And the feeling of scalp numbness and intuitive madness alarms also made the tornado rise a terrifying sense of threat.

Will die!

He will die!

She quickly added a protective shield to herself, yes, Su Bai reminded her, but ~ she didn't listen.

My tornado is so crazy.

And her physical defense is really good, after all, it is the degree of being able to fly at high speed casually, and with a layer of defense cover, the defense is very good.

But in an instant, the tornado was affected - and involved.

Her proud motivation was also instantly defeated, and she tried her best, sending out a roar that was rarely heard in her life, and her power was running in all directions.

But after only a second, it was crushed.


Are you kidding

How so?


Under such a force, she let out a cry of pain.

I feel it, I am being dissolved, and I am not aware anywhere else.

Is it difficult?

What other parts of the body have been?

At this moment, the tornado brain was blank.

She really felt death, so close to herself.

This made her scream again.

But after a while, there seemed to be calm around, and an awkwardly familiar sound came from the surroundings.

"Sister Tornado, don't call, it's okay."

Tornado opened his eyes, only to find that he was actually intact?

On the side, blowing snow helplessly covered his face.

It's like screaming at her, embarrassed and unnecessary, because you are fine yourself, and you haven't been hurt at all.

Tornado: ...

Chuixue also glanced at Su Bai next to him depressedly.

"You tap, what if you beat my sister to death."

"I've already stopped it, okay, I used the power of the demon sword just now, I want to try what will happen if I use a little power to bombard myself, which is similar to your sister's way."

It's all a miracle.

It's all hard bang.

There is no skill, there is only power visible to the naked eye.


Of course, this move is not as powerful as Su Bai taking out the Salvation God Knife, of course, even if it is only a part of the power and the power of the demon sword, it is enough to wipe out the tornado in seconds.

Not to mention.

In fact, at the moment when the tornado was about to be evaporated, Su Bai rescued her.

Space capabilities are used.

After all, the character of the tornado, you can directly bombard her with positive power, and there is no need to use other types.

Otherwise, the spatial ability alone can play with her casually.

She could only hold back.

At this time, Su Bai also held one of Blowing Snow's hands, making her face blush slightly, but did not say anything, and then he looked at the tornado.

"I'll be good to Blowing Snow, after the scene just now, it should be able to explain the level of strength."

"Of course, in terms of feelings, I like to blow snow, oh, I want to live with her for the rest of my life." Instead, I was afraid that the blowing snow wouldn't kill me and ran away. "

Looking at the smiling Su Bai, he blew a white look at him.

"Don't make trouble, how could I not want you, are you talking about me?"

"I know that I also want to be with you all the time, this is the happiness I want, you are my only man, I can't hold you too late, how can I run away."

"Well said, don't run later."

"You! Don't tease me! My sister is still here! "

Watching the two flirting and flirting, the tornado who ate dog food angrily was speechless.

She felt full.

To this.

She also sighed inexplicably.

"It's okay, I can see that you are very loving."

"I'm not an unreasonable person, and I won't interfere in your affairs anymore."

Sister, you are very reasonable?

Blowing snow means I almost believed it.

However, she is a person with high emotional intelligence, but she took the initiative to hold the tornado and rub it!

This made the tornado exclaim.

"Blowing snow, what are you doing!"

"Hmph, of course, I think it's rare to see such a cute side of my sister, in fact, I was worried about you just now, whether it is Su Bai or you, they are my important relatives."

"It's indispensable, so I don't want you to quarrel."

"So sister, I know that you care about me very much, although you are indeed a little stubborn and poisonous, and others who often mock do not dare to speak out, but in my eyes, you have always been the best sister, silently guarding me and not letting me be hurt."

"I like you so much! My good sister! "

“.... I'll just praise me. "

Looking at such a well-behaved and obedient cute sister, Tornado also rarely softened her heart and touched her head.

Before I knew it, the blowing snow had grown so big.

Remembering the past.

Blowing snow has always been very sensible, sometimes she is taking care of herself.

Although in strength, he is far superior to her.

But in terms of personality, Blowing Snow is far more mature than herself, and she has a good relationship with everyone in the association, and she has a particularly good reputation when she gets that Blowing Snow group.

Although he was very speechless.

What is there to make up for a bunch of little minions.

But sometimes, it's really the connections that come together to make life easier.

Blowing snow will take the initiative to take care of some things, which is too lazy for her to bother.

I have to admit that I am really happy with the blowing snow.

This also makes him reluctant to blow snow away from him.

And remembering the current ranking.

"Unconsciously, blowing snow you are only below me, very strong."

"Come on, hum, I'm waiting for the day when you will match me."

Tornado stood with his chest in his arms.

Don't overdo it and snort. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But at this time, Su Bai glanced at Blowing Snow playfully.

"Blowing snow, you are hiding, not to mention that your strength has soared, you can already fight your sister, who wins and who loses."


Hearing this, Dragon Scroll's eyes sharpened.

He looked at his sister Blowing Snow who was holding him.

Stare at!

You're hiding deep!

So strong?

This is said by those who can defeat themselves, and it will certainly not be a delusion.

On the contrary, Blowing Snow was anxious, glaring at Su Bai angrily, and did not make a good sound.

"Don't arch the fire, you know that my sister has an aggressive personality, you just don't want me to be idle, right, I'm far behind, can't compare, don't ask, just can't beat."

"Blowing snow, fight me quickly."

"Oh, don't, sister, don't be like this, that bad embryo deliberately bullied me, I'm your good sister, so I don't want sisters to fight."

Blowing snow really wants to bite Su Bai to death!

It's just you!

Belly black monster!

Deliberately provoking our sisterly feelings!

She and Su Bai made eye contact, and from time to time they gave him a fierce look, but Su Bai had a smile in her eyes.

It means that you are both the wind god and the wind law, this series is already very fierce to stack well, not to mention that the wind law ceiling is also very good.

Although Bang San was a little humiliated, he was surrounded by three B-class Valkyries and picked up heads for Titan.

It's a false discipline.

But you can move towards Honji, people kick the Mandate of Heaven to sweep everything, kill the combined fleet in seconds, liberate the power into the "retreat" form, and release the dead spot to purify the world.

Plus a range of extra-worldly forces.

It is clear that blowing snow can be expected in the future.

All of a sudden, it became bright.

Fight more with your sister, your combat effectiveness can be honed and improved, maybe when it will grow to a very outrageous point, it is simply a potential species.


And looking at the coquettish blowing snow towards herself, Tornado also sighed, really, why would she inexplicably soften in the face of such a her.

Could it be that he is really the sister control in the mouth of the blowing snow?



I'm just worried about her, yes, I'm worried about her!

Isn't this normal as a sister's feeling?

I didn't overdo it and twist it myself!

So the tornado looked at Su Bai with a vicious expression.

"You must be good to blowing snow, otherwise I will desperately make you feel bad."

"Sister, in fact, you can't beat him desperately."

Hearing this, the tornado really almost choked to death.

It hasn't been long yet.

Did you just turn your arms outward like this?

Don't know how to trust your sister?

Who is closest to you? Figure out the priorities!

"Hmph, my tornado will continue to become stronger, and sooner or later I will surpass you this man!"

"And you blow snow, I will also find you to compete in the future, let me see how much strength is hidden by the well-behaved sister."

"Okay, don't bother you guys, let's go."

The proud tornado didn't want to stay longer, so he rose directly into the sky and left here like this.

Look at her like this.

Blowing snow is also sighing, crying and laughing.

"In fact, Sister Tornado's personality is still very good, although it looks a little bad, but in fact, her contribution to the Hero Association is very high, and she can be described as quite active."

"Many weirdos were destroyed by her."

"Okay, Su Bai, let's go home and continue our two-person world. Really, what are you telling my sister so much, is it bad to let me touch the fish? "

She pouted resentfully.

Su Bai was also dumbfounded.

"It's good to give you some motivation, go back, Blowing Snow cutie, I made you so strong, do you want to thank me?"

The next moment, they returned to the sofa of the Blowing Snow House.

Blowing snow also tensed up.

"You, what do you want?"

As a result, she saw Su Bai's gaze constantly looking at her, and then he softly threw out a sentence.

"I know you don't want to be so fast, so take your time, the so-called love, eating it in one breath is a lot less fun."

"Anyway, I've already eaten a lot, and you won't be able to run away then."

"Well, I'm going to see it. I hope you don't faint. "

Blowing Snow turned red in the face.

"Wait, wait, go to the room, go to the room."


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