She was carried by Su Bai and taken to the room.

A moment later.

What little man's waist felt really good and so on came from inside, and a series of words.

Honkai Three Worlds.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

As an organization to fight Honkai, Destiny has existed for a long time, and its current location is above the Mediterranean Sea, as a giant group of floating islands.

It looks like it's still big.

There are nine main islands, which adopt the names of the nine kingdoms on the World Tree in Norse mythology.

Jotunheim serves as an industrial research and development center.

In mythology, this place is the land of giants, such as frost giants.

Helheim, on the other hand, is used as a laboratory for the Avalanche Energy System, from which many studies emerge and are put into use as a whole, among which the Valkyrie located in the headquarters can be the first to dress.

For example, the previous Rita's Valkyrie armor [Hunting Attack Shadow Iron].

It's from this place.

But for now.

This Mandate headquarters has been caught in the flames of war, flames are burning everywhere, smoke is rising towards the sky, there is a continuous battle, and many Valkyries are scattered.

Engage a purple-black energy humanoid creature.

And caught in a bitter battle.

This is, the imaginary legion.

And Kiana, who appeared in the form of an empty lawyer in "Seven Six Zero", is slowly flying here, like a majestic queen, patrolling her territory.

In the flames, there is her solitude and domineering.

Look down at this sky archipelago!

Not far behind her, on the ground, there was a lifeless and miserable looking Otto, lying there.

On the messy and dirty face, it seems that who has also been scraped by two big ears.

It seems that he has been stepped on on his body.

It is really sighing, is this still the Lord Bishop?

"Otto? That's it? "

"Let me kill a few more."

Kiana showed a happy expression, which was a good feeling.

I know it anyway.

Otto is a soul steel body, I remember what other androids, various bodies like a liquid machine, and so on.

If you want to kill Otto, it's really not that simple.


This kind of guy who has lived for a long time, how can he not move and like to save his life, n life or something?

For example, the old bug of that type of moon - Ma Tong dirty ink.

It is also a temporary body composed of bugs, even if you kill a group of bugs, you may still be run away by him.

It's funny.

That's the same guy who lived for five hundred years.

Five hundred years, that's a really repetitive number.

Tivat disaster, Otto years, inter dirty years.

After setting off from St. Freya Academy, she directly used her powers to open the door of space.

It can only be said.

Luo Hao is fantastic!

After combining that power with her own void power, the distance suddenly increased by a long distance, causing her ability to move greatly increased.

Not much is consumed either.

This is the normal way to become stronger.

Each lawyer can continue to develop and become stronger, the upper limit is very high, but after fusing other gemstones together, there will be a feeling of waste.

Just like the Kiana in the back of the original book.

The teleportation ability is really crotch-pulling.

Unlike now, I can constantly strengthen and improve my strength and strengthen the void law itself.

And those imaginary legions were all summoned by her.

So it looks purple-black.

Because imaginary numbers can be like this, just like imaginary Rubik's cubes.

When she fought against Ying, Kiana wanted to complain.

You see why my Rubik's Cube suddenly went crazy, I and the Rubik's Cube of the Heavenly Maintainer, the color is different, okay.

Does the other party seem to be dark red or what hue?

And this time.

At the gate of another base, another Otto, who looked elegant and sane, walked out.

He tied one hand behind his back.

In front of him is the other hand, under the decoration of the dress and white gloves, but quite the temperament and elegance of the aristocracy and power.

"Kiana, can you calm down first, I think we can.... Burst. "

He didn't finish yet.

A Yakong spear instantly cut through the space, directly nailed this Otto to the wall, and killed him on the spot!

Only this Otto was left with his hands hanging weakly.

There was no sound.

This is the classic skill of the Void Law.

A remote attack method generated by imaginary numbers.

Not only can it trigger the time and space captivation, but it can also use this as a coordinate to summon the core to detonate, causing a piece of damage.

Kiana, on the other hand, didn't even look at it and didn't pay attention to it at all.

It's a nice time now.

Because Destiny is obviously three S-class Valkyries, Wendy, the Valkyrie of the Oceania branch, is known as having the possibility and potential to become the fourth S-class Valkyrie.

The future is promising.

It also fell on the future can be expected.

And Kiana knows that in fact, the eldest aunt Teresa is also an S-class Valkyrie, but now the words have long been not on the surface, and they all ran to the Far East Branch.

So is the squad leader Fu Hua.

She disguises herself as the Valkyrie A.

But what does Fu Hua say, it's like everyone knows that she is very good, and in fact it is.

But she was taking an anonymous template.

Either in the residual blood, or on the way to the residual blood.

In the past, when Shenzhou was in Shenzhou, Fu Hua was attacked and killed by seven apprentices as a red kite immortal, and died directly, and only slowly recovered later, and in the Heavenly Dome Peak incident. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lost most of his strength and immortal body.

Capitalized miserable.

Cut at every turn.

Later, he even fell into the arms of Li Da Pillow, oh, this refers to Li Suxiang.

So what's that called?

The invincible Fu Hua fell .jpg

Kiana covered her face.

The poor squad leader, the honest man among the thirteen heroes, the master of pulling erhu who only has residual blood at every turn, is also nobody.

So look at the three S-class Valkyries on the bright side.

[Rita] was abandoned by herself at St. Freya's Academy, and now she is still on the way to ride a horse, and she is dumbfounded.

In fact, the third place is that [Li Suxiang].

A great disciple of the supreme and free disciple.

That's the character who only woke up in the Kolosen incident.

She is the daughter of Fu Hua as Qin Suyi, the seventh apprentice under the Red Iris Immortal Seat, and Fu Hua is not a master-apprentice relationship.

So now the words.

Otto won't make a move precisely because he's a smart guy.


There is only one opponent you need to face.


So Kiana despised this place, her gaze swept over, and those Valkyries in the distance were trembling.

"Who dares to fight me?"

"I'll fight you!"

In the distant sky, a blue comet cut through the sky at an extremely fast speed, and the arrogant sound full of power came directly, and the strong collapse energy was like a spear tearing the sky!

Kill with unstoppable momentum!

Kiana's eyes lit up...

The fingers of the right hand rotated and pressed forward.

"Yan gun, go!"

At this moment, a large number of imaginary numbers could be centered on Kiana, and many flame guns emitting blazing flames appeared on both sides behind him, and then all of them shot out!

There was a violent collision with that blue comet!


For a time, amazing explosions and a sea of fire exploded in the air, setting off huge waves of air and momentum, and the impact generated shocked the sky above, and an overwhelming heat wave swept over!

This move is [Flame Gun Charge].

The skills that Kiana drew in the group before were transformed into moves after combining her imaginary number energy.

Of course.

She didn't expect this move to beat the other party.


In that sea of fire and smoke, a figure fell directly from the sky, triggering an astonishing aura!

Even the ground shattered a lot.

That invisible power can be comprehended even from a distance.

When the anger dissipated, a beautiful Valkyrie with blond hair descended here.

She wore a predominantly blue and white Valkyrie armor, revealing her white collarbones and shoulders, silver bracers on her arms, and a long skirt.

The lower body is mainly black silk thigh socks, and also wears white and blue leg armor.

This is the fourth generation of god-killing armor - the Kai Knight Moon Ray.

As a universal armor suitable for all fields, the performance is very outstanding and excellent, naturally only she can withstand the load brought by it, and can be perfectly controlled and used.

Take action, like a comet galloping across the sky!

The strongest Valkyrie of Destiny!

Lauderdale is here!

She has a proud posture, and a tenacious will and eyes.

Facing the attack just now.

Lauderdale not only confronted it, but also survived unscathed.

And she looked at Kiana.

I was surprised.

"The Law of Emptiness? Why did you suddenly appear? And it actually hit the Mandate of Heaven headquarters directly? That's an amazing thing. "

And then.

She saw Otto falling on the ground, and her face was stunned.

Even the bishop was beaten in 1.4.

Although it is a soul steel body.

And more than one was beaten.

But it was really unexpected and unprepared.

Because it is after the collapse disaster, the lawyer will be born, and it will be accompanied by huge destruction and casualties, but how did this empty lawyer appear silently?

What about movement?

She also rushed from other places.

And drink for one.

"Kiana Kaslanna, I won't let you wreak havoc!"

"Yes, such a meeting and title, it is really amazing. You've forgotten it all. "

"Well, come on."

The two sides just talked without saying a word, and in an instant, they turned into two streamers and rushed straight into the sky, launching a slaughter, its speed was so fast that it was difficult to capture, and the battlefield directly hit the sky!

Now it's Kiana vs Kiana time!

The former used to be experimental subject K423, and now Kiana Kaslanna.

The latter is the past Genkiana, and now Bianca Yulauderdale Atagina!

In a short period of time, they exchanged more than a dozen moves, and there were constantly roaring waves and shaking in the sky!

The impact caused spreads into ripples!

The powerful Honkai energy is constantly improving there.

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