"Grandma Ping, this is the new variety of glazed lilies that I brought to you in Guiyuan City, and it was planted here." This is the third generation, and it is said that the flowering period is longer and the fragrance is stronger. "

"The floral scent has a peculiar effect that makes people remember the past endlessly."

"Okay, thank you, Ying."

"If you don't dislike it, let my wife entertain you, it just so happens that an old friend sent a big fish, but it really makes me difficult to get it, what is it called [giant black fish], this scale is really strong ah, exceptionally developed."

"I really don't know where the original environment of this fish grows, and it will develop like this, which can only mean that there are foreign enemies in the place where they live." It is clear that this kind of fish, even juvenile fish, is more than one meter. "

"Just the size of the body, the average predator can't take them, weird." But I heard that the taste is delicious and refreshing, so I specially made a fish soup today, so you can try it. "

The cultivated yellow-haired girl Ying clapped her palms in satisfaction, looking at Paimon who was far away from her in the distance, and Ying showed a disdainful gaze.

Afraid of getting mud, washing hands trouble, or something, it's really a crumb Paimon.

And after hearing that there was fish to eat, Paimon flew over directly with cheers, and Ying's eyes became even more contemptuous.

You guy!

If you can't work, eating is the first place!

But speaking of this, Ying is also curious.

"Giant black fish, it seems to be a kind of fish cultivated from special fishing grounds, I heard that it is very popular, high yield, long and fast, good meat quality, it will not take long to be more than one meter."

"Many stalls sell this kind of grilled fish, order a portion, enough for several people to eat, it's troublesome to deal with, I didn't expect Grandma Ping, you also got one, I haven't tasted it."

"Thank you so much."

As a peculiar fish species, this one is also famous.

What they don't actually know is that .

This is a fish from [Earth Fault World], which looks like a monster and is actually a fish.

And the reason why those 983 scales evolved so much was to resist the monsters in the lake.

The Amazon warriors of the Loki clan like to eat this.

Gradually, Liyue's peculiar resources and products became more and more.

And many have entered a sustainable development model, which has been diffused and popularized.

It also makes life more colorful.

After taking a sip, Yingya's eyes bent happily.

"Wow! Delicious! "

"Grandma Ping's hand is really extraordinary, not in vain I specially sent Lily Lily, I know that Grandma Ping likes it, after all, you always look at these flowers."

"Yes, I didn't expect that Su Bai would build a city in Guiyuan, reproducing countless flowers, if she saw it, she would be very happy, but it's a pity that she is gone."

"Who's gone?"


Because this sentence was not asked by her, nor Paimon, but an unfamiliar voice.

She looked up.

Hey, it's Su Bai... The woman next to her made a voice.

It was a young girl who looked very cute, and she also walked over with her own familiarity, and put her hands together, smelling this fragrance, revealing an intoxicated look.

"I didn't expect that it was better to come early than to come coincidentally, can you add me one, I haven't eaten for a long time."

Ying didn't know it at all.

She looked at Su Bai with a strange face.

It can't be where you hooked up again, right? Your new wife?

As if he understood what she meant, Su Bai shook his head slightly to indicate that he should not think about it.

And Grandma Ping was stunned for a moment.

Is it an illusion, I seem to see a familiar shadow in this strange girl.

And this is not the person who lives in this vicinity.

I've never seen it.

But she also greeted lovingly and gently.

"It just so happens that there is a lot of fish soup, and it doesn't hurt to add two more people, who makes this fish big, but Mr. Su Bai, it's been gone for a while, it's been good recently."

"And this one again?"

"Naturally, it is excellent, as for her, ah, is the niece of the cousin of my distant relative's uncle's eldest aunt."


Grandma Ping: ...

Don't think we don't know, you were orphaned when you were very young, and your parents died early.

There are no relatives.

But it seems that the last time I heard someone talk about it, Su Bai had an uncle.

He also taught him that what you love is your life, which sounds very reasonable.

Maybe, maybe he really has any other relatives?

"Wow, this meat this soup, perfect, almost bit my tongue off, hell, ah... Ah no, is Grandma Ping's cooking skills so good? It's amazing! "

"I feel that I can eat three bowls of white rice in a row, or eat happily, I just heard what a person said on the road, not active in eating, and there was a brain problem."

Ying's face twitched.

Although Grandma Ping didn't say anything, she looked at the other party's such a big grin and scooping up a large bowl, she really couldn't hold back, you really don't treat yourself as an outsider.

Why can you be so self-cooked!

But even so, the way you eat is so cute.

What an eccentric girl.

Grandma Ping was surprised, what did she want to call herself just now?

But she also answered this gently.

"Fortunately, the wife's craftsmanship is average, mainly relying on the deliciousness of the fish itself, and if the ingredients are excellent, then no matter how you make it, it is naturally delicious."

"It's you, it always feels like I have a familiar feeling."


In the end, his face froze for a moment, could it be that he was exposed so early?

I didn't say anything.

Not really.

She digressed directly.

"Oh yes, Grandma Ping, I want to come to see your piano skills, and what about her that you just said?"

"Piano art? I haven't been playing the piano for a long time lately, strange, and not well-known, and the people who know that I have this hobby are the neighbors around me. "

"It's that she, alas, it's okay, for Su Bai's sake, what about what I said." After all, you developed that place, made it a place of prosperity again, and revived the sea of flowers. "

So Grandma Ping told about the distant past, the matter of the Demon God who returned to the end.

It also surprised Ying.

It turns out that Grandma Ping still has such a deep friendship with this demon god in the past?

It's really emotional. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But what made her face darken was how this Su Bai's relative was always trying to pick on it.

For example, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to chat again recently, and Ying didn't realize it before, but after meeting Ganyu, he actually met the bird immortal.

Find each other and be very good at chatting!

As a result, the girl said that Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun is actually quite introverted.


You tell me, that's introversion?

Obviously he talked endlessly, and directly scared Gan Yu away, how to look at it is completely introverted, right?

That's also called introversion.

Her name is written directly upside down!


Ate Paimon himself!

Speaking of the final like to call friends and friends, come to the house as a guest, and then let everyone quarrel over the treasure, she said, this final personality is quite bad, isn't this trying to arch the fire, let everyone deliberately quarrel.

Then you can watch the liveliness.

It is clear that she started to lead the topic at the end, but she said that this was deliberately induced.

As well as the final advocate that the mechanics can automatically play basic compositions, the girls are shaking their heads for a while.

"What, it seems that in the end, it is just like this, I don't understand what music is the music of the soul, it is definitely not a mass-produced thing without aura, it seems that I look up to her, and the other party is too superficial."

"In the end, this woman doesn't understand music at all! Or do I understand better! "

"Grandma Ping, let's still be a good friend with me in music, forget her, only a person like me who really understands music can be your most perfect friend and the most suitable for your soulmate."

"What do you think? And our kind of year-forgetting friendship, spread out is a good story, isn't it beautiful? "

Ying and Paimon: ...

You're crazy.

How to step on a minefield.

One is not enough, and there are several in a row.


Even in the end, you don't understand, you are going to heaven.

If you don't make Grandma Ping angry, you won't stop, right?

Yingdu hurriedly made a look at Su Bai, your distant relative is poisonous, why is there such a big gap with you, so unable to speak.

As a result, Su Bai completely ignored it, leisurely tasted the fish meat, and added a bowl of rice.

Let the glow get angry.


You still have time to eat!

Obviously the other party was brought over by you, why does it look like it has nothing to do with you?

Ying looked at Grandma Ping worriedly and found that although she didn't have any expression, she didn't tell the story anymore.

And Grandma Ping shook her head and sighed.

"At first, I thought you were some kind of immortal to entertain me, after all, Liuyun borrowed the wind true monarch is indeed introverted, it belongs to that kind of cheerful introversion."


Grass (an elemental force).

I'm really introverted.

Today is really insightful.

"But no matter which immortal, they will not say the latter things, they are all immortals with good personalities, and they will never say bad things in the end."

"So since you are a relative of Mr. Su Bai, please don't say this again in the future, and leave quickly after eating, I don't know any music."

To Ying's surprise, the strange girl was still smiling.

"It really touches me to see you angry."


Are you okay?

Ying couldn't help it, her face darkened, and she looked at her unkindly.

"Enough, don't you think your words are a bit excessive?"


The girl's face was strange.

"At the end of the day, there's no problem at all. Even if she was still alive in the end, she had no opinion at all, and she didn't even dare to lose her temper with me. "

"I have to obediently call me cute, hehe, after all, what is she in the end, a loser." Besides, you see I said Ping... Grandma, don't I respect her very much? "。

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