"Otherwise, let Grandma Ping and I try the music, and if she wins, I will apologize."

"Of course, looking at this look, Grandma Ping should not have practiced and practiced her skills hard, maybe not only did she not have the level of the year, but even the craftsmanship was rusty, and the level probably regressed a lot, hahaha, isn't this what I won?!!

Yingdu almost couldn't resist the urge to hit people.

Where the hell did this guy run from.

Such a bad character!

There is no respect for the old and love for the young.

It's bigger than you!

"Wait until I take out my instrument and let you see it, respond to me, my..... Hey, why didn't you induction, strange, where did you put Grandma Ping? "

"It won't be?"

Finally, looking at the teapot, I was stunned~.

She also thought that Grandma Ping was in the room or in the room, obviously there was the breath of her magic weapon everywhere.

Instructions have been used before.

And in the past two days, Ping should play with it in his hand, this breath will not be wrong, how to put it in the dust-song pot again.

Even Su Bai on the side shook his head.


"If it's you, it's impossible to take something out of someone else's dust song pot, otherwise how can it be called a small world."

"When I meet my best friend, I see that you are overjoyed, forget it, I'll help you get it."

When the words fell, a light flew out at Grandma Ping's teapot, and then returned to the final hand, making a clear and ethereal bell sound.

She was happy again.

"Haha, my bell, come back!"

"Come, Grandma Ping, come and try it with me! Who are the best! "

Originally, Grandma Ping was really angry.

It was a sad thing at the beginning, but as a result, there was a stunned young man who ridiculed and slandered his best friend in the end, which was really a bit excessive.

If it weren't for Su Bai,

She has long been angry and rushed.

But she faintly felt that things were not so simple, Su Bai couldn't bring such a person over, and still sat there without caring.

It shows that this girl may indeed have some secrets on her.

But to be honest, Grandma Ping never thought about the situation of resurrection in the end, because this is impossible, people cannot be resurrected from death, and if they can do it, it is impossible to die so many immortals.

Not to mention that in the end it is still a demon god.

So at the beginning, Grandma Ping sighed lonely, people die like lights out, maybe one day, we will also turn into dust.

And then.

Then she lived for at least 3,700 years, until now.

Well, the lifespan of immortals is not the same as that of ordinary people.

It cannot be said with common sense.

As a result, just now she heard a very key word from Su Bai, best friend?

She is not a fool.


After experiencing so much red dust, it is still very wise.

There is only one person who can say this and is still a close friend.

But how is this possible?!!

As a result, watching the other party's action of wanting to recall something made her more and more suspicious.

The conjecture in my heart is getting bigger and bigger.

Could it be?


With the help of Su Bai, the magic weapon [Dust Bell] that appeared from his dust song pot immediately returned to the other party's hands, and made a crisp sound, as if things returned to their original owners.

This made Grandma Ping instantly moved, and her eyes widened.

There was an incredulous exclamation directly, and even his voice trembled.

"You, you are?"

Finally, he smiled proudly.

"Oh, why this expression, try it with me!" I'm sure I'm winning this time, ah! It hurts! "

Before she finished speaking, Grandma Ping came over and punched her in the head.

Let the end cry out in pain.

And Grandma Ping also spoke out nervously.

"Change back, change back to your original appearance!"

"Change is change, what are you hitting me for."

In the end, after being aggrieved for a while, the light on his body flashed and changed back to his own appearance.

After seeing that it completely coincided with the figure in her memory, Grandma Ping's breathing became rapid, and she directly hugged the end under the expression of tilting her head.

"You guy, you still have to come out on purpose"

"It's a light punch to hit you, but it's not a dream, I actually saw you again, it's incredible."

The old man looked teary-eyed.

In the end, he also gently patted her on the back and said softly.

"Yes, you read that right, your old rival is back with old friends. Sorry to make you sad. "

Ying and Paimon: ???

Which one is this?

Why did this girl change her appearance, and Grandma Ping was so excited?


Grandma Ping first thanked Su Bai, let Su Bai wave his hand, and a force lifted her up, without letting her really salute, and then he chuckled, indicating that it was nothing.

So under Ying's puzzled gaze.

Grandma Ping pulled the end, helplessly speaking out.

"Ying, just made you angry, it's all this guy's naughty personality, I didn't expect the resurrection to be like this, but also, she didn't experience a time like me when she was resurrected."

"Actually, she is the Demon God in the story."


Ying's mouth was wide enough to stuff a goose egg.

Her cheeks twitched.


It feels like you are black and end for half a day, it turns out that you yourself are the end!

Black yourself, nothing is wrong.

It's outrageous!

And say that even if she does appear in the end, when you see her, you dare not say anything and lose your temper, and you will say that she is cute.

I thought it was contempt before. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now it looks completely sour.

After all, I am boasting about myself.

After all, she eats nothing to do with herself and loses her temper, there will be nothing at all.

Ying and Paimon were speechless.

You really do.

No wonder Su Bai sat on the side, not bothering to say anything.

Because it really has nothing to do with him.

At the end of the day, it's playing with your best friends.

Moreover, now, his immortals have seen many people, but now in Liyue, he has encountered another demon god?!!

Oh, my God.

It's an experience that no other country has ever experienced.

Liyue alone Su Bai, Zhongli is two, Orcel is the third, and now this is the fourth!

That's too much!

Su Bai glanced sideways at her without making a sound.

Actually, it still leaked.

"Moreover, how did the Ultimate Demon God come to life? How could there be such a thing. "

"I don't know."

Looking at Su Bai's quick answer, he was speechless.

You don't know what you're doing so quickly?

A fool can see it.

It's about you!

Forget it, this kind of secret thing is really not convenient to ask.

And in the end, she pestered Grandma Ping.

"Ping, change back quickly, I guess, you must have become like this because of my passing. Now that I'm back, aren't you ready to recover? "

"Immortals don't need much aging, and they can always maintain their original human form."

"At the end of the day, you guy don't be so narcissistic. How could it be because of you! "

"Hmph, just because I'm cute and charming. Quick, how can anyone still be an old woman in front of me, obviously you and I are similar, we are soulmates. "

Under a series of urging and frosting at the end, Grandma Ping helplessly went to the dust song pot with her.

After a while.

Two rays of light flew out from inside.

Ling Ying's eyes widened.

At this time, it turned out to be a slender and slender big sister with light cyan hair and a grim face, who looked only 20 years old, quite young and full of temperament.

Compared with the final figure, she is a little thinner, and that waist also looks more graceful and grasping.

The height aspect is also taller than the end.

It is wearing cyan, white and black clothing, and there are a lot of cloud ink colors on it, which is very kind of green mountains and green water, high mountains and flowing immortal feeling.

Unlike Liuyun's vein of borrowing the wind Zhenjun, she does not wear black silk.

The lower body is also white and slender long legs.

With such an expression.

It's a beautiful fairy.

Paimon's voice stuttered.

"Difficult, difficult, you, you are actually Ping... Ping"

Immortal Song Dust Wave City Zhenjun showed a helpless expression and nodded slowly.

"Yes, I am the Grandma Ping you know, in fact, this is my real appearance now, just like Ganyu, the actual appearance of our immortals will not be changed by the passage of time."

"Didn't this completely turn into a beautiful fairy sister?"

Listening to Paimon's exclamation, Ying also nodded fiercely.

Oh, yes.

This is also too judgmental!

But looking at the familiar gentleness and love in the eyes of this Miaoling fairy, as well as the sense of maturity and vicissitudes that came from all over his body, through the years of star frost, Ying also recognized it.

This is indeed Grandma Ping.

It's just that now, do you have to call Sister Ping?

She had a strange face.

After all, it looks like a mature big sister and her own sister feel like being together.

In the end, it was a happy cheer.

"Great, my Ping is back, let's go to the clouds to play music, so that we can have the first discussion after the return, and the other immortals can also know that we are back!"

"Hey, it seems that your apprentice is coming, I heard their voices, Ping, Ping'er, let's go and see."

This made Ah Ping's face change, and she was rarely a little embarrassed.

It's Xiangling.

If she saw herself like this, wouldn't the majesty of the previous master be completely gone?

But she was dragged to death by one arm, which really made her sigh.


Never mind.

It's good if you can come back.

Big deal, I'll go back to my original appearance.

So next, there was Xiangling's shocked shout here.

"Huh? You, you are Master? "

"Impossible, Master has become a beautiful big sister?"

"Guoba, am I hallucinating."

In the end, the sound of wonder and disbelief also sounded.

"Huh? Pot ba? You, how did you become such a corpse? "。

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