"It's not in vain that I released several works, Mond's peculiarity [Frozen Country], hehe, go to face the city ruled by the lone king of the past fierce wind, the city without hope."

Only gray skies, and the harsh environment where you walk far away will be overwhelmed to the ground.

The story of thousands of years of ruling Mond by the demon god of the fierce wind, the desperate city, the haze shrouded in the sky and people's hearts!

"Liyue's side also officially released the [Guardian Yasha Clan], and the story of Goyasha and Yasha Army has gradually become known to everyone, and the wish has turned into a point of light, which I received, interesting. Or is the knife more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "

"Beauty is only a fleeting thing, only to make people's impressions gradually dissipate, but tragedy and pain can endure."

"Well, it should make Goyasha's death a little worse, even the fish in the game can arrange an unforgettable way to die, after all, it's just games and data."

Ray: ???

"When the harvest is almost finished, then play the repechage, so that he can reappear in the cheers of countless people, and it is another grand harvest."

Remember what this is called in Honkai III?


That is, live and live, live and die, and then continue to live.

So whoever comes is like this.

Isn't it interesting?

This is Morgan and Esders not here, or they will have to twitch their faces.

What made you like this?

"And the quality of the emotional power provided by the people of Liyue is obviously several times higher than that of Mond and Meru, and it's just starting out, it's good."

"Another role of Valhalla is naturally that in the future, if the Yaksha army leads the Immortal Boat to have an accident, it can also be resurrected and returned here, and even can be moved remotely and emergency avoidance."

Such a combination is suitable for opening up the sea of stars.

To put it bluntly, isn't Yingling such an existence?

A master of the repechage.

If not, maybe they will lead the team and lose in some world.

A few more waves.

Who can afford this loss?

"But now compared to the resurrection Yasha, hehe, it is obvious that [Liyue Sky Port] needs a heavyweight who has excellent scientific research ability and is enough to serve as the highest manager."

"It is best to participate in the Xianzhou Project, with outstanding personality, suitable for mingling with everyone, big grin. She is naturally the one who can do this - in the end. "

After all, it was the demon god who caused several immortals to become autistic after death.

There is an immortal who directly becomes an old man who chooses to sit and watch the flowing water in the courtyard building, and is no longer active.

But Su Bai pondered.

Is she the city lord who considered returning to the original city before, and she is also here?


Forget it, there is no need for any city lord there.

It is almost the same to let her be the highest dean of the academy, plus the person in charge of this space port, the person in charge of the Xianzhou program, and so on.

After all, the people of Liyue understand everything.

But everyone who is awesome, the post suffix after that name, that is a big list.

I'm afraid you don't know how good the other person is.

There are many names.

Not to mention that in this way, the academy over there in [Returning to the Original City] just happened to dock with this [Liyue Sky Port], and one after the other, the former became the rear base of the talent reserve.

Students who graduate from the college can consider coming to [Liyue Sky Port] for employment.

And if both sides are in the final management, it can naturally be convenient and neat.

It is equivalent to carrying on the upper and lower, directly forming a line.

So at this moment, under the summoning of Su Bai.

Some of the first creation forces appeared out of thin air and began to anchor everything in history about the end, resurrecting it in the way of the heroic gods, which is better than the regular resurrection.

Because it was hung up in Valhalla.

Even if you die, the next resurrection can be much easier.

Of course.

Being able to regain a second life is cherished for most people.

Even the heroes in the moon are like this.

And with the consumption of strength, soon, a young girl who looked relatively petite began to condense here, she closed her eyes, had gray-cyan hair, and bound it with a hairpin.

On either side, a strand of each of its own long hair fell.

The body is a short dress dominated by blue and white, with chain knots and various wonderful patterns, and a fringe mainly in blue hanging from the waist, and it looks like the sleeves of both hands are large.

And what is very peculiar is that her clothes, whether in the sleeves or inside the back coat, are starry sky patterns.

Ling Subai nodded.

Perhaps this is also quite appropriate, and it just happens to be the work of the starry sky.


As for the final foot, there are white legs and bare feet, and at most there is a hexagonal ring belt decoration at the ankle.

Then she slowly opened her eyes, as if the whole person had aura.

The eyes are the window of the heart.

With her awakening, it was as if that temperament had begun to be born and emerged, and through time and space, the ancient and lively dust demon god [Harguntus] was finally resurrected.

Of course, everyone who knew her called her another name.


So in the end, she also digested a lot of information, and there was shock, disbelief, trying to understand, staying, understanding again, and so on, and then she was in a trance.

"I did die before, and now, I'm alive again."

"Ying Ling, Liyue's second emperor after Morax, has already been involved in such an incredible field?"

But soon, she also rolled her cute eyes and revealed a chuckle.

"It's great to be alive anyway! I still want to live! It's better to be alive than dead, ahem. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Thank you to the new emperor for his amazing powers, allowing me to be resurrected."

Facing Su Bai, he finally made an act of respect and gratitude, and performed an ancient courtesy to show his gratitude and joy.

"I am the end, please forgive me in the future."

"If there is anything that can be done, just leave it to me, after all, it can't be for me to eat white rice, right?" Although I don't mind adding another pair of chopsticks, hahaha, just kidding. "

"Don't mind."

"After all, since even the Demon God can be resurrected, this must have cost you a lot of strength, right? The kind that costs a lot is very high, so I also have a heavy sense of responsibility. "

Finally winked mischievously.

The lively and active side that belongs to her is directly displayed.

And her crisp and affable voice.

It is also like the clear spring water that constantly flows in the mountains, playing cheerful notes.

You can see the character of this demon god at once.

"Well, in the end, hello, just call me Su Bai, and I also passed on the basic general information about Liyue to you by the way, so you know almost the same, right?"

"Yes, I was also taken aback, I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye it would be 3,700 years later, which is really amazing."

"My impression is still that everyone ploughed the fields for a living, established settlements on the plains where the glazed lilies bloomed, and lived and worked in peace. Unfortunately, I died in battle, and Ogihuazhou was also flooded, there was water everywhere, and my home was completely destroyed and uninhabitable. "

"At that time, they must have gone through a long and arduous migration."

But now she has also received the information of Liyue Port.

A prosperous and new city and sea port?

That's nice.

Moreover, this information shows that Liyue Port has never experienced a farewell to the gods since its establishment 3,700 years ago.

What does this mean?

Although he died earlier, Marcius, as the demon god of the stove, should not have died.

And Morax's suspended animation also left her speechless.

But at least.

There are still many old acquaintances, and so are those immortals.

That's a huge span of time.

I feel like waking up and the world has changed.

However, the Demon God War has long been over.

And it seems that it has developed a big change, so I really want to see it with my own eyes! Agitated!

"~ It's good to see you so impatient, what needs you, just walk on the road and talk about it."

"And if you have just been resurrected, I think you should first want to meet those old friends."

"Uh-huh!! Seeing the new emperor you are so understanding, I am relieved, I really did not feel wrong, you and Morax's face personality is completely different, maybe we will get along more happily? "

"Ah, my bell, I don't know if it's still there."

In the end, she complained about the past, because Morax was on the side of the iron-faced and ruthless god of contract, and took away her bell.

And that's exactly that - the dust bell.

Say okay persuasion, how do you play confiscation!

Can't afford to play, right?

And this new emperor seems to be easier to talk and chat harmoniously, maybe he can become a good friend.

"Oh yes, now, is Liuyun borrowing the wind true jun and the song dust wave city true jun still there, as my two best friends, I want to meet them first."

"They are all still alive, and the cloud that left (who got the money) borrowed the wind and the true monarch just flew back to the clouds, but the real monarch of Gechenlang City is now an old grandmother, living here in Liyue Port, not far away."

This makes me very happy in the end.

It's all right.

But she is also speechless, what are you doing with the wind by Liuyun, why did you just leave?

Can't you just be in the evening?

And another, more closer.

"But, Ping became a grandmother? Ha, but immortals don't look old, it's always been like that, what's wrong with her? "

In the end, he showed a stunned expression.

Then she saw a photo handed over by Su Bai.

"Hey, is this a painting, why can it be so lifelike, as if people were put in it."

"And the old man in this picture, who is it?"

"This is a photo taken through a photo camera, a new technology, which can record the beautiful moment you want to keep, and you will know when you use more, as for the person above, it is the real junwei of Song Dust Wave City."

"Ah?!! This is Ah Ping, dizzy, I didn't see it at all, is this a change in her choice? Well, let me think, Ping'er can't become like this precisely because of my death, right? "

"Hmph, after all, I am such a cute and attractive person! Everyone loves everyone, flowers see flowers! It's me! "

"New Emperor, please take me over, I also want to change my appearance, this time I have to tease Ping'er and give her a big surprise, hahaha."

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