She petrified.

Really fake?

Why did Raiden General come over all of a sudden?

That, that.

Is it too late for me to withdraw those words?

At this moment, the lady’s scalp was numb, her whole body trembled, and her eyes were full of panic, because she was well aware of the gap between herself and Thor, and even that bastard skirmish had to flee in a hurry.

It is clear that the other party is still on his seat.

Not to mention that he was hung and beaten by Su Bai’s guy in the past, without any backhand, he was almost screwed to death by pinching his neck with one hand.

That’s just a new god.

Change to an old god like Raiden General, will he still have the possibility of fighting?

I’m afraid it will be killed in seconds, right?

So she hurriedly retreated, her back was sweaty, she was scared, not to mention the expressionless side, and when she walked slowly, she was going crazy.

“Wait, wait, can you hear me explain?”

“I am the later executive, and I was not originally in charge here…”

And General Raiden coldly scanned here.

“Demon God Remnant Factory, it’s really looking for death, now Inazuma, I want to check the whole thing, you foreign forces, let’s all die here today!”

She directly swung the divine knife, and the terrifying knife light lit up directly.

Ms. Ling’s pupils dilated instantly.

I wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Why is this Thor unreasonable!

At this moment, she seemed to have a horse lamp flashing, born and raised as a Mond, and Geya, who was not her own sister, took care of her, and went to the Suorist school of the Holy Order.

Returned to treat her, and later it was the Dark Calamity and the Flame Witch who turned herself into Hellfire, was treated as a monster and banished.

Even the only loved one does not understand himself.

Hopeless, she left Mond with Harlequin.

And until now this scene.

It is clear that she is honest and honest, diligent and diligent, and bad things are all done by skirmishers, why did she carry this pot for him later?

By what.

He was ridiculed and pityed by Su Bai’s guy, and he was slashed by the ruthless Thunder God, perhaps, as a fool, he is a ridiculous thing.

She suddenly regretted it a little.

I already knew that I listened to Su Bai, and I went back to Mond to meet the descendants of my sister in the past.


The lady with tears in her eyes knew that she must be embarrassed now, very ridiculous.

But at this time, a figure appeared in front of her, caught the Raiden General’s divine knife with his finger, and then laughed lightly.

“Wait a minute, this executive still has a bit of conscience, the one who took the doctor’s order before and created the factory ran, well, just let him come.”

Su Bai first gave a bunch of images into the general’s mind, and then used the power of space.

Another executive who was not here was pulled over.

He and the lady disappeared here in an instant.

This made the skirmishers’ faces change greatly.

“What, what’s the situation?”

He looked up and noticed that after noticing General Raiden, his soul was almost frightened and flew away, and his pupils were cracked.

And General Raiden thoughtfully.

“Did the Doctor carry out the plan to destroy Tatara and kill Niwa, but you killed all the Raiden Five Den, who saved you?”

“.. Utter idiot, I’m not as soft-hearted as Shadow. ”

Shadow was speechless.

And the skirmishers were even more shocked and shocked, as if they had been hit and washed by the unbelievable.

“What, what? Was Niwa killed by the Doctor? ”

“No, don’t come here!!!”

A mournful wail sounded here.


At this time, Su Bai appeared on a high mountain and looked at the lady who was in tears.

“What a shame, ma’am, to meet again.”

The lady quickly wiped the tears from her face, and showed an expression of escape and stunnedness.

“You, why are you saving me?”

“That’s probably because, I think you are still saved, and you didn’t do anything bad, but in Inazuma you really helped Kaijima Island and stopped the circulation of the evil eye, not to mention that compared to the skirmishers, you are simply a normal person.”

“It couldn’t be more normal.”

After all, this lady’s past is not so crooked, and it is not because of Rustan’s affairs.

It’s another story.

“So, are you going to go to Mond with me now, just the one I said last time.”


After agreeing, they disappeared.

And when she reappeared, the lady found herself in Mond, a nasty wind she recognized, it was the wind of the homeland, and the surrounding architectural style was also.

At this time, the two appeared in front of a house, and Su Bai stepped forward and knocked on the door.

With bright eyes, Glori opened the door, she was no longer a blind girl, she was treated by Su Bai, and after seeing the comer, she was pleasantly surprised.

“Hey, Mr. Su Bai, who is this again?”

“Oh, I remember, you said before that you would bring someone over to see our family’s ancestral belongings, and I will bring it.”

Glorie, who turned and left, soon came out again.

And in his hand was a delicate small bottle, and inside was a windmill chrysanthemum that had long withered.

The lady stood stupidly in place as if she had been struck by lightning.

“Isn’t this my alchemy bottle, a gift from my sister at the beginning.”

Glorie was also taken aback.

This is something from 500 years ago, are you really the original owner of the bottle?

The lady’s face was complicated and unspeakable, and the descendants of her sister turned out to be the blind girl who hit her in the first place, and she was really ashamed to want to beat her at that time.

“Okay, let’s go to the next place.”

As the surrounding scenery changed, they came to a wilderness that seemed to have some traces of the village.

It’s been a long time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Glorie was puzzled and surprised.

“Where is this?”

The lady was silent, this is the village where she grew up, where she lived with her sister.

But what shocked her even more was still to come.

Su Bai snapped his fingers.

A figure appeared here, it was the familiar sister Geya, the ancestor of the blind girl Glorie.

She was blindfolded.

“You, how did you do it?”

“It’s just a remnant memory in the Earth Vein, I’ll recreate it, talk to her, Glorie, let’s go away a little.”


The confused Groli was taken away by Su Bai.

On the contrary, it was not long before the sound of Ms. Rosalyn and her sister crying with a headache.

In fact, this is not a very deep ability.

It is derived from the power of the thunderbird, which can mobilize the image in the earth vein, which it has done in Heguan in the past, and after death, the remaining memory will be in the land and in the earth vein.

With special coincidences and abilities, the memory can be reproduced.

But let’s be honest.

This is not the original person, just a memory.

It’ll disappear in a while.

It’s like Hanasari and Fox Palace, but they are actually not the same person.

When Su Bai came back again, Rosalind’s eyes were red and swollen, and there were tear marks, and she quickly lowered her head.

His voice was full of choking.

“Thank you for letting me know this and untying my heart.”

“Sorry, I treated you badly before.”

“It’s okay, but next, you don’t have a place to go, I lack an assistant here, how?”

Rosalyn was stunned.

“But I am Her Majesty’s person, and it was her power that saved me in the first place.”

“You are quite dead just now, but I saved you, so according to this statement, you should be my person.”

She froze.

Then bite your lip and nod.

“I know, Lord Su Bai, these kindness you have for me, I really can’t pay it off, please let me follow you, the lady who was a follower of the Ice Empress before has been chopped to death by Thor.”

Su Bai nodded slowly.

Liyue talent continues +1.

“Then you go and say goodbye to Groli, after all, I know that you don’t like Mond, so settle in Liyue in the future, and there will be no fools to trouble you.”

Liyue home.

At this time, Rosalyn followed Su Bai with a bewildered face, listening to his explanation and the rest of her life, after the heart knot was untied, she obviously changed back and began to return to the state of the gentle big sister in the past.

She was grateful for that.

“Lord Su Bai, you are truly a loving and great god, I will definitely work hard.”

“No, I’m just a person, maybe it’s better not to have too high an impression of me.”


In bewilderment, Rosalyn saw Su Bai walk in front of another royal sister wearing black silk, slender beautiful legs, and mainly in a white coat, pick her up, and the two kissed and kissed.

Then the other party looked at (Wang Zhao) with curious eyes.

“Husband, is this a new sister?”

“No, it’s an assistant.”

Rosalyn was flattered and greeted the other party, and learned that the other party was also Su Bai’s assistant and his wife.

She was flabbergasted.


Remember your wife is not this one, right?

As a result, not long after, Su Bai took her to the room, Rosalind’s face turned red instantly, this is what Su Bai said, is it best not to have too high an impression of him, because he is also a normal man?

Especially hearing the sound coming, Rosalyn panicked.

Obviously when she was in Mond, she and Glorie met and talked happily, and the other party solemnly told her not to be bound by the past and to find your own happiness.

After all, the one of yours is right in front of you, isn’t it?

The other party’s playful wink, which meant Su Bai at that time, made Rosalyn stunned, and her heart was chaotic.

The result is now.

Rosalind covered her face with a flushed face and quickly left the side.

She was also dumbfounded.

Mr. Su Bai, is this assistant position of yours serious?

I… I.

At this time, Lisa walked down from the second floor and smiled gently and lazily.

There is a deep meaning in the eyes.

“Is it Rosalind, I know your story, sit down and take a sip of tea, don’t panic, we two witches will tell how to be delusional.”

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