A new day.

“Come on, you slacker, you want me to feed you.”

At this time, Su Bai came to the dark bullet world, and was feeding a big beauty on the sofa and giving her cookies.

That is Muroto Pansy, who has big black silk legs and is tall and royal sister.

As a good sister of Tendo Mugen.

is Su Bai’s other girlfriend in this world.

Muroto Pansy also had a rosy face, looking at her boyfriend Su Bai with love, sometimes she herself because her research was too deep, she always forgot to eat, and she would be criticized by Su Bai.

Like an idiot.

But she was still very moved, after all, at this time, Su Bai would feed her.

This kind of behavior between couples makes her very happy.

It was warm.

After eating almost the same, she also nodded happily.

“Thank you dear, I’m full.”

“Yes, you’re full, I’m still hungry.”


So when Tong Mu came over that day, she found that Muroto Pansy was already lying on the sofa, covered with a blanket, but a white and slender beautiful leg was still exposed.

Mu Geng’s face turned red.

As a result, Muroto Pansy also deliberately stopped her.

“Mu Geng, don’t go first, come here, I have something I want to talk to you about.”

The confused Tendo Mu sat down even more, and as a result, she faced Muroto’s resentful eyes, which made her feel inexplicable.


What the hell.

Why look at me like that.

Muroto took her hand and said sincerely.

“It’s been so long, you should also be closer to Su Bai, and you should start a family, right?”

“Can’t let my sister get stuck here all the time, oh, really, I’m so hard.”

“After all, he respects you.”

Mu looked at the mournful Muroto Pansy, also embarrassed and embarrassed.

“Sorry, that, I don’t want to tell Su Bai, let him eat you, I’m sorry, I ignored your feelings Sister Muroto.”

“You love him deeply, too.”

“I’m really sorry, because my shyness alone caused you to be unhappy, rest assured, I know what to do.”

Muroto Pansy also showed a kind smile.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine after you, after all, in this world, you are his eldest wife, and I’m just the second wife.”

Anyway, Muroto Pansy felt.

It’s good to be together.

After all, she is a little suspected of robbing her husband, and now that she can live and live together, it is already her dream and flattery, and she naturally smiles and waits more.

So Mu asked Su Bai not to leave today, don’t go back to Tivat first.

It’s evening.

She took Muroto’s hand and came to Su Bai’s room together.

Then Mu Geng looked at Su Bai with a red face.

“Sorry, I’m a little too late, so to apologize, I came with her, shy is shy, lose the dead.”

“Anyway, please treat us well in the future. Husband. ”


At this time, Xiangling, the chef of [Wanmintang], who had been busy for a day, stretched his waist and had already prepared all the materials to be prepared tomorrow, and some of the processed materials in advance were also processed.

After taking a shower, I was ready to go back to the house to sleep.

It stands to reason.

These are the same steps as before.

She’s a little better.

After all, because she often has to research new dishes, she will run around collecting fresh and good ingredients.

For example, I went to Mond before and met Ying.

There’s also a chef competition!

While digging bamboo shoots in Liyue, she met Ying again, and the two were happy to reminisce, and then Xiangling returned to Wanmintang and continued to take charge, but after hearing the hot things that the guests had recently discussed.

Xiangling was also very curious.

At this time, she also lay on the bed, and then put a headset with two rock guns crossed on her ear, and the pot on the ground next to her also jumped, and there was also such a headset next to its ear.

Xiangling couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Guoba, fortunately, the General Affairs Department is good to talk to, and also handled a [Heavenly Dao Terminal] for you, let’s go, let’s form a team.”

“To see the virtual game [Ghost Slayer Blade] that diners are discussing, what kind of existence is it, is it equivalent to traveling to another world?”

“It’s a virtual world, but our consciousness exists there. Oops, I don’t understand either. Everyone said that they would know if they played. ”

“Game, enter!”

At this moment, Xiangling entered the game directly in bed, as if she was asleep.

Guoba also turned his back to the side of the bed, leaning against the bed on the floor.

It’s like falling asleep.

As a matter of fact.

They’re all in the game.

“Hey, did I change my appearance, Guoba, why are you still the same!”

Xiangling looked at her appearance in amazement, a very ordinary and ordinary Liyue girl.

According to everyone, it is necessary to pass a week before you can use the original appearance.

Even the power can be used in Nishume.

All right.

Is this to allow everyone to experience the charm and fun of the game itself?

But the bouncing pot was still the same as ever, which made Xiangling unable to complain.


You guys are treating it differently!

But for a moment, Xiangling’s attention was not in this area, and her eyes widened and she exclaimed.

“God, is this really a false world, so real.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What appeared in front of her was the land of Liyue, which had also turned into darkness, full of vibrant trees, under the moonlight, she could see the foothills standing proudly, and the stone forests and reflections were everywhere in the distance.

A thick view of mountains and rocks.

Not far away, there is a silvery pond dotted with lotus leaves, and from time to time there are frogs calling, echoing the insect song in the forest meadow, and the color of the scenery.

Xiangling directly plucked a grass and stuffed it into her mouth, and then she was suddenly shocked.

“It’s the same as the real taste, and this raspberry, too, wow, that’s great!”

“How the hell is this done?”

“It’s worthy of being the Heavenly Dao Terminal made by Master Su Bai, it feels like it’s the second world, wait, since the taste of grass and fruit is the same, then can’t I study stir-fry and new dishes in the game?”

Unlike others, she was born as a chef, and her first reaction was this.

It turned out to be thinking about cooking in a virtual game.

Then Xiangling looked at the uprooted grass, and as if a new one appeared like data, she also nodded.

Listen to everyone.

The most fundamental trees and fruits are refreshed once every three hours.

It’s already time, right?

If it is not touched by itself, it is as it is, but if it is less, it will be automatically replenished.

“Well, it’s really not the real world, is that what it is, the game?”

“Sensational virtual game between Liyue and Meru? It’s incredible! Guoba, let’s go and explore the world! I feel that this place is a little different from the Liyue in my impression. ”

“For example, the mountains in the distance, it should not be like this, right? How is it higher and more than in reality? ”

Just as she and Guoba were cheering and shouting forward with great interest, two figures suddenly scolded them.

“Dead? Not only outside, but also yelling? ”

“I’m afraid the ghost won’t find you?”


The stunned Xiangling saw the appearance of the other party clearly in the moonlight, and saw a very young man, quite immature, mainly in cyan clothing. It looks a little blue.

The other is a much more mature woman who looks like a big sister.

Wearing a golden bodysuit.

And it was also this woman who looked at Xiangling and looked at it.

“‘Girls I don’t know, forget it, come with me!'” It’s dangerous outside! ”

Then she directly pulled Xiangling and left, making Xiangling confused and confused about the situation, but it seemed that the other party had no malice, and she had to follow and run together.

The man and Guoba also hurriedly followed.

Xiangling was honestly shocked.

How do game characters feel so intelligent?

No wonder everyone says that there is no problem at all in viewing the people in the game as real people.

So on the way, Xiangling also hurriedly set up words.

That’s when I learned something.

Relatively small, looking only 17 years old man, called Tongque, this big sister who looks to be in her 20s, called Canary, the two are brothers and sisters, Xiangling complained about why their surnames are different.

It turned out to be a very surprising message.

None of them are human.

It’s the Yasha family!

So in terms of names, you don’t need to be as troublesome and fussy as humans, and don’t look at them like this, they have actually lived for a long time.

Here, is the border of Liyue.

At this time, it was the time of the Demon God War, and it was chaotic everywhere, and they were in the middle of nowhere, but they were relatively peaceful.

I heard that in other places, there are terrifying demon gods walking!

Among them, there is also the kind of cruel and bloody demon god, who will seize the relatively strong Yasha, control it, and become the opponent’s subordinate.

As a result, Yasha couldn’t help himself and became a puppet!

It sounds terrifying.

But even so, now the land of Liyue is full of demons and monsters, and even recently even here, a terrible ghost has come, and the other party can create strong

(Okay) live by eating people.

Among them, the strongest is the ghost named after the twelve ghost moons, and the thousand-year-old ghost king.

And here, there is also a weak Yasha tribe, guarding several human villages.

Anyway, Xiangling listens to the meaning of copper sparrow and canary.

They are all weak Yasha, who are still far from the level of great mana and will take a long time.

This is even more true for the other Yasha.

The powerful people of the Yasha clan are not here in other places located in Liyue, but here are just a group of Yasha clans, and there are not many of them.

Therefore, they also hated it, if only there was a powerful immortal beast level Yasha over.

I will definitely be able to kill that ghost king.”

Don’t look at the other party is a thousand-year-old ghost king, in fact, it is just the strength of the immortal beast, because he is also afraid of the great power of the demon god, and he is scared to hide here.

As a result, he was blessed with power.

There are really no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings!

So nowadays in the night night, it is best not to run around outside, it is easy to run into ghosts.

Because of this creature, fear of daylight.

Once you are exposed to the sun, you will die!

So they are all active in the night, looking for food, intending to attack the village, seize and collect human blood, in order to sacrifice to their ghost king.

Help it grow its strength!

Xiangling couldn’t help but complain, so the real and complete story, so as a player, is it to help the village and Yasha, defeat the Oni King and his men?

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