"So, Kiana, I know that past events have affected you a lot, so I'm willing to let you vent your anger too. And, now I sincerely invite you to join my project. "

"You can get what you want, I want to get it, I want it."

"Sometimes, since you can get a mutually satisfactory ending, isn't it?"

"Hmph, Bishop Otto, if you want both sides to be satisfied, then it depends on your ability, let me have a good look."

So what made the Valkyries in the headquarters of Mandate of Heaven confused was that the Law of Emptiness was not only fine, but also directly became everyone's top boss, and was the fourth S-class Valkyrie of Mandate of Heaven.

No way?


She beat us all up before!


Why is this?

And she's a lawyer!

Even Rita, who came back, was stunned and stunned, how come all of a sudden, Kiana became my colleague?

Fu Hua also breathed a sigh of relief.

All right.

It seems that Kiana is smarter than she thought.

After a while.

"Stunned, why is the progress so fast, Otto is already connected to the tree?"

At this time, in a high-rise building of St. Freia's College, there were three people sitting here.

And it was the blowing snow that made this alarm.

"Yes, sucked into the tree and become a slave to the tree. Now, it's up to him what to do. "

"He can only count on Kiana and Lauderdale to finish him off."

"So that you can come down, the battle has begun."

Morgan on the side replied softly.

Instead, Su Bai glanced at her.

"This is not taken for granted, from the beginning, Otto has been experimenting with the Second God Key Thousand Realms One Multiplication, and has been many times."

The purpose is to find the tree of imaginary numbers and reach it.

So now the situation has become 427.

Kiana, the law of emptiness, holds the key of God, this thing was originally made at the core of the void law of the last century, and it was the most suitable thing for Kiana, even without that beacon, it can still play a huge role.

And go beyond the original.

After all, the Void Law is the most fundamental one, not to mention Kiana's strengthening.

So a lot of experiments and plans were completed quickly.

Lauderdale's World Bubble rescue plan has been successfully connected to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, and the World Bubble has the hope of surviving.

She herself became a Tianyuan Yi Rider.

Otto's experiment has gradually reached the final critical period, if you don't understand it, it doesn't matter, to put it bluntly, Otto intends to create a world where [Kalien] can be happy.

You won't die in that disaster, but a new possibility to survive!

Of course.

Blowing snow is also quite complaining, what Uchiha with soil behavior.

So Otto took the initiative to connect himself with the tree, and in an instant he couldn't help himself, the power of emptiness was there, but he couldn't do this at all, you are part of the tree, you are no longer you.

A veritable slave.

It was welded there.

Then the next thing is to try to beat him to death and break away from this connection, so that he can get some of his remaining power and try to open up a new worldline.

"Of course, he can also use this power to dominate this world after separation, the pseudo-god Otto is already very strong, and few can stop him."

Blowing snow shook his head.

But Otto didn't want this at all, and if he made this choice, it wouldn't be him. And backtracking is also impossible from the beginning, and Karen will never agree and agree. "

"No one knows Karen better than Otto." (cecb)

Although, isn't that a bit strange?

But in fact, the biggest Karen blow, looking at the world, is only this bishop of destiny.

The voice fell.

The next moment, the matter on that side was over, and Otto managed to come down and disappear completely.

It's the same as everyone said.

This kind of person who has set out only to resurrect Karen for five hundred years will not choose anything else, he will only make that possibility.

Because that's Otto.

Only Otto of Karen has his eyes in his eyes.

Morgan also sighed.

"Kiana they have already completed the task, although for insurance, she can also take Jinkiana through the chat group and leave there. After all, the pseudo-god Otto surpassed them in strength. "

"Moreover, Su Bai, your power can also cut off Otto's connection."

"But in the end, Otto is still Otto. It's quite an interesting person, although it makes me inexplicably remind, is Karen in love with Yae Sakura? I don't remember exactly, it's too long. "

But if there is this story, how does it feel that Otto is quite green.

Green hat strap well.

Blowing snow.

"However, the later plot has not mentioned this to death."

"Not to mention Otto, Karen is already a faith in his heart, not limited to simple love."

"Honey, how are you observing?"

Su Bai's gaze was always there, and he thought thoughtfully.

"Well, it's okay, I got some information and materials about the tree of imaginary numbers, but this method can't work, connecting with the tree will only become a slave of the tree."

"But this may become a very important key in the future, and this information will come into play in the future."

"Very interesting, the tree of imaginary numbers, worth spending a long time to study, and now, it is the story of Kiana and Teresa."

"Destiny, a new chapter is about to begin."

Yes, the sea change has begun.

Teresa was already dumbfounded.

Originally, she stayed well in St. Freya's Academy, but as a result, three S-class Valkyries from the Mandate Headquarters came, one of which was Kiana.

And according to what they mean.

"What, what? Grandpa fulfilled his wish and left a will. "

"Have you decided, let me become a new bishop? No, isn't it?!! "

She instantly showed the movement of covering her head.

It's really big!

Why did things suddenly become like this!

But the will was handed over to her, and it was really Otto's information.

There is also a series of video and voice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As if she had been ready, give her this position.

Teresa was speechless.

Kiana smiled and said nothing.

After all, Otto is a scumbag, but he is indeed the one who loves Teresa the most, and in the original book, the road is all paved.

What inside, what outside, it's all good.

As long as he dies.

Inverse entropy automatically returns to destiny.

Otto only needs to worry about one thing, that is, Teresa don't do any big work, inexplicably roll over or something, as long as the work is stable, there will be nothing at all.

And Destiny is still automated.

It really went to Teresa's head, unless Teresa fainted, otherwise it was a win.

This bishop's position is secure.

No problem at all.

So Kiana didn't care about this at all, and went directly to Himeko's house.

When she opened the door and saw Nha Yi, her face was overjoyed.

"Bud Yi, it's great, I want to kill you."

Looking at Kiana, who held herself, Bud Yi was speechless.

"Hey, Kiana, didn't you just use the Void Law power yesterday and come over to have a meal with everyone?"

"Bud Yi, you don't understand, I haven't seen you for more than 21 hours."

Bronia also shook her head.

"Sure enough, Kiana this idiot."

And Lauderdale at the door was also very surprised, when she was at the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, Kiana looked very calm and wise, and participated in a lot of research.

Wearing glasses, she is more doctoral than a doctor.

And a lot of projects have been improved and optimized.

The scientists on the other side of the headquarters were very respectful.


As soon as he came back, he automatically changed into a person, and he was so humble, but it was like he first saw her.

It's also more in line with her current age.


Kiana looked very happy.

It seems that this is the life she wants.

Seeing this, Lauderdale thought thoughtfully.

As a result, Kiana first introduced her happily after looking back and seeing her.

"Sister Lauderdale, I have come to introduce you to my bud clothes, my duck ducks. They're all good friends of mine. "

"I'm not your duck!"

She automatically ignored Bronia's sentence.

Moreover, Kiana's face suddenly became alert.

"Oh yes, sister, you can't rob my bud clothes."

After all, in essence, this is also only Kiana.


Why are you so humble.

Truth gives me the whole thing.

Even Nha Yi scolded Kiana in shame.

"Kiana, what the hell are you talking nonsense, don't make trouble!"

Bronia is too lazy to complain about anything, just get used to it, Kiana is such a personality, very normal.

My own words, but I have already seen it strangely.

"Kiana, come back to the Mandate of Heaven headquarters with me, there is an experiment on the study of Avalanche energy that needs you, I didn't expect you, you are so powerful?"

"Even the researchers there are full of praise for you."

"Not going."

"Okay, let's hurry, we won't be able to catch up with the time later, ha, wait, what do you say?!"

At this time, Teresa was angry.

Glared angrily at Kiana.

However, Kiana instantly activated her spatial ability and sat down in another chair at once, and then she rolled her eyes.

"There are so many talents there, and I don't need a B-grade Valkyrie whose grades can only barely pass."

"You call yourself B-class?"

Teresa's voice was a little louder.

When you were at the headquarters some time ago, you were an S-class Valkyrie!!

How long has it been since you stopped doing it?

Who did you learn this?

Not myself anyway!

"I don't care, I do so many things, just for leisure, if I am still so busy, won't I do it for nothing?"

"Not to mention, I'm going to take Bud Yi and Duck Duck to other worlds today."

"Goodbye, Auntie."

"Don't run! It's not right, what did you say just now, other worlds?!! "。

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