Tachika Fujimaru:..

Why is our side always ignored?

And the majestic Flame Giant King Surut also stood here, emitting a terrifying and all-shaking roar, and its flames alone were enough to blur the surroundings, and a sea of fire was burning everywhere.

The ice and snow are melting wildly.

The original giants were bound by Scati, the goddess of ice, using her power as a giant bloodline.

This is why the giant also wears an ice-blue mask.

This is exactly the power of the goddess!

But this time.

The real Giant King has appeared!

The authority is higher than her!

Naturally, those restraints are useless, the masks on the faces of the giants are shattered, and the wildness that belongs to them returns again, and the ferocious roar shakes ~ the earth and the forest!

The pressure on the Thousand Rock Army was steep!

And after the Yan Giant King Surut finally broke away, his first reaction was to thank that human being too much, thanks to his actions, he released himself, then, he wants to bring absolute destruction to this world, this star-chen!


He subconsciously wanted to reclaim the power he had taken from the demon wolf Fenrir, which was the ice and fire power that the other party first devoured the ice, then ate the sun, and finally fused it.

It can greatly increase the power of this Flame Giant King.

But he was suddenly stunned, there was nothing on the mountains, yes, it was gone before, I don’t know who took it away.


The Yan Giant King roared angrily.

“Bastard, what kind of scrap stole my power!!!”


The one who took away this power was Su Bai.

And the giant king didn’t have time to be angry, his face suddenly changed, he looked up at the sky, and he was shocked.

“This, what is this?”

I saw that there was constantly light in the sky, illuminating the world of ice and snow, and with it came the terrifying pressure, which made the Yan Giant King creepy, and in a trance, it seemed to see the whole world against itself!

In fact, this is exactly what Su Bai did!

The power of the demon sword can make everything in the world a sword, and the former king of swords can also make the morning star a sword and forge a meteorite sword, so what about Su Bai’s further development and expansion?

That’s how he behaves now!

Make the world itself, for the sword! For the magic sword!

Transform this anecdotal power into a magic sword, one of the most terrifying magic swords!

The monstrous power burst out from Su Bai’s body, and such momentum soared into the sky and spread in all directions!

Covered with a Persona tape!

This made both the goddess Scati and Skaha, who returned to her body, lose their voices.

“You, what are you doing?”


A simple and mysterious ice sword shining brightly suspended in front of Su Bai, and this anecdotal belt seemed to be illusory. Then Su Bai waved lightly, and in a trance, it was like heaven and earth had turned into this sword.

Slashed towards the Flame Giant King!

The next moment.

The Giant King didn’t move.

He let out a final roar and disbelief.

“No, such a force, why is it so strong? Who are you divine? ”

“I’m just an alchemist passing by.”

Su Bai whispered.

In his eyes, the Flame Giant King fell down with a bang and was completely killed by the [Sword of the Persona Belt], or to use the slash, it was not right, it was crushed by the Persona Belt itself, and died directly.

Those energies were also converted and absorbed by him.

On Su Bai’s hand, a fiery red energy ball emerged, and then turned into a flame sword.

“[Sword of Flame], a weapon created by God, does it have the priority of life, and it is a special attack on life?

“A treasure that can burn the world, bring dusk and end to the stars, and compete with the holy spear, well, that’s it, put it away.”

Then he looked at Scati, the ice god.

“Ice Goddess, I’m going to start, please get ready.”

Scati stared at him tightly, solemnly.

“I hope you didn’t lie to me, otherwise even if I give everything I can, I will fight with you.”

Skaha in the body: …

We can’t beat people.

Stop thinking about it.

And, because of this, the other party is trustworthy, isn’t it?

The Thousand Rock Army also began to retreat under the order.

Shuttling through Morgan’s Water Mirror Gate, combined with the world door of the chat group, they quickly returned to Liyue, and Keqing also told Su Bai to return safely.

Morgan also nodded towards Scati after sending off the Thousand Rock Army.

“Come with me, to another world.”

At this time, the Persona Belt was already rapidly disappearing, and all the energy began to fly into Su Bai’s hands, including the Fantasy Tree containing strong magical power, which was also quickly squeezed dry.

The world is suddenly connected to the outside world.


It’s disappearing in place!

Gradually, the white paper of the earth outside appeared here, and this scene made Fujimaru Rika and them stunned, completely unaware of the situation, as if the anoma belt was absorbed by this person.

Don’t tell us.

The man in front of him is an alien god?

After taking away the last piece of power, Su Bai looked at them with a smile.

“Goodbye, girls who save people.”

Then, as the last person, he also disappeared out of thin air.

Tachika Fujimaru: …

Matthew: …

Even the rest of the Chaldeans made a tingling and horrified sound.

“What’s the situation, why did the anoma disappear under our noses?”


“It’s not the same as cutting down fantasy trees, right?”

“Obviously what I said just now, it’s still ice and snow, forests, mountains.”

As a result, there is now only whitened flat ground in front of you, and nothing else.


The battle just now was like a dream.

It never happened.

Matthew quickly asked the dazzled Ophelia.

“Ophelia, do you know anything as an assistant to this Persona?”

She was also confused.

Don’t make it.

Is this all a joke?

Would the goddess allow the man to do this, it can’t be.

The other party values the world the most!


Something I missed.

Then in the distance, there were also followers who had been summoned to this anomaly belt, and they also began to disappear, because it was all right. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The other party was also dumbfounded.

What the heck?

World of British Goblins.

“Huh? This is, the world you created? To be able to do such a thing, are you the Creator God? ”

“My Nordic world has really resurfaced, those villages, those humans, and these Valkyrie and production models, and you mean, fused with this ice goblin domain?”

“Living with these wonderful goblins, it’s unexpectedly nice, and I love them too.”

“Very kind and simple race.”

“And your world, is it ruled by you and this Queen Morgan, well, then I am in this Ice and Snow Goblin Domain, and I will settle down, after all, it is equivalent to being the Great God Odin before.”

“It’s you guys now, I understand.”

At this time, Scati, the goddess of ice and snow with a small stick in her hand, was looking at everything in front of her with wide eyes.

I saw that there were ice and snow and giant mountains everywhere, and there was an ice country established by the ice goblins.

Ruled by an Ice Lord.

And now, this place is rapidly getting bigger, and their world before is like a picture here, reappearing here, making the area of the Ice Goblin Domain several times!

Moreover, this is still intact earth that has not been burned by flames.

When she was not covered in snow and ice, it was completely green meadows and forests, and spring had arrived, which was a spring that had never appeared in the Nordic Persona belt.

She was very excited, and carefully stroked a green bud.

Goddess Scati’s eyes were moist.


That’s great.

There is no need to suppress those flames, and the world of spring can appear perfectly, this is the hope that it can continue!

Not the previous lingering!

The Valkyries were also instructed by her to pacify the villagers, who would henceforth be the first humans to settle in this world and live happily with the goblins.

Obey the leprechaun laws of this world.

Scati saw that there were more than one ice goblin in this world, and the goblins flowed with each other, so she was also curious and looked at these creatures.

The Skaha inside her was silent.

This is different from the original goblin, it is not at all!

Previously, it was the Six Goblin Clan.

What is this today?

It turned out to be a seven-element goblin dominated by Tivat?

I always feel that I can’t complain.

But Scati quickly accepted, and Skaha thought about it, and yes, the worldview of Norse mythology is the nine worlds, and the gods live in Asgard.

They live in one of them.

Then, for the matter of living in one of the Seven Goblin Domains, it is natural to understand and integrate into it at once.

Not to mention that the size of the original terrain is also here, and it is larger than before, Su Bai’s guy, crushed all the power and used it to pave the earth?

What a luxury.

This is far beyond the same place as it used to be.

Scati is strange if he is not satisfied.

Then Scati looked at Su Bai gratefully.

“Thank you for your great power, this is a miracle and great deed beyond my power, the power of the gods, I am really sorry that I did not see that you are such a primordial god.”

“Don’t be so restrained, just treat me as a friend.”

Scati’s eyes were surprised.

“Is this okay, you are really kind, after all, compared to you, I am just a small ice goddess.”

This made both Su Bai and Morgan laugh.

“It’s okay, now this world will develop in the future, and there may be many gods at that time.” But now, there are few people, you are the god here today but us. ”

“The original world, I didn’t expect me to be able to join such a big family, thank you very much, then I will leave the topic to Skaha to handle, after all, your relationship,.”

Scati looked strange, and chose to let Skaha out.

After all, she just understood something from those words.


Wearing a warriorly posture and wearing a bold dress, Skaha appeared here.

Now she and Scati are fused together.

But the body is still alone.

Everyone uses their own things.

She first looked at Su Bai and Morgan so close in surprise.

“I’ve been a little strange from the beginning, if that’s right, you’re actually all Su Bai, but your relationship, and that Estes?”

“Well, they’re all my wives. We truly love each other. ”

Skaha: …

What’s the thing?

What a perverted chuan!.

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