Bronia was surprised.

"It's not a space battleship, but a flying ship that is more full of fairy and fantasy styles, and can you still ride thunderstorms, it's like, it's like flying with magic."

From her gaze, it can really only be described as a magic ship.

After all.

The duck duck did not know what elemental force was, nor did he know that the immortal boat was driven by the core of the [Thunder Elemental Force Pseudo-Grail].

The Holy Grail previously acquired.

It was used by Su Bai to study core energy, transmission and flow conduction energy.

So under him and Morgan, Lisa, Muroto Pansy, Guiji and a series of people who are good at research, they reconstructed, pooled the power of everyone, and came up with this.

This energy core is very powerful.

You can convert mana, spells, and other abilities into elemental powers.

Without a power core, Xianzhou can't fly.

That is, with this.

The most critical problem of Xianzhou has been solved, and the second version launched next will be able to convert the energy in the quantum sea into elemental power.

Laid the foundation for pioneering.

And Kiana's face twitched.

"Wow, isn't this ship a little too big?"

The young man in front heard their voices and turned around with a chuckle.

"Not big, Kiana, don't forget that the original Beidou Death Omen, its own hull has a length of 6 "eight eight three" 9 meters, a width of about 17 meters, a total height of 64 meters, and a total length of about 100 meters. "

"It's a veritable thousand-ton giant ship."

"So the configured immortal boat, how can it not be worse than the original, it will only be better, so this is also a thunder immortal boat more than 100 meters."

Kiana: ...

How do I know how big the Omen of Death is in the game?

After all, I'm not from your Liyue.

Wait a minute.

It seems that someone in a previous life calculated how big the ship was, and the Death Omen Star was actually used as a flagship, naturally a little bigger, as the core existence of the fleet.

All right.

So this picture looks really amazing, the fairy boat soars through the clouds, and it flies away like this.

And Su Bai also looked at Bronia and Bud Yi and nodded.

"Hello, guests from other worlds, welcome to the Liyue Country of Tivat World, I am Su Bai, the highest administrator of this country, although I am only slightly guiding the direction."

"You are very welcome, Kiana and I are very close, so there is no need to be surprised."


Bronia looked at Kiana with a strange face.

It's only been so long.

Did you hook up with a big man from another world?

Even Nha Yi was taken aback.

But Kiana hurriedly spoke up.

"Don't get me wrong, he and I are like relatives and best friends, after all, Bud Yi, you know, I care about you the most."

"You, what are you talking about!"

This is really shameful to Bud Yi, why say this.

Kiana, you really are!

"So it's equivalent to me knowing this Su Bai a long time ago, Oh, it's a very reliable partner, and you will know when you get along and communicate with each other in the future."

"It's okay to even think of him as me, he's just that trustworthy."

Bronia and Bud Yi fell silent, isn't your words a little too exaggerated, is the other party really so trustworthy, it seems that the villains seem to be the figures who rule a country.

Instead, Su Bai pushed his hand and signaled.

"How about finding a place to sit, you can also walk on the road and say, after all, this is Xianzhou Port, not a suitable place to receive guests, and you don't have to be inhibited."

"You can ask anything you want."

Bud Yi was very puzzled.

"That, is your world still at war, even this magic ship similar to an air battleship, oh no, the fairy boat has come out."


"It's just the first generation of the commercial version of Xianzhou, suitable for flying everywhere and conducting commercial activities."

"Business, commerce?"

This really shocked Bud Yi.

Even Bronia is like that.

Are you all doing business with something similar to a space battleship?

Isn't it a bit too exaggerated.

Our world is not so outrageous.

After all, with such flying battleships in the past to other countries, are you sure that you are not going to war?

Just imagining that a volley of main guns would be enough to make those high-ranking people green.

So, it's impossible to talk about business!

Isn't this world too peaceful?

Kiana nodded.

"That's right, the first generation of fairy boats is sailing within the world, and the second generation is the main force to explore and open up the quantum sea, and it is also a very fast thing to see this situation."

"After all, I don't doubt Su Bai's Liyue infrastructure ability and the scale of the Xianzhou construction base."

I remember that in the game, Liyue Port also has a special shipbuilding place.

It looks big.

Even ordinary ships are like this, then the Xianzhou base will only be bigger, she has already seen it last time.

As long as it goes well at the beginning, it will be fast later.

It's the same as dumplings.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and then it snowballs.

After all, the second-generation [Main Battle and Exploration Version Immortal Boat] she saw before was a wind attribute, I'm afraid it was like it was wrapped in a cyan fairy cloud.

"Exploring the Quantum Sea?"

Bronia was shocked again, has it reached such a level,

This is not simply research and experimentation.

It is a posture of wanting to cross far and directly send Xianzhou out.

Just like the departure of the space fleet, doesn't this mean that civilization has been quite developed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They all started to do so.

It's amazing, the world is amazing.

It's far more than those experiments of reverse entropy.

And she suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

If they can go to the Quantum Sea, can they help them find Xi'er?

And the bud coat is the ripe point.

She looked at Kiana, a little worried.

"Kiana, you, it's not good for you to tell this kind of secret directly, right? After all, we are strangers here for the first time. "

"It's okay."

Instead, Su Bai whispered.

"Now you should also realize that Kiana and I really have a good relationship, come on, sit."

They had strolled to a courtyard here, with a beautiful stone table in front of them, as if it was specially used to entertain guests, after all, Su Bai was standing on a high platform watching before.

After they all sat down, Su Bai waved his hand.

There are tea and tools brewing automatically, and with a sense of rhythm like flowing water, the brewed fairy tea that still exudes heat is moved to everyone.

"This is the tea leaves of the Xianjia tea tree, which is quite different from ordinary tea trees, and the taste is much better."


A new tea tree introduced by Changsheng.

That is, the snake on Bai Shu's neck, the past immortal [Medicine Lord].

There is an interesting thing.

The origin of tea in Liyue Port is related to this immortal, who planted this tea tree in order to grow up in the future, study tea for friends to drink, and by the way, call Liuyun to borrow the wind, manage the water and stack the mountains these true kings.

It's a pity that the Demon God War is cruel.

Especially for immortals, it is easy to get into trouble if you wipe the aftermath.

Not all immortals are very combative...

Like the immortal [Medicine Lord], he almost died and returned to the earth.

The tea trees remained in the valley.

No one takes care of it.

So later, this tea plant was transplanted on the branches by the mountain residents, spread and cultivated, so that the tea fragrance also drifted from here to Liyue Port, as well as many places.

The appearance of the tea lamp is also from this immortal.

It was also learned.

Therefore, after Changsheng recovered some vitality, he began to study tea plants, established a tea planting base, and carried out improvement and improvement.

There has been good progress, and several new varieties have been created.

I have also made a lot of contributions.

The new tea tree has also been loved by many people.

The promotion began.

That's how many people there are, the merrier.

Bronia also looked at this tea and was curious.

"Could it be that you are the same civilization as Shenzhou, very similar in many aspects, and this tea culture is also a mainstream culture prevailing there."

Su Bai vetoed.

"No, maybe after the world is more, there will naturally be civilizations with similar characteristics, as for Shenzhou, we also have a Shenzhou secret realm here."

"Suitable for producing a range of resources and creatures called dangerous species."

"Dangerous species?"

This unfamiliar name made Bronia stunned, she really hadn't heard of it.

The Shenzhou on the other side of their world seems to be called a demon beast or something, but in fact, it is just a different name, true qi refers to the collapse energy, and if you go crazy, you are a dead man.

This is the same as the world of godkillers.

In fact, they are all spells, but they are called differently in different places, mana, mana, internal power, and so on.

Attribution is still the same.

But dangerous words.

I really haven't heard of it.

"When we first meet, if I am a girl, I will not send any fine wine, these fruits are our newly cultivated crops here, they are rare and precious varieties."

"I hope it will suit your taste."

When the words fell, two plates of wonderful fruits appeared in front of them again, one was a teardrop-shaped fruit, which looked like crystal, and there were many and piled up.

The other is the large fruit of blue and red gemstones, which are very valuable at first glance.

There is a beautiful light blooming.

Kiana grabbed a few of them herself and put 2.1 in her mouth.

Nha Yi was helpless.

You, you, don't you feel a little like an outsider.

Obviously a guest.

It turned out to be like coming home.

"Wow, delicious!"

"I remembered what these two are!" Kiana's eyes lit up, "It's [Crystal Sugar] and [Gem Fruit] from the Earth Fault World, either of which are very rare and expensive fruits. "

The former is a fruit like a royal confectionery, and its jewel-like shape is very popular with the upper class, and a small bottle can be sold for a very high price.

The latter is the fruit of an ultra-rare gem tree.

Kiana remembers that in the original book, the 24 Big Tree Labyrinth Domain remembers that there is a gem tree, and guarding this tree is the strongest monster on the floor [Tree Dragon].

Unexpectedly, did Su Bai transplant in Liyue?

That's the benefit of back-to-back chat groups.

Even in Tivat, it's wonderful to be able to taste the specialties of other worlds.

"Sure enough, now many of you Liyue are products and resources from different worlds, wow, Su Bai, you are awesome here, it's so interesting, if you keep converging."

"It's too colorful and attractive, isn't it?"

Bud Yi and Bronia were both shocked.

"Meaning, besides our world, have you Liyue already had contact with many worlds?"

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