Got it!

In this way, it is still very straightforward!

So Xiangling casually made up an identity, saying that he was just a traveler who accidentally entered this area, so he didn’t know.

Surrounded by flying object pies… Ah no, the ground is a pot!


At this time, she thought of Ying.


Your identity, I’m going to use it!


So the Bronze Sparrow and Canary sisters arranged a vacant room for her and lived in it, listening to their meaning, even if they slept in the house, the ghost could break down the door.

But rest assured!

With these Yasha guarding here, everyone will definitely sleep peacefully!

In this house, Xiangling is a little embarrassed, wouldn’t she really have to wait here until dawn?

But the game time stipulated by the [Heavenly Dao] terminal is only 5 hours a day, as if it is specially for everyone to use in the evening, so if this is waiting, won’t the time be wasted?

As a result, Xiangling saw the prompt and could skip directly to the next day?

All right!

What a game!

She couldn’t laugh or cry.

Guoba looked outside and blinked at dawn, and was taken aback!

This, what’s going on?

Then after eight o’clock the next day, Xiangling began to collect information and understand the situation in this village, and also constantly made her sigh, is this the case with humans and dwellings in ancient times?

It’s a long insight.

Although I don’t understand whether there is a reference to the actual Liyue past, I heard that the historians of Liyue are like crazy and constantly enter the game.

Anyway, this game is in Liyue, it’s too explosive.

Once it came out, it directly hit the entire Liyue.

Although another [Meru Resident Evil] is also very popular, this one, which is dominated by the past of Liyue, is still better!

And Xiangling also found that the people living in the village are very simple and kind.

She quickly had a hot fight with everyone.

And got a very important information!


Among the Yasha clan, the sister of the copper sparrow, she is good at whimsy, likes to use her brain, and even studied and restored an ancient breathing method through ruins and her own knowledge.

707 is divided into seven elements.

For everyone to learn.

As a result, warriors who can compete with ghosts have emerged!

It is specially suitable for human use.

The strongest of them, in order to become the pillars of the village, are named after the elements, called wind pillars, thunder pillars, water pillars, fire pillars, icicles, rock pillars, grass pillars and so on.

It’s just that it’s not all seven wholes all the time.

For example, now, there are only pillars of rock, fire, and water.

Ling Xiangling said that he saw it.

Bronze Sparrow is the type of martial artist, and his sister Canary is the scholar type.

And then there is.

Transporting qi and blood, refining and refining gas, and so on.

To her surprise.

It’s just a game, how can you get it so seriously.

But soon, Xiangling got started, learned several exquisite sword moves, and could also bloom flames in the swing, increasing the power of damage, so that it was equipped with special weapons.

You can kill ghosts!

As a result, after playing for a while, she received a prompt and the game was automatically ejected.

Ling Xiangling’s eyes widened.

“What the hell? 5 hours have passed? How do I feel that it has only been a short while? ”

As a result, you can see the sun on the other side of the window, and the sky is light.

This really left Xiangling speechless.


Why is time gone all of a sudden, could it be that I am too invested?

It’s really a weapon to kill time!

Virtual game, horror!

However, Xiangling felt refreshed, as if she had slept a super good quality sleep, which shocked her, so wouldn’t it be equivalent to everyone’s time being more than a night?

I heard that the game time can be extended and unlocked.

That is, double the available time for people?

Xiangling gasped.


Sleep and play at the same time!

I can also spend so much time studying and cooking, which is so cool!

I believe that other Liyue people will also light up their eyes and make use of these times, right?

Master Su Bai, it’s too powerful!

It’s just that there is one point, Xiangling found that he can trigger the flame in the game, but in reality it has no effect, well, is the game just a game?

It obviously feels very real!

As a matter of fact.

This breathing method is indeed true, but it is only the beginning, Su Bai issued the basic breathing method in the game, so that any excellent seedlings can be recorded.

Want to take your breathing a step further?

Join the Thousand Rock Army.

Or through other ways of contributing, in exchange for only one person.

To put it bluntly, it’s a way to cast a wide net.

to find the good qualifications.

It lays a solid foundation for the promotion of elemental martial arts in the future.

As for now.

Only the Thousand Rock Army can practice internally, and the official is the first person to eat crabs.

Step by step.

More than enough is too much.

I don’t understand anything anymore.

As a result, the guests also came to their senses, and their eyes lit up.

“And the death was very tragic and tragic!”

“In order to get rid of the ghost’s tracking and let us, the protagonists of the game and the copper sparrow, escape safely, she took the initiative to leave the broken back, alas, pity such an amazingly talented Yasha!”

“So Yasha [Copper Sparrow] became angry and strong, and began to rise!”

Xiangling: …

Are you special!

I’ve just been playing for a while, what are you spoiling with me for! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Damn it!

She is also numb, and when she comes back to her senses, she is also surprised and complicated, it turns out that the mature and understanding big sister, who takes care of the player everywhere, will die?

Really, unexpectedly.

And everyone’s game is played alone.

It seems that if the male gamer, it will be the copper sparrow to take care of you.

If the female player is a female player, it is his sister who takes care of you.

Many Liyue men complained, why is this, we also want to be taken care of by mature big sisters!

This is sexism!

Everyone is playing a separate story, and everyone’s progress is different, so during the day everyone will gather together (agcg) and excitedly discuss various discoveries, among which the points that no one finds are pointed out.

Then this person can die proudly.

Be able to be admired by others!

Xiangling also went to stir-fry again, this is the daily life, mainly based on this.

If you are curious, you can play again in the evening.

It’s just that when serving dishes.

She is always spoiled.

What player is destined to encounter a poisoned ghost, who is highly poisoned, can open a larger map at this time, no longer around these villages and evil spirits.

Instead, head to a larger map to find a cure.

I heard that it involved immortals.

In the mountains somewhere, there lives an immortal [Medicine Lord] who can cure all diseases, as long as he finds this immortal, he can be cured and get the immortal things that destroy the poisonous ghosts.

As for the matter of the ghost king, it is far away, and it can’t do anything.

On the way, if the player is touched by the aftermath of the Demon God War, he will be killed in an instant, and can only pass back from the previous save point, which shocks everyone, which is really terrifying!

There are other sayings as well.

It is said that finding another immortal turned into a white horse can also solve this poison.

Horses can also cure all diseases.

Xiangling said that there are other immortals in the game?


As for the white horse immortals, don’t say Xiangling, the people of Liyue feel very normal, because the immortals of Liyue are in the form of beasts, so I heard that the immortal [Medicine Lord] seems to be a snake type?

Everyone also argues because of the immortal thing.

“Hey, isn’t there a mountain king mentioned in the game, could it be that it is also an immortal?”

“What are you talking about, it seems that the mountain king is the immortal [Medicine Lord]! Where did the tiger come from, there is nothing! ”

This made others unconvinced.

“If you want to say that the immortal [Medicine Lord] is the king of the mountain, who else is there?”

“Don’t argue, then you still have to go back to the main line, go back to deal with that ghost king, but now along the way, there are continuous sacrifices, won’t that young man also die?” Don’t, I still like this little young, energetic, and humble! ”

This silenced everyone, and many Liyue people who played to the later stage were almost numb.

What rock pillars, pillars of fire, that’s one death after another.

Yasha also died a lot.

Armageddon is also coming.

I always feel that if I go on like this, the copper sparrow will not be able to escape the knife, and it is estimated that it will have to die!

Only the protagonist they control remains, barely alive.


After getting along this way, everyone also had feelings, why did it pass away so suddenly, everyone suddenly had a real impression of the past war.

It’s just that Liyue’s remote border is so cruel.

And what about the center of the battlefield?

Obviously, this game is only based on the border, maybe the next game is the real Liyue main line.

There are also people who are not angry and make a sound.

“Don’t be young here, it seems that the copper sparrow, there really is this Yasha in history, and people are actually much older than us!”

“We should call each other’s old people or something.”

This made many people sigh.

“It is worthy of the Heavenly Dao Terminal made by Lord Su Bai, and the virtual game in it is so real, it is clear that the immortals and Yasha are very distant from us, and there are not many records in books.”

“As a result, we were able to make friends and talk with Yasha and the immortals in the game, as if we were friends.”

“It’s strange, I don’t know how different these immortals are from those in reality.”

Everyone always feels.

With Lord Su Bai’s obsessive-compulsive style, as well as his own ability, it won’t be designed here, it’s all the original character of the immortals, right?


It can allow the Liyue people to cross time and space to witness the story of Yasha, humans, and immortals.

This made everyone’s image of Yasha suddenly deeply full.


Much more useful than reading ancient books!


Looking at the death of one Yasha after another, everyone can only lament.

Many of them shed tears for it.

Keep trying to save and stop the demise of the other party in the game!

It’s an effort as a player.

During this time, Liyue was discussing this game everywhere, and the responsive hairy merchant owner had launched a series of things such as Yasha jade, Yasha sculptures, toys, Yasha’s favorite dishes, and so on.

Yasha’s culture quickly became popular in Liyue.

Even the medicine house of Nabu Lu has patients excitedly talking about games and immortals, Yasha, but when the patient talks about immortals [medicine lord] and snakes.

The immortal on Bai Shu’s body was suddenly shocked.

Then it was speechless.

“Look what I do, I’m not an immortal [Medicine Lord]!”

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