“Remember Uncle B’s treasure tool, the Twelve Trials, which is equivalent to many lives, and also has the effect of making the attack that has been attacked once and the second time it will not work.”

“So every time you need to use a new attack, the fate line is broken by Archer 6 times, but it’s still not enough.”

“Although the back is set to eat or what’s going on, Uncle B was knocked out of multiple lives at once? Specifically forgot. ”

“And this power, which is equivalent to having such a similar effect, is a similar ability developed by Luo Hao, but it is not very perverted, and it can probably invalidate 3 skills.”


Relative to the reduction in numbers, this power has been greatly strengthened in terms of bearing and power.

Even if it is the same move, even if it is enhanced a lot, it can be ineffective.

Unless it’s really a huge difference.

So Luo Hao directly called this power – [Saint Seiya’s trial!] 】

Su Bai was also surprised.

It really smells like that.

Skaha: xxx!

This is not called very perverted? You and I haven’t seen the Twelve Trials?

That is just a change of weapon, you can continue to cause damage, so Shirou Emiya’s arsenal has a way to deal with it.

But now, he can be immune to his three killer cards that can be called trump cards.

【Through the Gun of Death】

【Death-filled Demon Realm Gate】

And one more.

It really left her speechless.

I already knew that I would first use the Piercing Death Thorn Spear and the Death Spear to make you occupy two positions and add a normal skill so that you would not be immune to killing.

Such power is already a very perverted kind in the god killer.

After all, the original Uncle B’s twelve trials, how could he be killed and killed by the black dull?

Doesn’t that guy eat all the freshness in one move?

Light cannon, light cannon, light cannon!

Take this as a flat A bomb, and directly knock him off.


So it was still the power of this guy in front of her, which was more tricky and troublesome to her.

Actually, what Skaha didn’t know was.

Su 700 Bai is actually still a little dissatisfied with this power, and plans to continue to develop it in the future, so that the number continues to increase, how can it be doubled, and even really have the number of twelve.

That would be outrageous.

Absolutely top power!

But this still has to be modest, after all, there are too many hanging ratios in countless worlds, and there are hundreds of guys with thousands of skills at every turn, so it is not very perverted to look at it this way.


That’s why Su Bai didn’t have that arrogant mentality.

Of course, this is also an idea, whether it works or not depends on later.

And Skaha is once again holding a magic gun.

“Don’t underestimate me, I’ve lived for a long time, and my skills have long been countless, and you are ineffective for three, it’s not a big problem.”

Su Bai: …

Look, there’s one in front of you.

Still, he smiled.

“Yes, but even if you are also Su Bai, you will develop many skills, but if it is originally a special skill, you will polish and continuously enhance, so it is still a top trump card.”

“Did I say that?”

Skaha’s eyes sharpened.

Chat with yourself,.

This look was obviously said by Su Bai.

Good disgusting ability.

General skills, the other party does not have to choose to be immune at all, that is to say, you can specifically choose your own three must kill, ban, it is indeed a very perverted force!

“However, I have other powerful tricks, take it!”

Skaha has renewed his fighting spirit in his eyes, and it is true happiness to be able to fight with such a guy!

But at this time.

The broken Zigrud ran towards here, and Skaha, who consumed his own strength a lot, affected the seal there, after all, she just casually trapped the other party with the Lune rune.

It’s not surprising that you can break free.

He was now frantically provoking this side.

“Hahaha, it’s very lively, (agdd) you guys continue to fight, even I have the ability to cover it.”

“Even I don’t dare to kill, you two are just waste.”

“Come on, do it.”

Skaha frowned in the face of such a dog barking.


It’s the other party’s royal lord who is not there, if that’s the case, let’s seal him again.

It’s just a small role.

On the contrary, Su Bai wielded the magic sword, as if cleaning up a small minions, the magic sword that cut the earth and blasted the ocean spread instantly, causing a terrible slash.

Split each other in two!

He didn’t even bother to look.

“If you are noisy, a small role should have the consciousness of a small role.”

Zigrud, who was instantly extinguished, looked ecstatic.

“Great, great!”

Then he fell to the ground and disappeared into a point of light.

Such behavior made Skaha shake his head.

“Since you are Su Bai, you should know that this guy is not Zigrud, but the flame giant who destroyed Norse mythology and brought the flame of extinction.”

“Why do you do this?”

“In this way, the other party can be freed from the sun, and this anomaly belt will suffer a great disaster.”

“Forget it, I’ll join forces with you and deal with that guy together, he has been chattering here all the time, I don’t know what it is.”

In this regard, Skaha no longer wants to fight with Su Bai.

Let’s solve the problem in front of you first.

However, she was rejected by Su Bai.

“No need, just leave it to me.”

“Now, you first let the goddess Scati come out, I have something to say to her, after all, this time I came by the way, in order to save you from this strange belt, to give new hope for continuation.”

“So, I want to take this world, go to another world, and be part of it.”

The goddess Scati made a shocked sound.

“What did you say?”

Thousand Rock Army side.

With their efforts, the impact of the giant army is constantly being reduced.

The Chaldean group who rushed over were stunned.

What is this?

Why is it that a group of armies are fighting the Nordic giants, and according to observations, these people are not subordinates, they are all people, living humans!

But it has such combat effectiveness?!!

Can you beat a giant like this?

It’s incredible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The girl Fujimaru Rika looked at the shining equipment in surprise.

“What is that, don’t you feel the magic, magic dress, what kind of divine are you?”

Matthew also shook his head.

“I don’t understand.”

Instead, Morgan and Estes came over, and Morgan pinched her face.

“Fujimaru Tachika-chan, the living crown succubus, the first time I saw it, it’s amazing.”

Tachika Fujimaru: ???

What, what succubus?

I’m not! I didn’t!

Even Matthew’s eyes became wary.

“Please let go of your hands!”

Estes sighed, “Just the two of you, the others are still far away from danger, well, be careful.” After all, it was the fat director who led the team. But rest assured, this anecdote will end soon. ”

“You can move on to the next journey.”

“Oh yes, the one pinching you is Morgan, who was originally the king of the British Persona belt.”

This shocked the two of them, and even everyone on the Chaldean side who kept communicating gasped!

The message in the words is huge!

The other kings of the Persona belt, just standing here?

But isn’t this Norse mythology?

How did it come about?

Could it be that this is the Anecdotal Belt of British Persona attacking Norse mythology?

And this kind of thing?

And how can this king of Britain have kindness to his side?

Just when Fujimaru Tachika had many questions, the sun in the sky attracted the attention and shouts of many Qianyanjun, and the sound of shock continued to sound.

“Look, what’s wrong with the sun?”

“Suddenly it lit up, so dazzling, why, it was like burning!”


“It feels like it’s going to melt, is that magma?” Or what? ”

This made Fujimaru Rika and them quickly look at it, and the already big and bizarre sun between them was even more dazzling at this time, as if it was burning.

In the first moment I came here.

Everyone thinks that this sun is not normal.

Not really stars.

It is similar to the creation in the myth, which is this Nordic world, the day of heaven!

The result is now.

The solar magma continued to flow down, and suddenly, a giant hand rose from it, and then another, and a booming sound sounded, and this sun fell directly.

Caused amazing vibrations and roars.

That impact caused countless forests to be destroyed and ceased to exist, and in the midst of this smoke, there was a giant like a behemoth, slowly standing up, with a majesty and terror far beyond all other giants!

If you face it, you can feel that the world is burning!

At this time, another woman with a blindfold ran over with a miserable face, and she was also lost in thought.

“There is no salvation, that thing is coming out, it is the monster that slaughtered the gods, held the sword of flame, and brought destruction and burned to all things, and its name is the king of the giants of flame, Surut.”

Her appearance caused the exclamations of Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika.


“Are you the hidden person of this Persona Belt?”

This woman is the human in charge of maintenance in this Persona Zone, one of the original Chaldean A members, who has a gem-level magic eye.

Her follower is the same Zigrud.

It’s just that because of these pair of demon eyes, she saw the king of the flame giant, Surut, in the past, which led to never expecting that she ran to this Norse mythological Persona belt, and the summoned Zigrud was taken advantage of by the other party!

Took the body.

The terrifying big boss of the world of destruction appeared like this.

Reacting quickly, she immediately used the first spell, not allowing the other party to commit suicide, and could only be locked up in Zigrud’s body and could not get out.

After all.

If it really comes out, this Persona belt will be finished!

Unexpectedly, this time a group of kingdom armies called Liyue suddenly came, which caused the dissatisfaction of the goddess Scati, caused the giants to attack, and ordered their followers to go.

Even the goddess went.

Then a fierce battle ensued.

In such a battle, she did not dare to approach, otherwise just Yu Wei would be enough to crush her.

So I can only watch from afar.

But I didn’t expect that.

The Flame Giant King, it’s still out!

Her face was full of stunned.


Even Matthew shouted from the side, “Why did you betray the Chaldeans, didn’t we say that we will protect people together, why should everyone stand on opposite sides?” ”

None of these words she answered.

Instead, the goddesses Scati and Su Bai suddenly appeared here.

Su Bai smiled.

“That’s because they don’t have a choice, either resurrection or death, does that still need to be said?”

“As for the guardian Ri, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, maybe you may be rejected by Renri and have to admit your innocence?”


Matthew froze.

Even Fujimaru Tachika quickly exclaimed.

“So, that, what do you mean?”

However, after Su Bai finished speaking, he looked at the tall Flame Giant King and whispered.

“It’s time to solve you, let you see the performance of the magic sword power developed to a certain extent.”

“Swear by this! I don’t allow anything I can’t cut to exist! ”

This time, the power of power did not spread to the sword weapon.

It turned out to be?.

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