After all, they are in [Saint Freya College], and the geographical location is here in the extreme east.

It's the Far East Branch.

Not to mention the series of dishes made by Nha Yi, all of which are extremely oriental.

It can be seen from onigiri, tempura, oden ~ and so on.

So such a distance.


There is no need to say anything, Kiana is completely impossible - to do it.

It's just such a long distance, and it has long been out of the way to send it.

So Bronia thought it was strange.

It's so weird.

But delicious is really delicious, even Bronia can't help but eat more.

He was also laughed at by Kiana.

This made her glare at Kiana several times angrily.

Only Kiana was proud.

Bronia is very rational and mature, right, but I can directly anger her in less than three sentences.

It's fun!

And Kiana's alchemy space ring also surprised them, what is this, it turns out that the dish was taken out of here, not only vegetables, but also fruits?

For example, Himeko picked up a sunset fruit and bit it.

"Not bad, a lot of moisture, sweetness is okay."

"Strange, what the hell is this?"

Nha Yi also looked strange, looking at the plate of chocolate that Kiana mistakenly took out.

"How is there chocolate?"

"Ah, this ah, grown from the ground, let me put it on the desk over there, and don't touch sweets when eating."

Bronia was speechless.

"It's over, is Kiana broken, how can there be chocolate in the field."

"It's not bad, this is a specialty that is popular in Liyue, fairy chocolate, I specially brought it back, hmph, ordinary people can't eat it if they want to."

Kiana smiled mysteriously.

At that time, she was surprised to see it, thought of Morgan, and suddenly remembered.

That's right.

There is a special crop in the fairy world of Britain, that is, a large chocolate field can grow in the field, which is very spectacular, but I didn't expect Su Bai to let this kind of thing stay.

And let the goblins circulate to Liyue.

There are also many shops opened by fairies in Liyue, selling fine wine, pearls, volcanic ores, forged goods and the like.

It's fun.

Simply fantastic scene.

I really want to go back there and play.

So looking at everyone's appearance of almost eating, Kiana's expression became serious.

"I know you have questions, but please keep it a secret, after all, you are all my good partners, we are a three-person team!" Well, plus Aunt Himeko. "

"Stupid Kiana, in this case, it should be called a four-person squad."

"Stupid duck duck, what do you know, isn't it common sense that there are four people in a three-person squad?"

"You're stupid, my name is Bronia. And your common sense of which discipline is this. "

"No, stupid duck duck."

"Stupid Kiana."

Bud Yi covered his forehead weakly.

"Ah, you two are almost enough, why did you start again, Bronia, you are completely infected by Kiana."

Was this pulled to the same level by Kiana, and then dealt with by Kiana's rich experience?

Watching the two of them quarrel, very tired.

It is clear that Bronia is a very calm person, and she will always be provoked by Kiana to refute.

It's also absolute.

Himeko watched this scene with amusement.

In fact, she found that Kiana was quite smart, but she usually did not show it, or she was hidden in her humble appearance, such as pestering Fuhua.

It made Fu Hua very uncomfortable.

But Kiana did manage to bring the relationship closer and learned.

"Hey, hey, hey."

After Kiana saw that Bronia did not continue to argue with herself, she smiled smugly and made a victorious scissorhands, which made the duck duck a little angry again, and her blood pressure came up.

This abominable Kiana.


Don't argue with you.

I'm a fool, and I, Bronia, don't think about stupid.

"Ahem, okay, no kidding."

Kiana's temperament changed, which surprised them all, and they felt that Kiana had matured a lot.

"I contacted a lot of my good friends, so I went to someone, and these things and my alchemy ring were also obtained from that place."

"Well, that place is called Tivat, oh, it's a place, eh."

She hesitated.


Is Tivat the world or is the world bubble?

It always feels like a world there.

And since many chat group members have been contacted, the future door-to-door visits and communication and cooperation will definitely continue to strengthen, so it is not necessary to conceal the ducks and ducks for a while.

After all, the people here are trustworthy people.

Bud Yi was brought from Changkong City by herself, Bronia was liberated by the two of them from the system of anti-entropy, and Himeko needless to say, later died directly in battle in order to wake her up.

It's all their own people.

So next, all three of them exclaimed.

"Other worlds? You made friends there? Are they willing to help you? "

"You're talking nonsense, aren't you."

"Incredible, Bronia can't figure out why the other party wants to help Kiana, this stupid bastard, is there some conspiracy in it?"

"After all, it will help you so much, how do you need to have a certain value, be careful, I'm worried that in Kiana's style, I will be played or something."

"A world without a crash? How so? "

Even Nha Yi was surprised.

Isn't there never some catastrophe?

After all, every collapse will produce avalanche energy, and then it will also erode humans, turning them into collapsed creatures and dead soldiers, turning urbanization into scorched earth and heavy casualties.

It's very dangerous. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For example, their Far East Branch is still one of the subordinate branches of [Mandate of Heaven], and there are other Oceania Branches, African Branches, Atlantic Branches, West Asia Branches, and so on.

Mandate of Heaven is the organization that first fought against Collapse.

Many Valkyries have been cultivated.

This is naturally because women are much more resistant and adaptable to Honkai energy than men, so they can use Honkai energy to fight.

Not to mention that in this process, the Mandate of Heaven has continuously excavated and archegrized a series of relics of the previous civilization, collected a series of materials and holy relics, and made the technology advance by leaps and bounds.

Research on Honkai energy and biotechnology has been soaring.

This also greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the Valkyrie.

As well as the artificial stigmata system behind, the combat power of the Valkyries has increased a lot again.

Like the god-killing armor [prototype] of the previous civilization, the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse, it was obtained by the Mandate of Heaven, and this was used as the prototype and basis to develop the current Valkyrie armor.

The Valkyries have roughly controlled the collapse energy from the original, constantly superimposing a series of products of pre-civilization.

Thus becoming a powerful warrior.

This is the main theme of today's world.

Although it is clear that the collapse has led to the death of countless people, for the public, the collapse is still a kind of hidden information, and at most it is defined as an unknown disaster.

Very peculiar.

But Kiana is not surprised by this.

Like in the world of god killers, god killers are like that, ordinary people still don't know.

They don't even know that there are extraordinary systems in the world such as magic, knights, spell masters, and so on.

Ordinary people are like that.

What you shouldn't know, it's better not to know.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause a commotion.

And they knew that Kiana was wary of destiny, especially the bishop.


But hearing that Kiana went to an unknown world is still very moving to Nha Yi, other worlds, incredible, and this kind of thing?

Right under everyone's nose?

Just go?

It was like a dream.

After all, the world bubble and the world's information, that is also the Mandate of Heaven high-level knows, and is conducting experiments.

So everyone was surprised.

Bronia knows something, after all, because of the original X-10 experiment, Xi'er quantized, and the form of existence has changed, resulting in falling into the quantum sea.

She has always missed Xi'er.

Like the reloaded rabbit 19C, in fact, the original owner is Xi'er, and she is as a user.

Although to the back.

The reloaded bunny 19C was completely turned into the shape of Bronia, which led to the end of the collapse, and Xi'er used this, but could not continue to charge, and could not continue to use it until Bronia's hands.

The owner has changed.

And the four of them decided to keep this matter secret first, this is not a trivial matter, different civilizations, there has never been a collapsed world, if contacted, you have to be cautious and cautious.

There is so little information.

Although Kiana said that for her like this, she can be 100% believed.

But everyone else is worried.

So when Kiana proposed that she continue to travel to that world, Nha Yi was very uneasy, saying that she should bring herself, at least to add a little more security and protect Kiana.

Bronia was also very uneasy.

Himeko's words went out on a mission.

This also makes Kiana cry and laugh, and now, it's my turn to protect you.


Believe me once.

"Is this the world Kiana is talking about?"

"It's really amazing, are we on the spaceport, Bronia sees that it can fly, what is that, ship?"

"Like the characteristics of the dishes, this big ship is also full of Shenzhou style, is there a deep connection between this world and Shenzhou, and the same is true of the building complex behind us."

Because in front of the three of them, there was a young man watching a large ship set sail.

It was a strange ship that initially looked at least 80 meters to 100 meters long, the whole was purple lightning style, and there were thunder and lightning flashing, the shape was avant-garde, quite handsome.

Full of a strong alchemy style, you can see the end machine set up in many places.

In the words of Bud Yi, it's like a fairy ship.



Amazingly, she came up with this idea.

And this peculiar warship really flew up, and it could be seen being led and commanded by a royal sister wearing an eye patch, quite heroic and tall, and the momentum was amazing.

The ship itself also has a layer of thunderclouds around it, which not only looks not dangerous, but gorgeous.

It's like a ship wrapped in a purple nebula.

Fly into the distance.

The crew and sailors above all heard excited cheers.

Even the many staff responsible for repairing and maintaining the port below were overjoyed, and they were greeted with excitement and excitement.

Because this represents the official use of Xianzhou.

Senshu Death Omen, start to Inazuma!.

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