She breathed a sigh of relief.


They disappeared here and went to Meru, the land of wisdom.

The country of grass managed by the little auspicious grass king.

After Nasida was rescued, Su Bai rescued the Great Cishu King by the way, so this is a normal Nasida, not only that, but also the Great Compassion Tree King often goes back to teach her.

Let the little grass king grow smoothly and absorb a series of experience in governance.

So that Meru has always been stable.

Normal development.

At the beginning, Su Bai also gave something to Nasida to facilitate the frying of fish.

It's a pity that the fish is honest.

Otherwise, the fools will have to have fewer executives.

After coming to the Meru Realm, the Great Mercy Tree King turned into another look, no longer the appearance of the goddess before, but the classic dress of the female scholar of the Imperial Academy, and it was no longer so dazzling and outstanding.

Even the posture is much more ordinary.

Then she smiled softly and winked cutely.

It's like a young woman.

"Don't look at me like that, my time has passed, if I am recognized, it is not a good thing, maybe I am too dazzling in the eyes of the past Meru and the scholars of the Orderly Academy. "

"It has seriously affected Nasida itself, so I should continue to not exist." "

Based on the death of the Great Compassion Tree King himself, the little auspicious grass king Nasida also needs to make a lot of merits and matters in order to gradually increase his prestige.

But even so.

Not to mention surpassing the Great Compassion Tree King, it is difficult to stand side by side with the Great Compassion Tree King.

This is the first generation is too dazzling, but will embarrass the subsequent successors.

Not to mention that if her Great Compassion Tree King reappeared, then Nasida would be even more embarrassed, and the previous efforts would dissipate a lot at once.

She is a gentle god who has long planned not to interfere anymore.

Just teaching Nasida.

Therefore, now she is just the little cute tree king in Su Bai's family, a woman who likes to browse knowledge.

"Not to mention, your Lisa said that I was just a stupid little sister, then I would be fine." "

Wise, she also showed playful eyes.

Su Bai also smiled slightly.

Today's Great Cishu King is becoming more and more girly and cute.

Just like the honest person who planted the tree silently, he also began to usher in a new life and 893 changes.

The two laughed as they walked.

This time, it was the Great Cishu King who took the initiative to invite, and she wanted to have a happy conversation and play with Su Bai.

After all.

Su Bai in the book has always praised himself.

She was embarrassed.

Having such a friend who has always understood him is of course happy, so I can't snub him.

And after they arrived at the Church, it caused a sensation.

Of course.

This is all because of Su Bai, and has nothing to do with the disguised Great Cishu King.

On the contrary, the Great Cishu King felt strange.

Why are many female scholars in the crowd looking at themselves so badly?

She thought it was funny.

You guys.


And after going to the innermost area, Nasida was also happy to look at Su Bai and the Great Compassion Tree King, and ran directly over, clinging to the two of them like a child.

One is the previous grass god, Lord Dacishu Wang whom she respects.

One is Su Bai who saved her, the one who took her to see the light again when she was most helpless.

Both are important people.


Naturally very dependent, and very close to the relationship.

After a laughing conversation at the reunion, Nasida also talked about the changes and governance of the desert today, which is much better than in the past.

The desert greening project has been greatly advanced.

In the past, at Su Bai's suggestion, the little auspicious grass king led the Imperial Academy, and began to imitate the [Faliuna Divine Machine], even if it could not be restored, it was just a miniature version.

This requires the divine power of the grass god to create.

But indeed, under the guidance of Su Bai, he successfully made a small one, which quickly greened part of the desert, planting trees and expanding the rainforest territory everywhere.

A series of technologies have also begun to be put in and the land transformed.

Let the desert people who are willing to join this side of the rainforest live here and build their homes.

People on both sides mix together to form a whole.

After all, Meru has been supporting the desert in terms of funding and policy, and those who are hostile and shouting for the red king are all expelled aside, and there is no need for this kind of goods.

There is always a second goods that say that the tree king killed the red king and usurped the land.

But in fact, King Dacishu was the last one to serve as the ruler of the Seven Earthly Ages.

She also made the rainforest.

The Red King's side was not completely blown up by the taboo knowledge, and it was also her help.

Now Meru is all under her control.

Not to mention if you really want to push forward.

When it comes to who is the owner of this land, it is really not the turn of these demon gods.

Grass Dragon: Say a hair! Climb it for me!

However, on the scale of time, what red king, what flower god, are just passers-by of this land, like a gust of wind, set off a mighty movement.

In the end, it also fell into the wind and sand.

So now this land is indeed managed by the Meru rainforest.

Not to mention, what Su Bai meant, it was even more unshakable.

So the smarter desert people are now much more comfortable than in the past, with clear springs and vegetation and rainforest, fertile land for planting, and lush meadows for grazing.

Clear rivers are a source of life that was difficult to have in the past.

With all that, there is everything.

Like what day did it be?

Hungry for a full meal, hunting, robbing, the land is like this, planting does not grow much food, or cultivate sandworms.

What I drink on weekdays is also bitter salt water.


For the people of the desert, this is not something that can be drunk very often.

And at that time, Su Bai taught Nasida to do this method of providing free food and supplies for a few days to these desert people who were willing to come and live, so that they would die of happiness and joy, and the New Year's Day.

However, free stuff has always been the most expensive.

Want it after?

Then go to the liver, then go to the roll, participate in all kinds of work and construction, and exchange contributions for results.

Bring the desert people along.

Once you've seen a good life, it's hard to let go.

Not to mention that these desert people may be placed in Meru City, the profession is not right, there are not many capable, but in this new rainforest that is in ruins, it is necessary to work hard.

The construction involved, on the contrary, is the counterpart.

So the desert people rolled one by one, and in order to settle here, they kept working hard.

Nasida was speechless.


This is indeed much better than their previous lives.

At this point, the rainforest of Meru is also expanding.

Nasida inherited the spirit of the tree king to make trees, and led the Decree Institute to engage in greening, coupled with Su Bai's spirit of building roads first if he wanted to be rich, and now the area over there is in all directions.

Convenient transportation.

On the contrary, many people from other countries have also gone to do business.

Inexplicably, it develops faster.

Meru is a sign of prosperity.

Nasida felt how useful the road construction that Su Bai said was.

Is this the simple wisdom from Liyue?

For this reason, the sand wall has also been demolished a lot, and now it exists as an ornamental function. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It has to be said.

The name of this thing is very subtle.

At this time, Nasida said something.

"By the way, there are many diehards who believe in the Red King, and after failing to resist, they chose to flee to the depths of the desert. "

"Recently, there is a desert tribe that is very active, a tribe called [Tanit], led by the main mother Babel, and it is rumored that they are trying to peek into the [Eternal Oasis], intending to use it as a development place to re-establish the desert civilization. "

It is precisely because of this gossip that many desert people have gone to each other.

This Tanit tribe grew in momentum.

So Nasida is still quite worried about these guys, making a lot of trouble, and even endangering this side of the Meru rainforest when the time comes.

After all.

She is a second-generation grass god and does not know what is going on over there.

"Eternal Oasis?"

The Great Cishu King was stunned for a moment.

"That place can't be used as a place for development at all." "

Even Su Bai, who was sitting next to her, nodded.

"That's right, the Eternal Oasis was a long time ago, and it wasn't long before it collapsed, not to mention that I had been there before. "

King Daci Tree: ...

You dug it through there again, didn't you?

Isn't this collapsing faster?

That so-called eternal oasis, legend has it that the flower god sleeps and will return one day or something, but they are all old fritters here, can they not know there, the flower god died early.

Don't sleep there at all.

It was at that time that the Red King received those town spirits and made the promise that the flower god would wake up.

The Zhenling [Lilupal] in the original plot followed Ying there, and found nothing, knowing that this was just a pretense of nothingness, and the flower god had died a long time ago.

It is also again furious, and sighing.

It's a dream after all.

This is the plot after the golden dreamland.

What forest book, desert book, flower god book, just ask you if the liver is finished.

That's called a liver fee.

And to put it bluntly, the [Tanit] tribe and the main mother Babel are the stories that revolve around that Jede.

It also made Su Bai's face strange at first.

What G&D?

Are you also with filial piety?

Okay, but in fact, her father sent it to save everyone.

But now, these two people are alive and well, as the connection between the Meru rainforest and the desert, taking up work everywhere.

And the originally normal development is that the tribe of the main mother Babel will be taken by Jede, bloodbath + clan.


It still exists.

And about this main mother Babel, Su Bai also knows something.

An ambitious woman.

Constantly secretly killing other elders who threaten his status, maintaining his position and rule by iron-blooded means, and always trying to go to and seize the Eternal Oasis.

Take it as the center, reclaim the land and build a strong civilization.

At that time, in the name of the divine messenger under the flower god, or the person who accepts the divine will, he can submit to the other desert tribes and unify.

As for the living, dead, sleeping god of flowers?

None of this matters.

She even wished that there were no other distractions there, anyway, her mouth grew on them, and she could arrange it however she wanted.

At the end of the day, it's an oasis.

Play Unity.

There will even be a wave to counterattack the Meru Rainforest side.

After all, the mind of desert people is easy to guess, they have always lived in the desert, and the pattern is like this.

If the sky is broken, that is to attack the rainforest.

No matter how high it is, it can't be high.

Playing rule, that is only slavery, hoping to improve the conditions of other tribes, that is a dream.

It is not for nothing that desert people are ignorant.

On the side of the rainforest, on the contrary, a lot of wisdom has been opened.

So in history, as soon as God is gone, this side of the desert is chaos and slaughter, torn apart, slaves other tribes, bloody and cruel, and the degree of civilization is like this.

It's fun.

Even if the screen of the original plot has done a series of major things in other countries, in the eyes of this tribe, he is still an adventurer who does not know the so-called.

Little characters!

Just find two random people and you can kill them.

And this behavior has been repeated.

Send people at every turn and want to kill Ying.


Short-sighted, dominated by desire, and low in pattern, so Zhenling [Lilupar] said that it is normal for the main mother Babel to have servility in her body.

It's just that.

The back is indeed a clown.

An entire tribe was killed by Ying and Jede, and so was she.

And [Eternal Oasis], the paradise of the past, the eternal moment where water and sky meet, the tomb of the flower god, is guarded by the great town spirit [Phyllgis].

It gave up its form and voluntarily sealed the Yuan Energy Structure Body Machinery.

Maintenance of the energy supply mechanism that maintains the eternal oasis.

In the past, Su Bai curiously studied the technology of the oasis, and later found that the operation here and a series of cycles such as underground water supply pipes were essentially operated by Zhenling fragments + mechanical construction shells.

After engaging for a long time, the fun technology did not see anything.

It's all magic!

Because in order to maintain their existence, the spirit of the town will always radiate its power, so that it can provide water or form a small oasis.

The Red King had ordered some of the town spirits to provide water resources for the city of Gür and nearby places.

What a tool to calm the spirit.

Su Bai shook his head.

So the oasis thing fell into disrepair, it was only a matter of time before it died, and it didn't take long to collapse, once again embodying the clown of the main mother Babel.

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