"But Lord Su Bai's words, I agreed, rest assured, I will definitely serve as this branch dean well, I will not let you down, and then I want to discuss the structure of the next branch with you."

"Of course, you, as a graduate of the Decree Academy, the current elder, it would be better if you could bring in some graduates, or excellent astronomical astrological students."

"Well, I'll think about it."

So Liyue College added a new branch.

Astronomy began to be created.

It officially became the Six Colleges.

Liyue Sky Port under construction.

At this moment a bird flew over, and it stood somewhere looking and muttering.

"This is simply too exaggerated, why are cities built in the sky, is it not enough to be satisfied with such a large area on the ground?" It's obviously okay in the sea. "

"Why spend so much energy and resources on a city built specifically in heaven, and it looks very different from a regular city."

"Su Bai's guy is a little too outrageous, but according to his usual behavior, is there any deep meaning in this?"

"It's true, Liyue Port is different for us immortals, so we also live in seclusion in the clouds. As a result, as soon as Su Bai made a move, the change was even greater. "

"The two emperors are completely different styles."

It is Liuyun borrowing the wind true king.

After staying in the mountains for a long time, sometimes it will fly out.


Such an obvious big project in the sky, of course, could not escape its eyes, and it also made it feel very curious.

What is it for?

The city in the sky, the people of Liyue want to live in the sky?

There are 24 points that are too outrageous.

We immortals just live in the mountains.

But now it doesn't feel right.

From the edge, how can it be more like a port of docking for things, at this time, there are many purple creatures constantly working below, carrying resources and building.

It's fast.

Their appearance looks very similar to pure water elves.

But it's thunder.

In fact, it looks exactly the same as Lei Yin Quanxian, but Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun and does not know any Lei Yin Quanxian, it has never been to Inazuma, nor has it reached that island.

So look at the orderly here, creatures like pure water elves are building here.

And there is no hostility towards it falling here.

What an amazing sight.

So Liuyun took advantage of the wind Zhenjun to make a puzzled sound.

"May I ask, what the hell are you?"

The few Lei Yin Quan who were close also looked over curiously, and then their eyes also lit up and spoke happily.

"Hey, it turns out that Liuyun borrowed the wind to be the true monarch, hello immortal."

"We are pure thunder elves, a race created by Lord Su Bai, as his dependents, we are building Liyue Sky Port, and when the time comes, we will be here as the first residents to assist and maintain this space port."

"Guide the people and other visitors who follow."

"After all, we are flying beings, and our habit is to like to stay in the sky. Ah, if you really don't understand the immortals, just think of us as water gods and belong to the type of pure water spirits, there is not much difference in essence. "

One is water, pure water elves.

One is Thunder, pure Thunder Elf.

They are all intelligent races of life, existing for the gods on their side.

Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun: ???


The life created by Su Bai?

What the heck?

Isn't he the god of rock, why is it a pure thunder elf, and it shouldn't be a pure rock elf?

Is there something wrong!

The element is wrong!

When did Su Bai become the God of Thunder?

Liuyun borrowed the wind to make a huge question mark on the head of the true monarch.

In fact, this is the life created by Su Bai's thunderbird power, and the thunder power is now a life similar to the pure water elf, but there is no reason.

And what Su Bai casually created is very intelligent.

No effort is required either.

A wave of the hand is a bunch of this.

Added a whole new race to Liyue.

When the sun is clear, I look stupid.

No, now it's Liuyun's turn to borrow the wind Zhenjun dumbfounded.

There are thousands of pure thunder elves here today, but for a future huge sky harbor city base, it is like this as soon as it is scattered.

In a city of this size, the population settlement scale is estimated according to tens of millions.

After all, it is the frontier port of the future.

Or as the first space port.

Significant significance.

Instead, the pure thunder elf from before spoke up again.

"In fact, there are also rock goblins, immortals, are there many rock fairies in the distance coming to help with construction? There is also a thousand rock army with them, and there is also a giant spirit immortal, that strength is really good. "

"You can move a lot of things at once."

On the other hand, there are indeed many Liyue people, and there are other rock element lives that have never been seen before.

They beat the hammer and kept shaping the building.

Advanced and silver bases are being built, rising one after another, and the surrounding resources are rapidly disappearing.

It's like magic.

In fact, this is indeed magic, leprechaun magic, rock goblin exclusive.

But this also made Liuyun borrow the wind Zhenjun more and more confused.

What is this?

"Rock goblins? Wait, what is the [Giant Spirit God] Immortal? Why have I never heard that Liyue still has such an immortal? "

"Why is the Immortal so strange?"

"Oh, this is normal, because that is an immortal who has only recently broken through among the generals of the Thousand Rock Army, and Lord Su Bai asked him to come and lead the construction team and familiarize himself with this place."

"As for the immortal number, it should be that the name of the new immortal is like this, unlike in the past, this is not very clear."


"There are all immortals in the Thousand Rock Army? That's impossible! Are the people of Liyue so amazing now? "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun's voice suddenly became much louder.

It was a shocking mess. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Who am I, where am I and what am I going to do?

Why did Liyue become like this after staying in the cave mansion for a while?

There are immortals among mortals?

Scare me to death of birds!


It's scaring me to death!

You're going to turn the sky upside down, it's terrible, right!!

It was shocked and quickly flew over to take a look, and after seeing that the aura of the [Giant Spirit God] immortal was not very strong, it was only the level of an ordinary immortal, it was also relieved.

It's okay.

I thought we would all be eliminated if we weren't careful!

Take a look now.

The other party is still far behind, the cultivation years of immortals are quite long, not one or two years, two or three years in the eyes of mortals, not to mention these who have their own immortal laws and magical powers.

That's certainly not ordinary.

Just like the Yasha clan, their clan has magical powers that are exclusive to Yasha.

But even so.

Su Bai, the successor, is a little too sharp!

So capable!

At the beginning, I thought he had talent, but I didn't expect that even the immortal method was studied so thoroughly?

Popularized to the Thousand Rock Army?


It was the first feeling that Liuyun sensed through the Wind True Monarch that this giant spirit immortal seemed to be very different from the orthodox immortals like them, and there was a very strange and strange power mixed in it.

And it is clear that immortals are good at immortal power and spells.

Oh you this.

How do you feel that you are good at the direction of strength?

Did you point the wrong point?

At this time, this [Giant Spirit God] Immortal Qianyan Army also bowed his head in greeting with friendship and respect.

"Welcome Liuyun to come by the Wind True Monarch, if you need anything, just order us."

"Hey? Strange, why do you all recognize me? "

"That's right, Lord Su Bai reminded me before that there will be an immortal like you to come over and let me entertain me. As for the pure thunder elves, they are the dependents of Lord Su Bai 370 and are born with a lot of knowledge. "

Naturally, I know the immortals of Liyue.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: ...

It's amazing.

You can know in advance that it will come.

It's getting more and more unfathomable.

"And Lord Su Bai also said that you are also an immortal who is good at research and manufacturing, if you are interested in this space port, you can also join it."

"The port is in ruins and urgently needs a lot of talent."

"Skyport? This turned out to be a port city? Are you wrong, how to make a port in the sky, and the ship will not fly. "

"But what we made is a flying ship."

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and was silent again.

Directly choked.

How this place refreshes its cognition again and again.

What do flying ships do?

Not in the sea.

It feels like it's a bit redundant.


"Alas, forget it, I can't understand your development anymore, let the immortals continue to return to the cave mansion to practice, please tell the new emperor, thank him for his kindness."

It flapped its wings and left.

The old people are gone.

If she is still there in the end, she must be very interested, and her eyes will shine with the various whimsies of this new emperor, and she will constantly discuss and study with him, right?

After all, this is the character in the end.

It also often struggles with the end.

It's a pity, it's a pity.

It is clear that Liyue has ushered in earth-shaking prosperity and development, but finally fell into the darkness before dawn.

But all these deceased people are still there.

It will definitely be interested to join in.


When you are old, you can't move nostalgia.


Somewhere in space, Valhalla.

Su Bai's figure appeared here, looking at this mysterious place that seemed to be true or not, and seemed to be illusory.

"Well, the Yingling Recovery Plan is about to begin."

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