It's also good to speed up your practice.

After arriving at St. Freya's Academy, Rosalyn was surprised by the new and different architectural style.

A completely different feeling from Liyue.

Be more prepared.

It was as if civilizations were different in nature, especially when Kiana learned that this was another world, and she was shocked.

Is it really good to bring me here?"

"This kind of thing is too amazing to let me know, right? "

Even if she lived for five hundred years.

But that is to say, from one country to another.

Where have you traveled across the world?

Kiana, on the other hand, grinned.

A look full of insect smell.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're also your own person, after all, aren't you Su Bai's what? "

As a result, Rosalyn said with a red face, and hurriedly explained out loud.

"I, I haven't been with him so fast, yet, yet.."

Kiana was surprised.

"Why are you blushing, I mean, aren't you his good assistant?"


What a shame.

Did you want to be crooked?

After all, such an amazing secret, he is not his woman, if he is not his woman, he is not qualified to know it, right?


What are you thinking?

Especially when she thought of Su Bai and his women's various lives, sounds and pictures, it made her flustered.

It was a huge shock and shock.

For her, who is not yet a woman, she is very overwhelmed and panicked.


Deep down, I may also have a little expectation.


Damn it! Don't want to!

However, Kiana smiled inwardly, this Rosalyn is really funny, how does it feel like a soft and gentle big sister?

Like this one.

Bullying is the most fun.

It turns out that normal Rosalyn is such a gentle woman.

After going to the academy, Rosalyn also met the woman who wanted to teach her, a person who looked expressionless, wore a pair of glasses, and seemed to be a little serious.

Plus a little quiet and nonchalance.

To put it bluntly, serious glasses.

However, Kiana patted her chest and introduced it happily.

This is a reliable and trustworthy class leader Fu Hua!

Looking at Kiana who rubbed herself, Fu Hua looked helpless, Kiana always acted unreasonably, was very cordial with herself, and did not care about her push away and sternness.

So they have a good relationship.

And Kiana is also proud, hahaha.

And the class leader looks old-fashioned, in fact, if you pay attention to it, you will find that her popularity in the academy is very high, and many Valkyries have a good impression of her.

Fu Hua is not simple.

In fact, the personality charm is excellent.

Although it is a little Shenzhou tablet, cough, when this idea came up, Kiana quickly extinguished it, scared to death, and thought that the squad leader's fist was glowing!

What is the warning of opening the sky!

After all, with Kiana's character, as a female Su Bai, she is even more skinny, and she has indeed angered Fu Hua in the past.

At that time, Fu Hua looked calm.

But it's more like the oppression that preceded the storm.

Then she looked at Kiana, who was quickly selling cute and trying to get through the cute, and spoke up indifferently.

"Do you think I won't hit you then?"

"Kind of a lesson to you, Kiana, you're so skinny. "

After that time, Kiana had tears in the corners of her eyes.

The squad leader's fist is so hard.



The past is unbearable to look back on, it is all gone, it's okay.

Under normal circumstances.

Fu Hua is still very approachable.

Very good to get along with.

Whoever doesn't believe it, give that guy an inch of strength.

So after watching Rosalyn and Fu Hua start training and one-move competition, Kiana also nodded with satisfaction and went to find Bud Yi, there is no need to stay here all the time.

"So that's the case, are you from another world, no wonder your power is so strange, not a collapse energy, but a system I don't know." "

"And it has a very heavy taste of martial arts, well, immortal martial arts? "

"It's also very subtle, very different from mine, very similar to the last time Kiana used it, could it be from the same person, can you see that it is a master who has studied martial arts." "

"If I could talk to them and talk to them, maybe I would benefit a lot." "

Fu Hua mused.


A country very similar to Shenzhou.

What kind of parallel world?

She was indeed interested.

Before Teresa, they heard that they went to that world, and brought back a lot of photos, some of which were taken by them on the fairy boat, which made her watch silently, which was indeed very Shenzhou style.

Unlike technology.

Instead, he carried forward the Immortal Dao style and an alchemy.

The immortal warship that can fly in the sky, travels all over the sea, sees the heaven and the earth, and each is different, and it seems that the driving energy is also different,

The simplest way seems to be to identify by color.

A new civilization, a new development.

It's fun.

At that time, you can also let Kiana take herself over to see, after all, I heard that the other party is also a civilized and friendly country, and there is no collapse there, which is really peculiar,

She was flabbergasted.

Could it be that the world has crossed the collapse?

Doesn't that mean that hope has emerged?

As a result, there was no collapse at all, it was another new energy, the elemental force.

Seven different elemental forces.

All right.

And, similar to Shenzhou, it will make you feel a lot of intimacy, right?


Does the one who taught Kiana and this Rosalind know her?

He even wrote a book on the Red Kite Immortal and its martial arts?

Mo Fei.

An old friend?

It's a lot of mystery.

So Rosalyn was flabbergasted.

"You, you are the Red Kite Immortal?"

Fu Hua was still so indifferent.

"Well, but you don't have me in that world, so it's okay if you want this to be an immortal." "

She doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"No, no need, how can I be embarrassed, I will think about it again when the time comes, and then I will ask the immortals to guide and teach me!"

"Good!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

So Rosalind's practice began, and she was also very shocked, this Fu Hua was able to discover her shortcomings at once, and gave advice to make her practice smoother.

Such a great eye and talent.

This is what she doesn't know, Fu Hua has lived for 50,000 years, and he has long studied martial arts, studied thoroughly, and created many moves, which is a veritable first immortal of Shenzhou!

And the only immortal!

Five hundred years like her.

It's just young.

So she feels that she has improved a lot, and she is also advancing by leaps and bounds for this move, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo, just in a short time, she can have such a harvest, which is worthy of being a red kite immortal!

After this.

She also practiced very smoothly and revived this trick.

Too Void Phoenix!

Phoenix manifestation!

It's just that this Fu Hua is also silent.

"~ Doesn't it mean that there is already a phoenix charm?"

"Yes, look at the hair on the head, and the tail. "

In Fu Hua's eyes, it was a larger white giant chicken, but now there were a few more red hairs on its head, like red feathers of a red kite, and a circle grew at the tail.

It looks a lot more powerful!


Aren't you still a giant chicken!

At most, turn into a red-haired battle chicken!

This, this has nothing to do with the red kite and the phoenix.

Especially when Rosalind thanked her gratefully, Fu Hua quickly waved her hand.

"No, please don't say that I taught you in the future, you'd better not say that you know any Red Kite Immortal, just know me Fuhua." "


This made her resentful, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

How to say it.

Cultivating to this point, she noticed that no matter how she practiced, she would add a little hair at most, and if she wanted to be truly reborn from the ashes and transform into a phoenix, she had to become an immortal.

But before that, this cultivation must be completed.

That is, you have to withstand the move of the white giant chicken, and use it for a long time.

This magical power, that's it.

It's not that she practiced wrong or something!


At that time, Su Bai deliberately pretended to be very indifferent, looking like he didn't know what was going on, and he cut it for a long time and was black, what a black monster!

Deliberately teasing yourself, right?

Damn it.

I really want to hammer him.

Now, even this Red Kite Immortal dislikes himself.

Rosalyn (Wang Zhao) wanted to cry without tears.

And Fu Hua quickly explained.

"I don't mean anything else, Miss Rosalind, you are indeed a genius, please be confident in yourself. "

"Whoosh. I almost believed it. "

The other side.

"Huh, invite me on a trip?"

"Uh-huh, after all, you are my best friend, let's go, let's go to Meru together." My dear friend. "

In Liyue's home, the Great Cishu King, who had returned to his normal posture, smiled softly at Su Bai.

Wearing a pure white and verdant long dress, the fair skin exposed on her shoulders seems to be like a natural beauty jade, and the gentleness and intellectual beauty make her a little more moving.

However, when he noticed that Su Bai had been looking at her, his emerald green eyes showed a hint of panic.

It then disappeared without a trace.

Once she was a loving goddess of wisdom, she didn't care about that, even if it was the behavior of Su Bai and other women, she smiled and expressed her blessings.

It's just delusional now.

The shame and panic of being a woman began to flood her heart.

It made her feel wonderful and complicated.


Su Bai also nodded.

"Then let's go. "

He didn't stare at her for a long time, otherwise the Great Cishu King wouldn't know what to do.


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