"God Makes Weapons Day Golden Wheel!"

"Take charge of the power of the sun and killing, and burn the world with the power of immortal fire and extreme yang!"

Accompanied by Kiana's voice.

A mysterious golden wheel that looked like the sun was suspended directly in her hand.

It is dominated by gold and quaint secret patterns, looks quite mysterious and constantly exudes aura, and the sharp edges look like enough to cut through all objects.

It's scary!

In the flow of glorious flow, it alone is the only one that is domineering and heavenly day!

This is a kind of god-forged weapon that Su Bai displayed a long time ago, but it was a one-time at the time, and now this is a permanent divine-forged weapon later.

As long as the strength is enough, you can always open big!

And at this time.

Urged by Kiana's power, terrifying power erupted.

The direct streamer flashed and rushed to the white light in front of him!

In the face of the other party's holy spear blooming, the more terrifying and vast solar energy and heavenly fire rushed through the heavens and the earth, rebelling against the yin and yang!

It makes the space tremble!

Tear the earth apart!

In exchange for the outside world, the destructive power of this wave will be frightening.


The scorching heat wave and energy instantly crushed the past, and under such firelight, even the white light was violently torn and blasted apart, like the mythical Brahma boiling the sea, and the monstrous power made Lauderdale's face change greatly.

"How, how? So strong? "

Just when she was about to be swallowed by this boundless sun fire, Kiana's figure instantly appeared, stopped her and hugged her, and then disappeared into this imaginary space.

Thus going to another imaginary space.

The power of the law of emptiness is willfulness.

At this time, Kiana was surrounded by a moonlight shield, and the mysterious moonlight flowed, and Lauderdale was surprised to find that there was a moon-like mysterious wheel flying around Kiana.


This shield is because of it.

[God Creation Weapon Moon Golden Wheel].

It was with this that Kiana got out of that attack without doing anything and successfully escaped.

Today's Kiana, in charge of the two gods forging weapons, is very powerful.

And this divine weapon Moon Golden Wheel is her most fundamental guarantee, no matter what terrible deadly attack she encounters, she will automatically come out to protect the lord and cross the danger for Kiana.

It is a defensive divine weapon.

And, in fact, the sun and the moon are one, and there is also a big killing move.

It's just that she's useless.

And after putting Lauderdale down, Kiana showed a playful smile.

"Sister, I didn't expect it, I won."

"As for this, you should be my weapon, don't tell Otto, just treat it as your little secret with me, come, hang yourself for a hundred years, and don't change."

Looking at her like this, Youlauderdale couldn't laugh or cry.

"Why are you so naïve."

"I promise you."

But I do feel like a sister, which makes me want to pity.

In fact, this is also the wisdom of Kiana.

Make good use of your cuteness, show kindness, sometimes can often play a great effect!

Hey, hey, hey.

Youlauderdale also couldn't help but sigh.

"It turns out that you have such strength, then I really can't suppress you."

"Oh, this doesn't matter, don't care, don't care, after all, it's not a real killing, it's just that I beat you with one move."

Kiana blinked.

After all.

Remember now, Lauderdale seems to be unable to use that holy sword for some reason, I remember that there is still a star armor or something, a set of golden armor, the whole thing is like a golden Saint Seiya.

Living for so long, I can't remember exactly.

And Lauderdale is indeed full of conditions.

As Otto himself, he promoted Siegfried and Cecilia, as the descendants born of the two major families, the bloodline conditions were top-notch, and he gathered the advantages of two powerful bloodlines.

This led to her immense talent.

Avalanche resistance can also increase with contact with avalanche energy.

In the direct setting, it is infinite growth.

Like Rita is an S-class Valkyrie, because it does have this level.

Like she's an S-class Valkyrie?

It is because there is only an S class.

Even Otto felt, or else, add another [Lauderdale] level?

Not to mention the bunch of things mentioned earlier, it belongs to the kind of highest talent, contemporary T0, I work hard, lucky, plus bloodline, generally we call this hanging ratio.

There is only another hanging ratio that can be beaten.

Kiana sighed.

Fortunately, I have the power of free law plus a bunch of things.

And let's be honest.

Even if they are like this now, they still can't beat Kevin.


Can't beat ah.

After all, it was the head of the thirteen heroes of the former civilization "Fire Moth", the strongest hero with the [Salvation] engraving, the strongest warrior of mankind, the hope of civilization at that time, the ancestor of the Kaslana family!

I remember there was also a video of Kevin vs Lauderdale in my previous life.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Kevin has released the sea.

It didn't use any power at all.

It can only be said that everyone is too young, compared to the old comparison of more than 50,000 years, it still takes time to grow, after all, who makes them so strange in this era?

Everyone is normal leveling, and as a result, the big guy from the previous server survived.

There is more than one.

It's strange if you don't crush.

Those who have played the game understand that if you let players who opened a year earlier, that value is a devastating blow to the new district.

It's already a numerical collapse beyond the norm.

Not to mention, more than 50,000 years!

With top talent, it takes time to grow.

New clothes first dozen old clothes first?

Don't be funny, in fact, the situation will only become, the first of the new service may not even be able to beat the top ten of the old service, or the first few.

Alas. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For the old disrespect, more than 50,000 years old things bully me and stupid goose such a little young.

Don't talk about martial virtue.


Fortunately, there is a Su Bai behind him.

Even if you really can't beat it at that time, you can ask him for help, when she thinks of this, Kiana is inexplicably happy in her heart, it's good to have her own in other worlds!

And maybe, when the time comes, he will join forces with the stupid goose to beat Kevin?

Although it sounds a little too filial to suspect.

But it doesn't matter.

Not a big problem.

As for now, Kevin is still in the Quantum Sea, let him slowly continue to talk there.

Looking at such a lively Kiana, Lauderdale also sighed.

"So, you could have not had to fight so fiercely, but you ran to beat up the destiny of heaven."

This made Kiana smile beautifully.

"Hehe, Sister Lauderdale, don't worry, those Valkyries' words, I didn't hurt them, didn't you see it, they had fun with my legion."

After all, he also knew that for Lauderdale, those Valkyries were partners.

"Not to mention the destiny of heaven, it's cool to think about it." Facing Otto, I also gave him a few kicks, oh yes, and two big slaps, and hit him lying on the ground, motionless. "

"And stick him in the wall, like a turnip."

Lauderdale: ...

"Oh, don't look at me like that, I do have a feud with him, let me clean up is also a matter of course, anyway, the destiny of heaven is rich, it doesn't matter."

"~ I also know that sister, you think Otto also has a positive side, which has played a role in maintaining order, and you actually need his help, rest assured, I'm coming!"

"I'll help you!"

Who let himself know everything.

This is to talk about the world bubble in Lauderdale's body, and now it is only integrated into her body to maintain its existence from destruction and existence.

At best, it means "treating the symptoms but not the root cause".

To truly save that world bubble, you must connect to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

For this.

Only Otto might be able to help her.

Looking at this naughty and lively sister, Lauderdale felt that her life was about to change a lot.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Kiana returned to her original appearance and walked into the deepest part of the base with Lauderdale.

Over there.

Another Otto stood there, as if waiting for the two.

After seeing them coming.

Otto smiled gracefully.

"Welcome, Kiana the Void Lawyer, you have created a miracle, haven't you, once made me ecstatic."

"By the way, how many more times do you want to kill me? If you can calm down, it's okay to kill me a few more lives, after all, everyone is smart and it is easy to understand each other. "

He brought up the original archives and materials.

"Well, St. Freya's information is really difficult to get, after all, my granddaughter will lose her temper, I don't want to make her angry."

"Who would have thought that Kiana Kaslanna, who seems to have poor grades and does not love (De Li Hao) to study, is actually a genius who works hard in secret, and she continues to learn very early and enrich herself in the process of wandering."

"The same is true at St. Freya College, which has quietly grown to the level of a genius scientist. Teresa didn't notice anything at all. "

"If I hadn't let Rita search the database, I wouldn't have found your behavior, you are very good at hiding, until now, when you don't hide, it directly surprises everyone."

For Otto's behavior, Kiana's face was indifferent.

Fold your hands to your chest.

Even yawned a little bored.

"As the Bishop of Heavenly Destiny, you can have noticed it for granted, but haven't you been looking forward to my growth?"

"Hope I can surprise you."

"Yes, you almost gave me a fright. Luckily, there's still Lauderdale here. My strongest Valkyrie who is most dependable and reliable. "

Lauderdale was silent about the fire.

What's the use of you saying this, I can't beat her.

But everyone also knows.

Otto himself has several hole cards, and even Lauderdale said that he is not necessarily his opponent and hides too deeply.

But it is precisely because he needs Kiana's help that he will not play a single one.

It's all foxes.

The most straightforward and honest standing here is only Lauderdale.

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