The power that suddenly burst out of himself was like a mud cow entering the sea.

It was clear that the power had rushed over in an instant.

The result is as if it has been inexplicably erased and disappeared.

There was no movement.


There was still a breeze blowing.

But as if to cheer them up, the two were still kissing, and even Blowing Snow didn't even open his eyes, looking shy, and there were some signs of initiative.


Obviously my tornado is here!

Are you so intoxicated by it? Blowing snow?!!

The tornado was about to explode.

Are you kidding!

And this man, is this when he does not exist, such a blatant provocation.

In the last event.

I have collected many reports and analyses from associations about this man, and the ability to use space is free to appear in another place from far away.

What it currently manifests itself is across cities.

The upper limit is unknown.

And can easily use space cutting, and destroy the powerful weirdo who defeated two S-class heroes last time with one random move.

The hero guild was shocked and ecstatic.

Can't wait to pull him in.

Such strength and ability are enough to serve as a top-level hero!

That's right.

Being able to come in is an S-class!

Just like Genos, it is directly the 17th place in the S-class, but if Su Bai is allowed in, the position will definitely be higher, because there are a few S-class heroes here.

It's a pity that the Heroes Association was ecstatic for a long time, and in the end it was dumbfounded.

Because this person can't be found.

Even if you ask Blowing Snow, Blowing Snow doesn't say anything, indicating that it is impossible for the other party to join the Hero Association, where will there be such idle work, isn't it funny?

It really made the association wail.

How can this be!

Isn't it natural to protect the people here and become heroes?

But Blowing Snow is not willing to say 370 and wooing, then they can't help it.

You can only try to find it yourself.

But it is true that there is no such person.

Particularly outrageous.

Tornado also looked for many times, about this spatial ability, rummaged through the Snow Blowing House, but did not find anyone.

It's really about space ability, do whatever you want, right?

Tornado was really angry.

My sister still persuaded herself that she really loved him, and asked her sister not to make trouble, but the tornado itself was already a little distorted to protect her sister.

How can you listen to this?

As a result, now, the tornado has been rising in anger, and she has decided not to keep her hand anymore.

It doesn't matter if you destroy it all.

Be sure to settle accounts with this man!

The result is the next second.

Still nothing happened.

Tornado: ???

Is my ability fake?

She was no longer standing at the door remotely, and as soon as she used her power, she directly levitated, intending to fly in front of the two.

So the tornado flew over with a straight bang.

But what surprised her was.

No matter how fast you fly, space is always moving forward, but you can't reach the sofa.

It's as if space is stretching infinitely.

I'll never get to the end there.

Yes, it's just that this space that can never fly, but it has indeed been moving forward, there is no retreat, and the tornado has been constantly improving its strength and accelerating.

But it still didn't work,

Nian Power couldn't help this space, not even a ripple.

All I can see is the picture of them kissing.

I just can't get there.

Murder belongs to yes.

"Abominable! What a disgusting and weird ability this is! "

Just when she roared angrily, Su Bai and Blowing Snow had stopped, and Blowing Snow at this time was still ruddy, and her eyes were full of shame, and then Su Bai looked at the tornado.

"Okay, please sit down."

The tornado then found that the space was normal, and she flew directly over.

I want to grab Su Bai's neck.

As a result, Blowing Snow moved faster, took the hand of the tornado, and stopped in front of her.

"Sister, you don't want this."

The low roar of tornado.

"Blowing snow, don't stop me, this guy knows how to hide and use some weird abilities, and has the ability to fight head-on, see if I don't beat him to cry!" Then he will obediently leave you. "

"I'm for your own good!"

Blowing snow: ...

You're tearing down my boyfriend,

He also said it was for my own good.

What classic parent statements.

"Sister, calm down, I know that your possessiveness and sister's control are too deep, but you can't let me be single for the rest of my life, I, too, want to fall in love."

"I'm not a sister! Don't talk nonsense! "

Tornado glared at her angrily, smelly sister, what nonsense!

"And didn't you say when you were a child that if you want to live with me, you don't need some stinky man."

Blowing snow dumb.

That was before I met Su Bai.

That's what I really think.

At that time, it was really fine.


It's completely different now.

And his words, it's no problem.

As a result, when she still wanted to explain something, Su Bai snapped her fingers, and the surrounding environment changed abruptly, and what appeared around was barren mountains and a land without vegetation.

"This, this is?"

"Away from the city, no one's wilderness area. In fact, if you say too much, you will still have to fight when the time comes, if this is the case, then come directly. "

"After all, I respect the tornado, it's your sister, but you also know her character, she is more impatient, mainly in the hero guild she can also walk sideways."

It's just overbearing.

With her strength, only she despises others.

Even in the face of a bunch of S-class heroes, she still mocked her.


Disobedience to the comparison?

So such a series down, for so long, her character is like this.

Speak with strength.

"So, come on (ceai), Tornado, you can use your greatest strength and explosive stance at will, I will take it all."

"After all, we will be a family in the future, and Blowing Snow and I will often be together, playing and walking around."


With her, the sister who blows snow, there is an indispensable opportunity to meet.

Things that should be sorted out should also be dealt with.


These words made the tornado angry. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Just you? I also want to spend a lot of time with Fuyuki, what dreams! "

"Hugh wants to harm her, see how I clean you up!"

"Come on!"

Blowing snow also sighed helplessly, hoping that Sister Tornado would not be abused too badly.

Although the sister is indeed fierce.

But she's a monster.


There was an astonishing storm in the distance, countless dust and sand rose into the sky, constantly spreading in all directions, and a protective shield lit up around the blowing snow to block this aftermath.

After all.

She didn't want to get dirty.

Can feel an amazing motivation erupting, Chuixue remembers her sister's style, she is measured.

The first attack allows a series of S-Class heroes and all A-Class heroes to be knocked off the wall.

The second is to deal with the kind of lesson Bungu kind.

The third step is considered to be more powerful and more serious.


Aren't you saying that everyone is an S-class hero?

But there is also a gap in the S-class.

It can be seen that Su Bai is completely holding hands, standing there, and whatever attack the tornado launches, he can erase or block it a little casually, which makes the tornado more and more unretained.

It's time to get really moving.

The earth was distorted by the powerful power of thought, countless stones floated up, mountains and rivers stopped flowing, and waves of vibrations were constantly generated there.


Blowing snow saw that the meteorites in the sky were all pulled down.

If you have this trick, remember the original tornado sister, which ancient king came in seconds?

Only this time.

The meteorite evaporated in mid-air.

That's right, it's direct evaporation.

Su Bai, who yawned, provoked the tornado.

For a time, thousands of kilometers of ravines were dug out of the distant land, and countless huge stones began to rise from under the ground, all of which were terrifying boulders like mountains, thousands of meters.

Then all of them smashed under the swing of the tornado!

Blowing snow sighs.

Sister Tornado, you are poisonous, don't you."

As for this, it is also her original performance.

Nian power is such a golden oil skill, being used by a tornado is a force brick flying, this kind of boulder can blast a city, of course, it is not a special situation and you can't see the tornado used like this.

Otherwise, after the fight, the person will also die.

What other tsunamis that flood the earth can also be stopped by tornadoes.

And here in Su Bai.

He just waved his hand twice.

The boulders in the sky all exploded, and this length of thousands of meters was the same as the rock spear he shot out when he was a rock god.

Remember, a certain V-class gastric creature was also shot to death.

Of course.

The boulder of the tornado is bigger, but that's it.

So easy and casual, it also made the tornado show a shock, can even such an attack be easily destroyed?

Who is this guy holy?

At this time, Su Bai's voice came from her ears.

"Almost, then, Dragon Scroll, you add a shield, I'm afraid to take you for a second, you should be very angry when you hear this, but this is just my concern for you as Blowing Snow's boyfriend."

"You !!"

The tornado's eyes widened, and the angry teeth were trembling.

Who to look down on!

But the next moment, a terrifying attack that tore through the space and exploded all the surrounding sky areas, causing the heavens and the earth to shake and tremble violently in the state of destroying the ancient era.

The tornado was shocked to find that the surrounding space was completely shattered.

It's something her mind can't do.

That's right.

If she works wonders, it will not affect the space.

No, it can't be!

In the world, can there be such a strong man?.

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