun thanked him, he left here.

There are three of them left here.

It’s all their own people.

Anna Kushina also sighed.

“The power of anti-fate, this is really quite an amazing ability, critical moments, but it can have miraculous effects.”

“Remember that in the original book, Kusanagi Godo also has an anti-fate power.”

“I didn’t expect Luo Hao to also engage in one, and it seems that it is still the marquis’s slashing blade of fate in the past, the role of this power, I am very red-eyed, if only I drew it when it was drawn.”

After all.

This is a veritable name, breaking the impossible.

For example, in mythology, there is something that cannot be crushed at every turn, and a similar buff is added.

Or the hero of the immortal body.

That’s a lot more than that.

Of course.

There are also some that have weaknesses, such as those that have on the heels.

and, the immortal God.

For example, those who hold [immortality].

The god of steel, the sun god, the dragon snake, and the earth mother god, many of which involve immortality.

It’s very hard to kill.

But with this power, it is completely capable of destroying, something that can not be destroyed and not broken!

The sword and power of Damocles, cut open and you’re done.

This gave Anna Kushina a bold and amazing idea.

Luo Hao, who holds this power, is afraid that the Marquis of Woban who has the immortality of the soul will easily die in her hands, right?

Ha people!

Forget it, I don’t want to think so much.

Think about it, expect check-in to be powerful and empowered.

“Of course, the return of Eternal Tribulation is also possible.”

Morgan, who sat down to drink tea, couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“You are like this, Luo Hao is going to cry. That’s a power that people have hard to get. ”

“How can people become super fat sheep.”

Anna Kushina smiled sweetly.

“Hmph, sometimes fantasize more, you can also be in a good mood, beautiful and nourishing~.”

“Oh yes.”

She remembered what she was going to do this time.

“Wait for Su Bai, you can take that Dresden stone plate directly, that thing has become the source of turmoil, and the selected kings are all things, not to encroach on other people’s bodies and make wind and rain.”

“I just want to liberate the power of the stone plate, so that all mankind can evolve and have superpowers.”

“But this is simply blind! Human beings will only destroy civilization because of the sudden arrival of power, and then immerse themselves in power, and will not be able to control changes at all, and will only usher in terrible riots and conflicts. ”

First and foremost, the old order will be shattered.

Countless people are going to die.

That turmoil, it’s terrifying to think about.

Idealists are sometimes so big that they are full of bright futures and can’t think of the practical consequences.


The world was chaotic first, and it’s about the same.

It may be possible to return to the wasteland from modern civilization at once, jumping too fast is like this, the development of civilization is to come step by step, so the stone plate that gives the power of the king.

In the eyes of Anna Kushina, it is actually very dangerous.

There are too many small deflated threes that swell with strength.

People like her who guard order, hate those, are all hair.

Su Bai also pondered.

“It’s okay, I’ll take it away then, I’ll control that power, but the power of your Blue King, I’ll keep it for you.”

“You continue to be the king of order, this is nothing.”

At that time, it will be interesting to take back Liyue to do research and create a few kings to come out.

For example, Lanyuan Yanzhu?

Make her the improved King of Aka?

It just happens that the children of the curse can be connected to play a stronger role, and in this way, Lanyuan Yanzhu’s strength has skyrocketed, and there is still a realm.


In the pitch-black bullet world in the original work, the cursed son can have the power of [realm] when he reaches a certain strength.

I didn’t expect Lanyuan Yanzhu, I’m afraid that I will really master a new field.

Speaking of the field.

In fact, the goblins also have the [Goblin Realm], which is able to build an ideal world with their own power, which is essentially a super-first-class inherent enchantment.

For example, there is a winged goblin who has spent a thousand years or how long to polish his field.

It gives it terrifying power.

With the development in the future, there will be more and more goblins with powerful [Goblin Realm], right?

A race with great potential.

Morgan complained. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“This stone disk can appear both kings and superpowers, it is really a very interesting prop, reminding me of the crystal inside the super power out of control, touch it to get the power of reading.”

“Known as the best newbie world for crossers, after all, there is motivation at the beginning,”

“But I heard that in the second part, those people actually died a long time ago? Is it a replica made by crystal? Doesn’t this cross the white give, do you remember it? ”

Su Bai and Anna Kushina both spread their hands for it.

And it didn’t.

On the contrary, Anna Kushina was curious.

“Su Bai, you share Luo Hao’s ownership ability, do you have any other destiny and anti-destiny powers?”


“Didn’t Luo Hao use one last time to kill the goblins who tried to poison?”

“Huh? And there is another one, is to let things develop in their favor, which is equivalent to the power of fate to add good luck? However, this power seems to come from a certain god of love that Luo Hao killed. ”

“It may feel a little different from normal lucky powers. I haven’t tried it. Just don’t try. ”

“Can’t you experiment now?”

Morgan winked at him gently, “Come, use it on me, and see what happens.” ”

The result is a moment later.

Nothing happened.

Morgan and Anna Kushina wondered.

This power, fake, right?

If it’s related to love, shouldn’t it be Morgan who gave Sue white hair benefits?

Could it be that for those who have a good impression, it will not work?

The result is at this time.

As the adjutant of the Blue King, Sayoshima Shiri came over with tea and sweets, but at this time, the button in front of her suddenly collapsed, and the surge suddenly came out, making her panic and shy.

As a result, he was still holding something in his hand, and after tensing up for a while, he almost slipped the soles of his feet.

The plates were delivered steadily to the table under her anxiety.

But the person pounced directly on Su Bai.


Anna Kushina: …

I understand.

It is worthy of the power obtained from Eros, and he is very good at playing!

The screaming Tamishima Shiri blushed quickly, sorted it out, and said that he was really sorry, so he went out in a panic, not daring to look at Su Bai.

Morgan gave him a blank look.

“‘Bad husband, now you have taken advantage of it, what a face washing.'”

Anna covered her mouth and chuckled.

“I, this adjutant, is tall and beautiful, this kind of burning and pure royal sister, very good, right?”

“Do you want me to be a wingman?”

Su Bai rubbed his forehead wordlessly.

“How do you all have the talent of matchmaking, let’s not talk about this, this power is actually the end of my launch just now, but the effect has been maintained for a while, and I want to erase it.”

“There will be resistance, as if you don’t finish it.”

“So when I was trying to erase it, she still fell over, but I actually grabbed her waist, please don’t get me wrong.”

The two women couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s nothing.

Anna Kushina is a good friend, does not care about her adjutant and Su Bai’s affairs, and it is not bad to succeed.

Morgan, as a wife, doesn’t care about this either.

Su Bai thought about it.

“This power will not be used in the future, I will ban its use, after all, the effect is only for ordinary women, the stronger the effect, the worse the effect, and I am normal (Zhao Zhao’s) in love, pay attention to affection.”

Morgan agreed.

“Indeed, since the more powerful, the less effective, but more likely to attract the disgust of women.”

“Some mythical goddesses of love are really annoying when they are naughty.” It’s so charming. ”

Anna Kushina asked in surprise.

“Su Bai, why do you always want to emphasize this.”

He gave the answer.

“Because, I want to see everyone in the group living in harmony, this is a normal chat group, there is no need to block me because of any misunderstanding.”

This made Anna Kushina look complicated and sighed.

“You are really a Su Bai with a noble character, as a manager, I understand your feelings, but even so, you will still encounter misunderstandings and hostility from other female Su Bai in the future.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be on your side. Maybe when the misunderstanding is resolved and they discover your kindness and kindness, you may be able to accidentally hug the beauty back. ”

“Kindness, there will be a return, not to mention that everyone is Su Bai, of course, I am your friend, help you cooperate.”

Morgan smiled.

“Yes, my kind is your reward.”

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