“Oh, you have two more women in your family, you terrible man.”

At this time.

A cold and incomprehensible voice sounded here, and then a good laugh that seemed to see through the other party.

“Why, Lanlan, are you jealous?”

“? You recognize the wrong person, Master Su Bai, I’m just a guest who came to massage. ”

“After all this, don’t you still refuse to change back to your original appearance? Obviously, last time, Condensing Light let me press the original once Oh, what should be seen and what should not be seen, I watched it. ”

“… That guy! No shame! ”

As the sound of gritting teeth came out, at this time in a room, a woman with an ordinary appearance and an average figure showed a speechless expression, she was lying here, next to Su Bai smiling.

With the expansion of the home, gradually, it was not easy to massage directly in the hall.

After all, there are other people.

They can’t look weird, it’s too hi to call you guys playing, right?

So Su Bai specially divided this room.

Quiet and soundproofed.

It can make people feel at peace and enjoy a moment of rest.

Will not be disturbed by anything else.

And this room, Su Bai specially built a bathroom.

See how much he thinks about someone?

“Besides, they are my two assistants, and one of them, the black silk royal sister, is my wife.”

“The other is new.”

“Yes, although her appearance has changed and her dress style is different from before, I can still recognize that the new arrival is the eighth executive lady of the fools, should I say that it is you?”

“Even female executives can be obtained by you and become your woman.”

“You’re talking pure nonsense, we’re just normal masters and assistants. After all, it is not bad to teach some talents to come out, but the other party 010 used to be from the primitive school, and he has a little research on alchemy and elementology, which is easier to get started. ”

“As the academy elder of the Su Theory School, I will point out what is wrong with the junior sister.”

“。。。 People are your senior sister, you guy, all kinds of latecomers. ”

The woman got up and shook her head.

It seems to be a blank look at Su Bai.

“I don’t know you yet, but you were originally known as at least ten beauties, you are a big colored wolf, the other party can’t escape your poisonous palm, sooner or later, just like me and Ning Guang.”

“Don’t become a senior sister at that time, junior brother, you stop or something, after all, according to the information I gathered, the other party is also considered to be an alternative among the executives, and there are some remarkable points for people and personalities.”

“Those who can be seen by you must be people of good character, good character and excellent appearance. Like those are like that, they are all peerless beauties who are better than an excellent person. ”

It seems that she no longer hides her identity, and she said it directly.

But the appearance has not changed.

After all.

Yelan knew very well that if she changed back to her original form, she was afraid that she would be knocked down.

Who let her so far, she has never used her real appearance to let Su Bai give a massage.

All this time, it was her disguise.

This is one of her few small proudness, after all, she is always embarrassed and shallow in front of Su Bai, so that she has something to win, in this way, hmph, you are very powerful.

But it’s not who I am, I didn’t lose.

In time.

This became her only stubbornness.

She also said a lot of research and information about Ms. Rosalyn, as well as a series of evaluations and judgments.

As an intelligence chief.

Yelan is good at observing her style, analyzing and thinking, and coming up with useful information.


It has been deeply integrated into her habits and manners, and she will inadvertently see it.

Like the woman next to this bad guy.

Lisa naturally goes without saying that she is a genius witch, and the first assistant, Murto, is also a genius in scientific research, and when talking to her, Yelan is easily aware of this, although she doesn’t quite understand the series of technical words in her mouth.

Tiantong Mu is a more obvious politician, but when he meets Su Bai, he is always unexpectedly shy and low defense, and Su Bai can eat her to death, which really makes her wonder.

Obviously, when talking to himself, the other party is very capable and means, and he is a very good high-level figure.

How did you meet Su Bai, it’s like meeting a nemesis?

I really don’t understand.

Is this a sign that women become stupid when they fall in love?

The other party looks occasionally strong, as soon as Su Bai came over and got close to her, he immediately blushed and lowered his head, Yelan also sighed, did this guy Su Bai drug you?

Stunned, huh?

Why are you so shy?

And you are so shy, won’t it make Su Bai more interested in this color, and in the end, will you be pressed on the sofa by others, your cheeks are red, and you are ashamed to death?

Why bother?

Or is it another kind of fun?

As for Esders, she is an extremely outstanding woman, and the dazzling Lian Yelan is distracted by it, and she is far inferior to herself.

It is not only a talent, but also a leader, and his personality charm and affinity are even stronger.

In the [Liyue City] of that Shenzhou secret realm, Yelan had seen the other party walking by, and the people cheered and loved her. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like the Queen of Ice.

She also loves to fight, that power makes Yelan tremble, the strength of extraordinary people, even immortals are far inferior, even if Su Bai did not directly say the answer.

She guessed it all.

Esders, is a goddess.

As a result, this goddess fell in love with him at first sight, saying that she fell in love with him at first sight, and then like a little woman, she hugged Su Bai in her arms, which made Yelan dumbfounded.

Isn’t it too far-fetched?

It is clear that CDDD has such terrifying power and power, once on the opposite side, it is enough to make everyone’s scalp numb, and as a result, such a goddess has become everyone’s teammate.

Reliable and reliable.

In fact, many people have an incredible feeling.

It’s like a dream.

As a result, Yelan saw that Estes was nestled in Su Bai’s arms at every turn, and it was obvious that Esders loved Su Bai deeply, and that feeling was more intense than anything.

That kind of love overflowed from my eyes.

Staff members often eat dog food for both of them at the office.

And recently, another Queen Morgan has also become the wife of this guy, as the lord of the mysterious Goblin Realm, it seems to be from a distant place, anyway, Yelan is not clear.

But even such a mysterious existence is like a little wife in front of Su Bai.

Yelan was numb.

This man is poisonous.

Isn’t Su Bai’s charm a little too outrageous?

However, she can also detect that these are very good women, all good sisters, and they are very happy to get along, and there will be no scenes of secret tearing and fighting.

So Yelan was inexplicably relieved, but she quickly became angry with her idea again.

Am I relieved?

Why should I worry if his harem will catch fire?


On the contrary, at this time, Su Bai sat beside her and whispered.

“The clutch of the devil is a little too much, aren’t we in love with each other, such as Yelan, you, who have been by my side for so long, have long known my personality and sincerity, so you gradually like me.”

“Even if you are duplicitous, you often change into other people’s appearance, but you are still by my side.”

Yelan did not deny this sentence out loud.

Because, it’s true.

It is precisely by understanding what kind of person he is, will be gradually moved by him, tug at the heartstrings, the two often quarrel together, in fact, it is like a fight between small couples.

Very close.

So the next moment after she was hugged into Su Bai’s arms, she was shocked.

“Wait a minute, obviously I’m still like this.”

Yelan’s face was a little hung up.

“I still have work to do, so I’ll leave first.”

As a result, when she just wanted to leave, she was grabbed by Su Bai’s hand, and his intriguing voice came out here.

“Yes, remember that you stayed up late and worked overtime yesterday, it can be much easier these days, on the contrary, you don’t want to take over the position of Tianshu Star, your heart has not calmed down yet, so in this case, let me help you.”

“Let’s go.”

The next moment, the environment here changes.

When she just thought of where to go, she didn’t ask again when she looked at the rocks and traces of mining everywhere in front of her, as well as the giant cave not far away, because this place could not be more familiar to Yelan.

She comes often.

At this time, Yelan sighed.

“It’s a stratum abyss.”

Su Bai also nodded.

“That’s right, the dark calamity ended here five hundred years ago, and the Thousand Rock Army and a Yasha managed to lure the monsters here and lead them into the depths of this underground, even so, that war caused tens of millions of people to cry blood, and the impact was great.”

“The two ancestors of your family are also one of them, and although one of them survived, he was also crazy, casting a shadow over your family and feeling contaminated.”

Such a remark surprised Yelan.

“What do you mean by that, you know the truth? Wait, why didn’t you tell me? ”

“You didn’t ask.”

The plain words directly blocked Yelan silently.

For a moment she was speechless.

“Because you’re less than 20 years old, I’ve never thought about it, is this the end of Baimi?” I didn’t expect that I would make such a small mistake too. ”

“Nothing, sometimes the most dangerous places are always the safest, the same way, that is, people tend to ignore the simplest places, even wise people, there will be negligence, you are too rational, think common sense I can’t know.”

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